Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Power of Observation!

The Power of Observation!
By Allen Merritt ©2019

I have been naturally getting up earlier lately. 

Sometimes I will wake between 4 and 6 in the morning for no reason at all. I don’t mind getting up early, but often I feel I should be sleeping longer. I guess my mind is eager to find something to get involved with. Inevitably, I go ahead and get up and start the ball rolling. As a result, I end up on the computer or at the coffee shop, which I would do anyway. I naturally want to see what’s going on out there.

I spend a lot of time watching, looking and listening. In effect, I am observing the world around me to see what I can see, pick up on and learn about and/or from. I am not purposefully looking for anything in particular, only going with whatever presents itself in any given moment. It might prove inspirational, motivational, thought provoking or humorous. 

I got to thinking about myself noticing things when someone sauntered by me at the coffee shop with their zipper undone. My first thought was centered on how many times I have seen this scene before and then on how do you approach someone and tell them their fly is open. Don’t want anyone being embarrassed, least of all ourselves, right?

In any case, paying attention and attending to what the moment brings plays a part in finding our way toward the mindset we are looking for.  Therefore, if we focus on the good and positive, we will see it even in the midst of chaos. Of course, that may take a little more effort, but it most certainly is achievable.

Each day we receive is a gift for our soul, spirit, imagination, livelihood and more.

I suppose my ponderings lead to the idea of how it is solely and completely up to me to change my own mindsets and perspectives toward the positive. No one can really do it for me. Only I can make my own breakthroughs and pursue such growth towards the better side of myself.  And that is the key here, expanding the better side of ourselves, most of all recognizing and activating it.

What each of us can do for each other is to encourage, share, enrich and enlighten one another as a means of gently guiding thoughts toward understanding there is always the other side of the story. None of us has to settle on what is shoved down our throats, presented to us as the only option, etcetera and so forth.  With every closed door, there is another one to try opening.

I believe good is everywhere; the positive shines all over the place and it begins with human kindness.

I find many people respond better to a sense of respect, courtesy and kindness even when it all too often is not reciprocated. Needless-to-say, there are many people today more interested in proving themselves as a heat seeking missile at the ready to explode and destroy simply because they can.

One might even consider it walking in a state of grace when we apply the principles of kindness and manners, which leads me to the topic of political correctedness. I firmly believe those individuals attempting to shut down this principle are doing so out of context.  Operating with a filter doesn’t mean any of us must give up our beliefs and never express ourselves. It simply means there is a better way to go about it than flying off the handle and demonstrating inappropriate behavior.

This brings me right back to where my thoughts started, which is to pay attention, watch, look and listen to what is presented. Take those gifts and use them for good. Seek out the better side of life, because heaven knows there is ample opportunity (ies) to do so.  We can learn from each other and what we see. We will find better answers as a result. Above all, I think we also become part of the resolution instead of part of a problem. If we are going to escalate or exacerbate anything, then let’s make it about goodness and positivity.

It’s time to start living life On a Positive Note so let's stop, look and listen.

Enjoy the week.


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