Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Fortune Cookies, Name-Game & Horoscopes!

Fortune Cookies, Name-Game & Horoscopes!
©Allen Merritt (2016)

I’ve been thinking about all things positive. From my point of view, it’s a large topic of consideration and discussion, because people want to live their lives without hesitation, confusion or hurdles that leave them questioning themselves. As a result, over the last year I have been jotting down my thoughts about positive things, alternative outlooks and ways to turn things around from negative to the positive. I find it therapeutic and enticing to think on such things, because as the day’s move onward and the challenges pass us by, many individuals have need to stay bright and sunny in disposition or outlook. That is what “On a Positive Note” is all about.

Last night I was thinking more on how to encourage, inspire and/or motivate our “self”, especially when a support system is lacking. One thing I remembered is how fun it is to get that fortune cookie at the end of dinner at a Chinese restaurant. I think most people have had that experience. In general, that tiny slip of paper may not actually be based in fact or truth, but if you think about it, it has possibility. Some of them have lucky numbers on one side and a fun little sentence or phrase on the other such as, “You will meet someone very special today.” Just thinking of a little statement like that opens up a moment of wonder and curiosity, which can produce a positive impact for the day.

Every now and then I will put that little piece of paper in my wallet so I can look back upon it later for a little boost and/or amusement. And, that’s just the thing, we need these little positive moments to heighten our emotional bloodstream and push us past some of those trying times and daily doldrums. It may seem silly at first, but having a little ‘ace in the hole’ lying around somewhere just may be the ticket to put a smile back on your face and allow you to reconnect with feeling your best.

I was also pondering the last time I looked up my name to discover what it meant. This is another opportunity to reach out and bring ourselves back to a good place. There are all kinds of internet search options for looking up the meaning of one’s name. You might not want to put any stock into what one site says compared to another, but it is fun to consider and you may uncover some truth or motivation in what you learn from looking up your name.

Another option to possibly enlighten a moment is the old ‘go-to’ of reading ones daily horoscope. If you like understanding what your star sign is all about today, often you’ll find little treasures and gems of possibilities hidden within them. Now, you can read five different versions of your horoscope every day and they may be completely off base, but it sure lightens the moment as often as not, which again, brings us back to looking introspectively at ourselves; trying to find a positive note in each day.

Why do we do these things? We do them to make a better day for ourselves and others. I would dare say most folks are trying to make the most of their day and operate better when they feel happy, calm and content. Some days this comes naturally and we have no particular need to find any special way to self-encourage. Other days, it’s not so easy. You don’t have to take everything literally or too seriously to find benefits. Think of these ideas simply as an opportunity to improve a moment when you need it most.

Here are some fortune cookie messages I found on-line.¹ Take a peek and see if any of them encourage, inspire of motivate. If none do, you can always make them into something fun by adding the words, “…in bed” after the phrase. Heaven knows a good laugh can turn around an attitude from bad to good! Give it a try!

Today it's up to you to create the peacefulness you long for.
If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.
A smile is your passport into the hearts of others.
People are naturally attracted to you.
Hidden in a valley beside an open stream- This will be the type of place where you will find your dream.
A chance meeting opens new doors to success and friendship.
If you have something good in your life, don't let it go!
Whatever you're goal is in life, embrace it visualize it, and for it will be yours.
You cannot love life until you live the life you love.
A dream you have will come true.
Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds.
Never give up. You're not a failure if you don't give up.
You will become great if you believe in yourself.
Now is the time to try something new.
You are very talented in many ways

In conclusion, being playful and finding humor in such things as looking up your name, reading your horoscope or taking comfort in a fortune cookie message all provide opportunity to see yourself in a better state of mind that impacts not just your mental status, but also the well-being of your body, soul and spirit. So go out there this week and make the most of everything and when you hit a little wall, find a reason to self-encourage and/or remind yourself of your basic truths.

Enjoy living life On a Positive Note!

Cheers!¹ (Viewed on 1/23/2016)

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Living in Milliseconds!

Living in Milliseconds!
©Allen Merritt (2015)

Every year we celebrate holidays and attempt to live life in a state of thanksgiving, gift giving and celebration of joy and peace on earth, good will toward all men. New Years Eve we make resolutions and think about ways to improve our lives and then shortly thereafter fall off the wagon. I guess it takes a certain amount of discipline to pursue, persist and persevere.

As I write this, several things are happening globally with international affairs, fear mongering and senseless acts of terrorism against the whole of humanity for no justifiable reason. Societies are disrupted and brought to the forefront of re-thinking how they can peaceably live their daily lives and put an end to such hatred acts.

In the midst of such chaos I am seeing signs of life and positivity emerging from the ashes.

First, I’d like to give a shout out to CNN for annually honoring heroes and for helping bring a positive light to those people who go over and beyond the call of duty to contribute and engage their communities. This sheds light on the idea that there are some individuals and groups who are aiding and assisting to benefit the whole. It's inspiring and amazing, not-to-mention, selfless.

Secondly, I wanted to share how I recently watched an interview with a family closely impacted by the Paris attacks. It was amazing to hear them speak with passion about their faith and belief in love and peace despite the dramatic circumstances all of them were going through. They told the world how this was to be their focus (to live for peace and love). One comment struck me about how they were now living millisecond to millisecond. This brings to mind the importance of looking through the lenses of love and seeing the truth of what matters most in living our lives.

During another interview with a young couple who literally survived the attack, a similar ideology was expressed. In those heated moments of destructiveness and terror, they want to express mindful and loving thoughts to all those for which they cared for to demonstrate that the people causing such trauma in the world would not really win in the end; only love would win over such atrocities. The young woman wanted her last thoughts to be about love and not hate.

In times of great trial and tribulation, this perspective, attitude and belief system engages us more. It speaks to us. And I am reminded of how there are still beautiful things (and people) in the world if we would only open our eyes and arms to them.

Most of us may not exactly know what ISIS is, but we can attest to witnessing their destructiveness and the pain and tears such people have caused. This truly brings new meaning to the word CRISIS.

As we think on these things going into a new year, may we all celebrate positivity in our minds, bodies, spirits and souls so that we may take a good strong look at what the idea of peace means.


What does it mean? How can we define it in today’s age? How can we achieve it?

I find the answer in thinking of the word PEACE as an acronym meaning Prayerfully Ending All Conflict Everywhere.

Think about that phrase.
Say it out loud.
Share it with others.

I believe this phrase brings some understanding of what is meant by “praying without ceasing.”

Every day there seems to be stronger need for prayer for something going on in the world. People are feeling the pain of geological disasters, political hatred, threats of mass destruction and much more. Some of these things impact our lives directly, others more indirectly. More than likely, we tend to localize our lives when it comes to understanding what matters most, but I think there is a ripple effect that carries over and eventually hits us right where the heart is.

There is no time like the present to live positively and to truly think about giving PEACE a chance.

Stand up for PEACE before giving a piece of your mind. Think twice before assuming anything and generate more good vibes. How?

Though PEACE!

Prayerfully Ending All Conflict Everywhere

Go out there and live a happy-go-lucky day and emanate positivity and encourage PEACE.

It is no longer about living in the moment, but living millisecond to millisecond.

If you let it, PEACE is with you always!


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Best Day Ever!

Best Day Ever!
©Allen Merritt (2015)

I start many mornings by heading out to the coffee shop. This is one place I find opportunities to ponder and consider ideas, life events and important things I should focus on or need to do. Today I followed the same routine and ended up with a cup of coffee in my hand when I noticed a mug with the phrase on it, “Best Day Ever.”

What a nice message and a positive statement to observe so early in the morning. I wondered what it is exactly that makes this day the best day ever. What makes any day the best day ever and can this be a daily constant?

I let my mind wonder through the possibilities. Off the top of my head I thought of the following things that help me make each day brighter.

Waking up to not just another day, but a new one
Having a moment of laughter
Receiving a phone call from someone special
Feeling energized and ready to go
Being productive and accomplished with each activity
Contentment and satisfaction in where I am at and what I am doing moment to moment
Smiling about nothing in particular
Singing or humming to myself
Being creative and writing down lots of notes to myself

Of course, there are many more things that come along that aide in making us “feel good” about ourselves and our lives, but I bet many times we don’t stop to even think about it, recognize it or even become aware of those moments. It’s as if everything just comes along and rolls off our backs like warm butter without our consciously observing how events unfold and contribute to our lives. They just mindlessly pass us by. For me, as the days roll by I increasingly want to be aware of the good things that come along each day. By noticing these events, I am aware of my own personal evolution and find appreciation and gratitude.

With this in mind, I like to watch home improvement type shows. It’s always wonderful to watch amazing renovation transformations. There is inspiration in watching old homes be rejuvenated into a new beginning. It is the same with our daily lives.

Not long ago, I was engrossed in viewing one of these trans-formative episodes when I noticed the designer added a wall hanging which read, “It’s a good day to have a good day.” The designer did this with purpose. She placed it in the home because it was to become a new beginning for a woman and her child who had been going through the thick of it and were now trying to rise up out of the ashes, so to speak. The designer wanted to install a daily reminder to the woman that she had started anew and to encourage her to make each day the best day ever; and why not?

That is the question of the day. Why not have good days? Why not always make it a good day? What is the harm in trying to make each and every moment the best moment? You’ve got to dream big, bigger and better in order to make it to “best.”

Today IS a good day to have a good day.

So on a positive note, I’d like to encourage you to get up, get going and make this the best day ever. And, when tomorrow comes, do it again. It doesn’t matter if you stumble through it or if you only accomplish a couple of items on your To Do list, bucket list or wish list. The best way to move forward is to move forward anyway despite it all and no matter what. Keep striving for your best day ever. In fact, think of it like this: make every day the best you possibly can and be the best you possibly can be, and then your best DAY ever will become your best DAYS ever in perpetuity.

Smile! It’s a good day!


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

No Excuses!

No Excuses!
©Allen Merritt (2015)

The thought ran through my mind today. That’s right, it reared its ugly head and reminded me that there are not and should never be any excuses not to get up, get out and get her done. I mean, after all, what is really holding anyone back from trying? 

Our circumstances and situations are not literally nailed down in such a way that we should feel imprisoned by them. Of course, we may have to work around certain limitations, but we shouldn’t feel stuck in a rut or at utter and complete loss at doing anything toward helping our happiness grow. If that is the case, than we are allowing conditions to control and steer our lives in such a way as to undermine who we are called to be individually.

Sometimes I think it doesn’t matter anymore. I am of a certain age and I have nothing to lose for trying…anything. In other words, life is short and I might as well give it a go.

So as one year ends and another one begins, I have no reason or excuse to not make a stronger effort to try harder to believe and achieve my goals. Many people make resolutions. It’s a typical conversation. We have big ideas toward accomplishing something good for ourselves and shortly after the holidays we fall off that wagon and continue on with the same old routine or lack thereof.

For me, I don’t want to focus on resolutions per se, not this year. I want to focus on those things that keep my spirits in a good place. I want to be happy. I want to share that happiness.

I need to focus on remaining positive despite it all; and, what better way to think about moving forward toward taking the next step than by making a statement to oneself such as, “No More Excuses!” I think it’s an extremely positive phrase to work with. Those words remind us to keep on trucking. It inspires us to reach beyond ourselves. They motivate, drive and encourage us to forever try.

If you look up No Excuses on-line via the Urban Dictionary, you will find that it supports this idea of optimism and positivity in life. In fact, here is what it says:

No Excuses - Getting on with your life...not letting things get in your way...being positive and optimistic...not looking for a reason to avoid something...not wasting an opportunity...
‘There's 'no excuses' for not making the most of your life’.”¹

Well, there you have it!

Need I say more?

I guess I was thinking straight, on the right track and/or got it right…or, at least got the jist of it all.

So here I am, thinking about what to do with myself as we turn another corner and I am thinking about the initiative of making no more excuses. I want to use the idea of No Excuses to attack anything and everything I have a mind to do whether it is eliminating a debt, achieving a goal, being more creative, accomplishing something or…whatever. I want to be good to myself and others. More importantly, I want to spread that good news with everyone. I want to do and be the best I can possibly be. I want results, not excuses.

So here it is!
No Excuses, people! 
  • Think optimistically.
  • Behave positively.
  • Work towards healthy goals for the sake of yourself and those around you.
  • Consider the good and live it.
  • Illuminate good vibes and energy. (We could all use it.)
  • Spread happiness.
  • Be calm and caring.
  • Be considerate.

Focus on making headway instead of excuses. One step a day moves everyone forward.

By the way, if you are typically a negative thinker and are looking for ways to change that, this is a good place to start. What does that mean? It means, stop using negativity, skepticism and the like to control your life and prevent you from finding a way to accomplish and achieve.

Keep repeating to yourself, “No Excuses.” Use it as a mantra until it becomes a normal way of thinking.
By doing so, believing and achieving become a standard operating procedure.

I think this is my goal for 2016. In fact, I am writing a posty-note and putting up near my computer to remind me of this fact. Care to join me?

Repeat after me:
No Excuses. No More Excuses.

Say this 40 times a day for the next 40 days and see what happens. You just might find that you can believe and achieve…anything!

Have a good one!
