Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Happy Hour: All Day, Every Day!

Happy Hour: All Day, Every Day!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

Is there anyone who doesn’t love the idea of having a “Happy Hour?”

I see Happy Hour signs posted all over the place in bars, restaurants, coffee shops and more.

Happy Hour is a celebration.

Generally, it takes place between specified times in the mid to late afternoon and prior to dinner time. It is also a marketing strategy to attract business by offering cheaper drinks. For many, I would dare say, Happy Hour is all about the opportunity for alcohol and escaping the day’s labor issues. Businesses look to ply customers with liquor to make money while individuals look to it as a reason to escape and party. No day or week is complete without a good old post work Happy Hour. But do we always need to correlate Happy Hour with needing a drink?

Personally, I like the idea of having Happy Hour as it pertains to our ability to enjoy our lives in an uplifting and positive way. In this way, Happy Hour is every part of every day. That is, if we let it. Pursuing “happy” helps our spirits soar. If life is short and Happy Hour is a celebration, then shouldn’t it be happening all the time?

Doesn’t it make sense to say the Happy Hour embodies time spent in pursuing our joys? If so, why limit it to a specific means, time frame or place?

In terms of positivity, we can allow every moment to be a happy one. What are some other ways to celebrate our lives as one big Happy hour? Of course, this depends on individual differences, but here are some great reminders.
  • Taking a walk and exploring new places
  • Hiking
  • Beachcombing
  • Boating at the lake
  • Camping
  • Yoga
  • Comedy Clubs
  • Biking
  • Calling a friend
  • Lounging at a park
  • Sitting on the front porch
  • Curling up with a book

Plenty of options are available to recognize and find your happy place. Not all of them cost money either. Visit it often! Your attitude will change and become brighter, because the Happy Hour truly is a pathway to a more peaceful state of mind. 

If you have to designate a special time for your Happy Hour, go ahead and do it. Think of it as your special “Me” time. I mean, we all have to work and get things done in the real world. All I am suggesting is to make a lighter time of it and think of each second as a chance to celebrate your happy.

Diving into our happy space simply means being present and embracing the experience as it happens.

Long idea short, Happy Hour isn’t restricted to anything in particular, so take each moment and turn it into a chance to feel good about yourself, others and the world you live in. Happy Hour should be celebrated all day, every day!

I propose not limiting Happy Hour to after work, bars or alcohol. Redefine your party and discover a whole new meaning to what Happy Hour is.

With this in mind, here’s to you and every Happy Hour you can discover. May it lead to a healthier positive mindset and a more enjoyable day!


Sunday, September 23, 2018

Appreciation is Highly Appreciated!

Appreciation is Highly Appreciated!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

I woke up this morning to a couple of kind emails. Both expressed thanks and gratitude for the work I do with one of my jobs. Isn’t that nice?

Imagine rising up at around 6:30 am, opening up those emails and starting your day off with a pleasant surprise. It’s like tearing the wrapping paper off a gift and discovering the goodies inside. It felt good to have such a show of support, simple as it was. I guess it doesn’t take much for us to be happy, but it does take something.

I began to think of several incidents in my life for which the opposite took place. As a result (or lack of support), I ended up leaving various opportunities. I suppose there is a time within each of us where we have to walk away and put things behind us. For me, it generally happens when someone, a group or an entity of any sort begins to demonstrate a lack of care for anything other than their own agenda and it plays out in derogative and negative ways. When you are not valued or recognized for your participation in or contribution to the things you are involved in whether that is a job, a special project or what have you, it generally becomes a disrespectful (and at times a misrepresentation) and produces a volatile and negative environment. Then it turns into a question of whether to hang in there for the long haul. Is the opportunity worth it?

For me, I tend to hang on longer than I should, anticipating how things may not be as they seem. I like to give people and situations a chance as long as they are giving me one in return. I appreciate collaborations, as well as a healthy give and take.

As I get older, I find I like any sense of appreciation. I want to feel appreciated. When it doesn’t happen and I see people treated disrespectfully, with rudeness or discarded as garbage, then I have to rethink the purpose of being there. In some cases, a job is just a job, but simple humanity must come into play for any of it to work. In this capacity, life is a two way street and not a “do as I say” mentality.

As I reflect on my previous work history, I realized when I decide I am done; I am truly done and walk away. No turning back! And I KNOW why.

The purpose of this reflection is shed light on how important building a sturdy and stable foundation of positivity is for each of us. Operating with a lack of care for the individual only produces opportunity to lord power over them via control, manipulation and vindictiveness. Now, not all situations are like this. Sometimes the job has to get done despite what is going on with any one individual. Decisions have to be made. This is understandable. But in light of those organizations who fail to support those which support them, the consequences will continue to remain negative and toxic, especially when applied with apathy.

In any case, as I woke to such a wonderful experience this morning, I looked back for a minute and understood how taking a positive approach works so much better than allowing negativity to brew and fester.

I also thought about what I can do today to pay it forward and give in kind to someone else. Is there someone I need to appreciate and say thank you to? Am I having a difficult time with anybody due to misunderstandings? Can I reconcile and grow some peace in any given situation? I mean, I am a part of this world, too. I have to put out want I want to receive. If there is nothing I can do to make the best of a particular situation, then I can let it go and move on.

Here’s something else, don’t beat yourself up or anybody else. Positivity means not wishing any ill will on others or yourself.  If it’s not working, it’s not working. Let it be only that. There is power in civility and respect. And, there is power in appreciation as indicated by the emails I received this morning. Every little bit counts.

Go out there and enjoy your week and help others do the same.


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Turning on a Dime!

Turning on a Dime!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

Today I find myself reflecting on how things change, not just the idea of change in and of itself, but how things can change suddenly or in an instant. As I continue to look for the good in each day I specifically began pondering how to turn things around. I want to make every endeavor about discovering positive elements.

A few weeks ago I planned a trip into the city to work on a project with my coach and after I arrived I received a notification they would need to cancel the appointment as their flight was delayed and causing a backlash of events. (Funny thing was later I found out my coach was in the city I actually reside!)

Again, best laid plans didn’t work out. It reminds me of a lyric I keep hearing in a song that goes something like, “We make our plans and we hear God laughing.” I appreciate the humor! Finding humor in our wasted efforts is a good way to activate positivity in the moment.

Anyway, I made the most of my time. I decided to head toward the beach. I guess it was meant to be, because as I pulled into the parking lot I spotted a man searching for someone to pay it forward to. I pulled up thinking they were about to pull out of their spot (which he was) and he approached my window and asked if I wanted the remaining time left on his parking pass. I thanked him and took advantage of the offer. How’s that for positivity showing it’s face!

I parked and headed out across the fine white sand and enjoyed the view, the smells, watched sailboats teetering on by. It was a lovely little treat, as it turns out. I ended up splashing around, ducking waves and playing in the water for a while. I felt like a child at heart. It was a blast! And this was the result of life turning on a dime.

Now, fast forward to the last week when I was all set with plans for work and activities. My manager calls and tells me I have a interview for a costar role in a sitcom. I immediately cancelled two work gigs I had already been slated to show up for and made my way to the audition instead. I left feeling elated and seeing the value in the change. Life turn on a dime and I gained a sense of satisfaction and a perfect opportunity to be seen and heard for a great job. Whether I got it or not didn’t matter, because I was getting a chance to be seen for something really cool. I mean, not everybody gets such an opportunity. And they may remember me in the future; another positive result from going with the flow.

A few days later, this happened again for an even greater role in a major established cable series. I changed everything around and headed out to make the appointment. It all felt really good. Who knows what will become of any of it, but the experience in and of itself was worth taking the risks and moving things around for.

Life is interesting. We have to take advantage of finding the wonder in it as it is happening even when it changes and turns us around like these experiences I’m sharing indicate. 

When we do, positivity envelops us. All we have to do in return is embrace it back. I think this allows us to keep our hopes and dreams alive simultaneously. Good things are happening. I want to allow them to happen and shout out to the world how ready I am for them to take place even if it means changing my plans because things happen the way they do.

If I have to turn on a dime, I want to be happy about it. I want to discover less reasons to whine and complain or feel perturbed. Don’t we all?

Let’s get ready and be prepared to allow those good things to come into our lives and trust they are happening at the right moment and for the right reasons whether we have to turn on a dime or not.

Have a great week taking on those challenges and living life on a positive note.


Friday, September 14, 2018

Let’s Get “Egg-ey” With it!

Let’s Get “Egg-ey” With it!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

My day started off with a bang, quite literally!

You see, I placed a peeled hardboiled egg into the microwave, turned it on and walked away. Next thing I hear is a “Pop” sound. I immediately yanked the microwave door open to witness what use to be an egg. It was an egg gone haywire, an egg gone wrong! It imploded itself all over the interior of the microwave.

What did I do?

I laughed.

After all, laughter is good medicine, isn’t it?

I giggled and chuckled for a few minutes while I cleaned up the mess. I thought, “Well, this isn’t all that bad. I think I discovered a new way to make scrambled eggs.” The next thing I thought of was how my mother used to say, “It ain’t no fun unless it’s messy.”

Later, I pondered my egg wrangling adventure and realized it was such a positive experience to not react or respond negatively.

Look, I could have gotten perturbed, upset, angry and even beat myself up a bit for being so careless. I could have whined and complained while shaking my head back and forth during the clean up process. “I don’t have time for this!”

Ultimately, I found the humor in the incident and found it refreshing. As I think on it, I always wanted to participate in a food fight!

I guess I was having a slightly off day, because a little while later I was making myself a banana peanut butter smoothie and I took the straw I had ready to suck up my smoothie with and literally placed in the jar of peanut butter. I don’t know why. I guess my aim was bad. But no worries, I laughed it up again.

I chalked it all up to me being silly and the universe poking around and having a little fun with me. The humor just kept on coming!

Further into the day I was writing up a couple of complaint letters in reference to some poorly handled business transactions at a local business I visited. I decided I wanted to convey my concern for the lack of quality services.

Anyway, I received a return email stating the information was received and would be forwarded to the appropriate party. At the bottom of the email was listed the name of the person sending the response. It was signed “Carma.” I spotted that and again the laughter began. What are the odds of that happening? Carma (sounds like Karma) was going to go back and handle the situation and seek out a positive resolution.

In due course, my response is how I choose it to be. The more I think positively, the better chance my natural reaction will be just that…positive. This is true across the board.

Just before sitting down to write up this story of events, which could have been not so nice experiences, I came across a social media post I liked, which makes sense in light of how we have choices in the way we think, act and behave.

"Optimism is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Giving back is a choice. Forgiveness is a choice. Being honest is a choice. Spoken words are choice. Teaching others is a choice. Showing gratitude is a choice. Respecting others is a choice."

Make a choice to seek out the positive in everything and reflect it back.

Find the silly in the fumbles and enjoy them. No one ever becomes successful by never making a mistake no matter how small or large it is. So we might as well make the most of it and find a reason to laugh here and there along the way.

With that in mind, go out there and make the best of your day!


Monday, September 10, 2018

Learn To Live a Better Life!

Learn To Live a Better Life!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

Read a post today. It said, “Learn to live a better life.”

I was immediately struck with the idea of how everything we do is learning, training and practicing. Our entire life is nothing short of continuing education. And, when it comes to staying in the positive mindset, it is the same. We can entrain our minds, hearts and spirits to live positively.

Human beings have the innate ability to change their circumstances. We are not as stuck in the same old same old as some might think. We are resilient. It takes practice and initiative to travel down this path. And, it doesn’t have to be perfect in the way we usually think of “perfect.”

So let’s think about this for a minute.

How can we actively learn, engage and participate in self-discovering the principles of positivity? What are some typical pathways?

Think before responding
Take a step back before taking a step forward
Reading positive messages
Listening to good thoughts
Paying attention to good and goodness
Actively seeking out the positive
Surrounding yourself with a healthy support system
Taking workshops, classes and attending positive events

These are all great avenues and resource ideas, which correspond with developing a positive mindset among other things, but the means are limitless in regard to how we gain and maintain a sense of positivity.

If approximately 80% of our thoughts are negative, then 20% of those passing thoughts are positive. How can we best utilize the 80/20 rule to flip the script from the negative to favor that which is more positive?

One thing might be to consciously remind ourselves how we were as children and seek out the happier frame of mind. Run, play, fantasize, imagine, laugh and get lost in the wonder of it all, because there is still much to amaze about in this world.

Another idea is how humans tend to make things harder than necessary. Ease up on yourself and others. Don’t hold on too tightly to anything.

We have to observe our thoughts and purposefully, intentionally and actively engage in implementing a positive lifestyle even if it is a little at a time. It also helps to think of someone other than ourselves. Reaching out and being of service to others is a great positivity builder and reminds us how we are all actually stewards of whatever it is we are given to take care of. This includes our very existence. Therefore, take as best care of yourself as you can. Why let the toxins keep building up in your body, mind, soul and spirit when you can release the tension and begin experiencing more of the joy and peace you long for?

Maybe that sounds too oversimplified, but truthfully there isn’t anything simple. It takes work to achieve with ease or at least making it look easy.

But it IS possible. Explore your options on building a positive mindset and living life on a positive note. We are all capable of learning to live a better life in the best way we can…if we only make effort and try.

Get out there and have a wonderful week learning to live your better life and ergo make life better.

I provided some helpful links below for further review, which help accentuate positivity training. 
