Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Proof Positive

Proof Positive
By Allen Merritt © 2018

There is no doubt in my mind how positivity enhances the way we look at living, loving and learning. Channeling a positive attitude and outlook has a direct impact on health and overall well-being. Just as misery loves company, positive responses generate positive results much like smiling at someone usually produces another smile. It's like looking in the mirror and seeing yourself. 

For me, I have always had an interest in human behavior and individual differences as they relate to why people treat each other the way they do. This was a direct result of watching adults hurt one another in a number of ways from the physical to the mental.

As a component to what I love to do I wanted to get involved in what I initially referred to as motivational therapy. I wanted to inspire, encourage and motivate others to reach out and grasp the best of the best in themselves.

Personally, I grew up an only child, a loner, an introvert riddled with shyness and uncertainty. Somehow, I found ways to survive and overcome numerous circumstances. And I wondered how and why someone like me could and would do that while others could not.

I felt resilience was something that could be nurtured, built and utilized as a means to overcome. I believed I was a master of my fate and held the ability and power to improve and change my circumstances.

Anyway, when I returned to college I found no such program to support my curiosity and chose psychology as the closest I could get to what I was interested in. There I learned how most proponents concurred that resilience was an innate trait. You either had it or you didn’t. I did not support that philosophy and still do not to this day.

Interestingly, as I rounded out my years of study to get an undergrad degree in psychology I discovered there was a new arm in the field making headway and supporting more of my ideals. That field of study is known as Positive Psychology and it has come a long way since I initially entered the classroom.

My point in sharing this is to shine light on how positivity aides us in making each day a better day, if we choose to let it. It is a mindset and strategy which allows individuals to move forward in any given situation. I am a living testament to this. I am proof positive how using a positive and considerate approach produces better outcomes overall.

But it is not just me AND it is not about me. It’s about the whole of humanity.

These ideals about our being able to heal, respond appropriately, improve circumstances, rise above a situation and achieve better outcomes have been encircling us for years. For example, Norman Vincent Peale wrote about such things long ago and they still apply today. Look at some of his book titles.
  • You Can if You Think You Can
  • Enthusiasm Makes the Difference
  • The Amazing Results of Positive Thinking
  • Stay Alive All Your Life
  • The Power of Positive Thinking
  • A Guide to Confident Living

What a great contribution this man gave us by tuning us into something of value to our existence. He simply reminded us not to forget that side of ourselves. His body of work is proof positive that positivity exists and is a proponent of a healthy lifestyle.

I believe in feeling good.

I think positivity is a primary factor in promoting that good feeling.

All we have to do is accept it and embrace it.

Will you do that?

Have a great week finding that positive sweet spot.


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