Sunday, September 23, 2018

Appreciation is Highly Appreciated!

Appreciation is Highly Appreciated!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

I woke up this morning to a couple of kind emails. Both expressed thanks and gratitude for the work I do with one of my jobs. Isn’t that nice?

Imagine rising up at around 6:30 am, opening up those emails and starting your day off with a pleasant surprise. It’s like tearing the wrapping paper off a gift and discovering the goodies inside. It felt good to have such a show of support, simple as it was. I guess it doesn’t take much for us to be happy, but it does take something.

I began to think of several incidents in my life for which the opposite took place. As a result (or lack of support), I ended up leaving various opportunities. I suppose there is a time within each of us where we have to walk away and put things behind us. For me, it generally happens when someone, a group or an entity of any sort begins to demonstrate a lack of care for anything other than their own agenda and it plays out in derogative and negative ways. When you are not valued or recognized for your participation in or contribution to the things you are involved in whether that is a job, a special project or what have you, it generally becomes a disrespectful (and at times a misrepresentation) and produces a volatile and negative environment. Then it turns into a question of whether to hang in there for the long haul. Is the opportunity worth it?

For me, I tend to hang on longer than I should, anticipating how things may not be as they seem. I like to give people and situations a chance as long as they are giving me one in return. I appreciate collaborations, as well as a healthy give and take.

As I get older, I find I like any sense of appreciation. I want to feel appreciated. When it doesn’t happen and I see people treated disrespectfully, with rudeness or discarded as garbage, then I have to rethink the purpose of being there. In some cases, a job is just a job, but simple humanity must come into play for any of it to work. In this capacity, life is a two way street and not a “do as I say” mentality.

As I reflect on my previous work history, I realized when I decide I am done; I am truly done and walk away. No turning back! And I KNOW why.

The purpose of this reflection is shed light on how important building a sturdy and stable foundation of positivity is for each of us. Operating with a lack of care for the individual only produces opportunity to lord power over them via control, manipulation and vindictiveness. Now, not all situations are like this. Sometimes the job has to get done despite what is going on with any one individual. Decisions have to be made. This is understandable. But in light of those organizations who fail to support those which support them, the consequences will continue to remain negative and toxic, especially when applied with apathy.

In any case, as I woke to such a wonderful experience this morning, I looked back for a minute and understood how taking a positive approach works so much better than allowing negativity to brew and fester.

I also thought about what I can do today to pay it forward and give in kind to someone else. Is there someone I need to appreciate and say thank you to? Am I having a difficult time with anybody due to misunderstandings? Can I reconcile and grow some peace in any given situation? I mean, I am a part of this world, too. I have to put out want I want to receive. If there is nothing I can do to make the best of a particular situation, then I can let it go and move on.

Here’s something else, don’t beat yourself up or anybody else. Positivity means not wishing any ill will on others or yourself.  If it’s not working, it’s not working. Let it be only that. There is power in civility and respect. And, there is power in appreciation as indicated by the emails I received this morning. Every little bit counts.

Go out there and enjoy your week and help others do the same.


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