Monday, January 14, 2019

Waking Up With a Smile!

Waking Up With a Smile!
By Allen Merritt ©2019

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face. I also felt rested.  After initially waking up I snuggled closer to my pillows just a little bit longer to feel appreciative of the moment. What a great way to wake up in the morning! Don’t you wish it was like that every day? I guess some days are better than others, but I cannot help but observe the effervescence of waking up with a smile. It’s palpable and emanates from my heart.

There's nothing like feeling good from the get go to put you in good spirits and positive mindsets. I decided to run with it and acknowledge this by recording my thoughts here today.

Once up, I got myself to the coffee shop and found someone standing outside asking for help. I happened to have a couple of extra PB & J sandwiches and cookies in the car, which I was keeping for just such a moment. I offered them to the man hoping it would spark a little something special in his day. Heaven knows there are plenty of people out there who are not having a good day and I figure if I can give a little something which might help them, it would be a good thing. 

The smile continues.

When I got inside the coffee shop the speakers were playing lively, high spirited, up tempo music. It made me want to move, groove and have a great day. My head was definitely bobbing around. Why not?

And when I thought further about it, I realized all of this was a great way to start a new week. After all it is Monday as I write this and the sun is shining!

I stared out the window and began to wonder how a person regularly harvests such great feelings. How does one enable the self to work toward a positive mindset, feeling that energy every single day?

For me, the first thought pointed to how I don’t want to think negatively about anything or anyone. Last thing I want is to wish anyone any ill will even when it permeates so much of our environment these days. I want to respond appropriately and refute the idea of reacting without forethought. This has to be a seed I plant each day. It must be a conscious decision I commit to.

I want to take whatever I am given and make good of it. Whether that is an action I take, a response I give or situation I am offered. Good, bad or ugly, it is up to me to make something valuable happen.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to know how I feel about each situation I come across. But I don't want to needlessly dwell on it and that is one of the great essences of trying to live a positive life or at least have a positive outlook on living life each day.

In any case, when I woke up this morning and felt really good I needed to take a moment to recognize it, then appreciate and try to understand without over-analyzing. I naturally wanted to embrace such a moment and carry it with me throughout the day. And I hope this for everyone. After all, every day we rise is an opportunity to share goodness with others.

So if you wake up smiling, find a way to pass it on. Let's take what we have and do something positive with it. After all, we’re on the same planet. We breathe the same air. We eat the same food. We share our lives with other people whether we like it or not, so let's make the most of it.

One way to do this is to start with a smile.

Take care of yourself this day.


Friday, January 11, 2019

Building Trust and/or Building Walls!

Building Trust and/or Building Walls!
By Allen Merritt ©2019

The back of his jacket read, ‘Building Trust.”

What an important topic, especially right now.

I believe I should always start with myself when it comes to the idea of building trust. Do I trust myself? How do I define and think about trust? Once I have this conversation with myself then I can transfer it to the outside world.

Interestingly, I recently underwent a major leak from three stories above me, which woke me up around 1:00 am. This is the fifth time in four years a leak has sprung from other units in my building. It has become a reoccurring event that doesn’t want to quit.

I bring this story up because it has makes me a little gun shy in the trust department for the building management, HOA and other people living in the same vicinity. Why aren’t these continuous leak problems being fixed?  Why doesn't anyone make real effort toward facilitating a process to eliminate the possibility of leaks happening?

Not having the trust has impact on my positive mindset toward where I live and the people living around me. At the same time, it has almost become old hat. I expect anything to happen. Ultimately, I think I have made my way to a happier place in dealing with it. First off, I don’t get mad. I simply jump into action to prevent the situation from causing any more damage than necessary. I know no one else is going to lift a finger to address the situation, help prevent it or even pay the costs associated with repairing the damages.

You see, leak damages have caused me to tear down walls only to put them back up again. It has happened so many times I’ve begun to think, “What is the lesson I am to learn here?” “Why do I keep tearing down walls only to put them back up again over and over and over again?”

It’s ironic I am faced with this issue and must think on it since it is all over the news as well.

Building walls, that is.

It brings me back to the man’s jacket mentioned earlier. It really is a trust issue, at least from my perspective. Leaders forcing this wall issue down the people’s throats most likely are making it a power issue more than anything. But I digress.

Here are some of my thoughts, which I believe are helpful in thinking more positively about these kinds of issues.

First, we need walls to build a home. Four walls and a roof placed on top of a solid foundation. This gives us a place to live, to call our own, to stave off the elements and unwanted parties, to store our valuables and necessities, to garner privacy and simply to have a place we think of as our safe place. This makes sense to me.

However, building walls can also be a means for destroying trust. It imprisons all parties, proves there isn’t a strong foundation and offers no means of reconciliation to move forward.

The same thing could be said of leaks forcing me to tear down the walls. Maybe there is something to be considered concerning how and why the walls might be put back up at all. For me, I have literally been living without walls over this past four years more often than not. I’ve learned to tolerate all the noises going on around me and develop a sense of trying to embrace the situation to the best of my ability. But I have also learned that having those walls put back up to garner privacy and peace and quiet again mean a lot to me on a personal level.

So while I am thinking about building walls and discovering more about trust, I am understanding the importance of having walls in certain situations. But every home is not just made of walls. We have doors and windows, too. This allows us access to what lies beyond the walls. We can open our doors and say welcome. We can shut the doors at a certain point to indicate we are ready for a little uninterrupted time with ourselves.

Ultimately, I think of life as a reciprocal two way street.  Anything one sided doesn’t seem to work.
Remember, trust exercises? That is where you fall blindly backwards into the arms of another and trust they will catch you. A lot of organizations use these as a team building exercise. I am thinking a few trust exercises can only help us come to positive terms in our daily lives. How we go about choosing and executing those exercises will be what determines how we process toward positive outcomes. Also, it helps us in building that stronger foundation for which to build the walls we have to build. Otherwise, building walls for the sake of building walls, keeping people out or making a statement of anger may only lead us down the same path as the in the biblical story where Joshua fought the battle at Jericho. Remember that one? Those walls came tumbling down.

Germany built walls, too. I remember when the Berlin wall finally came down. The people seemed rejuvenated by it. By building walls we lose out on wonderful relationship opportunities. We not only imprison ourselves, but everyone else.

Why are we building walls metaphorical or otherwise? We have to ask ourselves that question. Are we building walls to keep people out? Are we building walls to keep people down and out?  Or is it something else? Is there a lesson for us to learn?  I ask this because some walls are necessary, but generating peace of mind and positivity is imperative to everyone’s well being.

In my situation, I am placed in a position of repeatedly tearing down walls and putting them back up again. It gets costly. Where is that money coming from and why can’t the walls just stay up? It’s a catch 22, I guess. There is a lot for us to think about in reference to building walls and building trust. It needs to be an honest conversation/discussion.

In conclusion, I think building walls and building trust must be handled carefully and respectfully both at home and abroad.  Life isn’t always about us versus them. My final question is; do we want to open up more possibilities and invite peace and positivity into our lives? If so, is building trust achieved by building more walls?

No doubt, it’s something everyone must think carefully on.

Have a great week seeking out and sharing the good news.


Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Power of Observation!

The Power of Observation!
By Allen Merritt ©2019

I have been naturally getting up earlier lately. 

Sometimes I will wake between 4 and 6 in the morning for no reason at all. I don’t mind getting up early, but often I feel I should be sleeping longer. I guess my mind is eager to find something to get involved with. Inevitably, I go ahead and get up and start the ball rolling. As a result, I end up on the computer or at the coffee shop, which I would do anyway. I naturally want to see what’s going on out there.

I spend a lot of time watching, looking and listening. In effect, I am observing the world around me to see what I can see, pick up on and learn about and/or from. I am not purposefully looking for anything in particular, only going with whatever presents itself in any given moment. It might prove inspirational, motivational, thought provoking or humorous. 

I got to thinking about myself noticing things when someone sauntered by me at the coffee shop with their zipper undone. My first thought was centered on how many times I have seen this scene before and then on how do you approach someone and tell them their fly is open. Don’t want anyone being embarrassed, least of all ourselves, right?

In any case, paying attention and attending to what the moment brings plays a part in finding our way toward the mindset we are looking for.  Therefore, if we focus on the good and positive, we will see it even in the midst of chaos. Of course, that may take a little more effort, but it most certainly is achievable.

Each day we receive is a gift for our soul, spirit, imagination, livelihood and more.

I suppose my ponderings lead to the idea of how it is solely and completely up to me to change my own mindsets and perspectives toward the positive. No one can really do it for me. Only I can make my own breakthroughs and pursue such growth towards the better side of myself.  And that is the key here, expanding the better side of ourselves, most of all recognizing and activating it.

What each of us can do for each other is to encourage, share, enrich and enlighten one another as a means of gently guiding thoughts toward understanding there is always the other side of the story. None of us has to settle on what is shoved down our throats, presented to us as the only option, etcetera and so forth.  With every closed door, there is another one to try opening.

I believe good is everywhere; the positive shines all over the place and it begins with human kindness.

I find many people respond better to a sense of respect, courtesy and kindness even when it all too often is not reciprocated. Needless-to-say, there are many people today more interested in proving themselves as a heat seeking missile at the ready to explode and destroy simply because they can.

One might even consider it walking in a state of grace when we apply the principles of kindness and manners, which leads me to the topic of political correctedness. I firmly believe those individuals attempting to shut down this principle are doing so out of context.  Operating with a filter doesn’t mean any of us must give up our beliefs and never express ourselves. It simply means there is a better way to go about it than flying off the handle and demonstrating inappropriate behavior.

This brings me right back to where my thoughts started, which is to pay attention, watch, look and listen to what is presented. Take those gifts and use them for good. Seek out the better side of life, because heaven knows there is ample opportunity (ies) to do so.  We can learn from each other and what we see. We will find better answers as a result. Above all, I think we also become part of the resolution instead of part of a problem. If we are going to escalate or exacerbate anything, then let’s make it about goodness and positivity.

It’s time to start living life On a Positive Note so let's stop, look and listen.

Enjoy the week.


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Lying Around Like a Hound Dawg!

Lying Around Like a Hound Dawg!
By Allen Merritt ©2019

Its holiday time and I have been keeping myself in a position of lying low and chilling out. I’ve been somewhat lazy, I guess. Didn’t want to be responsible or accountable to anyone or anything for a while.

It's this time of year when the work slows down for someone like me and I suppose I needed rest. At least that is what I told everyone. That is, I needed the rest and didn't even know it. Sometimes you’re all caught up in doing things or distracted by something and you never realize you need to slow down and take some time to do nothing.

As a result, I truly haven’t really concentrated on or tried to do anything. Not much reading, writing or working out. I sat around catatonic like a couch potato zombie. I didn't quite have the energy to get-up-and-go, let alone do anything.

In any case, I simply allowed myself to waste away the hours surfing the internet, watching TV and literally lounging around. But it is the holiday period so I am allowed, right? 

So much for holiday cheer, more like holiday slump.

Be that as it may, I wasn’t a Scrooge about it, just silent and quiet.

I did manage to get out to the coffee shop. I noticed tons of messages posted and in plain sight attempting to draw one in to some product set up on the shelf. While they were meant to be marketing strategies to sell you stuff, there clearly is an underlying message of sharing the good spirit with one another; can’t go wrong with that.

I find positivity in these messages because during the holidays there are people who are lonely, grieving and not feeling their best as result of situations that they're going through. But these little messages really help brighten the moment. Messages like: “Perfect little gifts,” “Sweet little something’s,” “Connecting when we give and receive” or “Making spirits bright.”

It's nice to see those end-of-year messages coming up as we celebrate and get ready to take on a new year. They're like little markers, aren't they? Our society tends to put little markers in place to compartmentalize our lives and sometimes that's good. Other times I wonder if it's so good, because then we're just sort of inching along and putting ourselves in a box. On the other hand, every chance we get to commemorate and celebrate our lives can’t be all that bad!

Because, it gives us a moment to celebrate our lives, to look back on where we've been and think about where we're heading to and the kinds of things we want to take place.

I suppose this is why some people do resolutions and some people don’t.

Ultimately, I appreciate the holidays and the messages conveying everything as merry and bright. It gives us hope in the every day.

With that in mind, I just wanted to recognize the positive messages out there reminding us to celebrate and appreciate life.

Ultimately, I ended up writing an end-of-year letter telling folks what happened in my life over the past year, which I don’t usually do. I wanted people to know what I was grateful for. So I guess I didn’t just sit around and do nothing after all. I discovered I accomplished and experienced a variety of things.

In conclusion, I recall listening to a talk about having a pulse and a purpose. In thinking on that further, I realize taking a break any time of the year to reflect and get a little much needed rest is productive toward seeing just how much life one is experiencing. The trick is to utilize such moments to enjoy and pursue more of them. So the lesson learned is it's okay to lie around like a lazy 'dawg' once in a while. 

With all these random thoughts scrambled up into my blog this week, I hope and wish nothing but the best for everyone and encourage us all to take time to make time to breathe, rest and experience more of what we need to remain positive throughout the day.

Take this with you throughout the week!
