Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Lying Around Like a Hound Dawg!

Lying Around Like a Hound Dawg!
By Allen Merritt ©2019

Its holiday time and I have been keeping myself in a position of lying low and chilling out. I’ve been somewhat lazy, I guess. Didn’t want to be responsible or accountable to anyone or anything for a while.

It's this time of year when the work slows down for someone like me and I suppose I needed rest. At least that is what I told everyone. That is, I needed the rest and didn't even know it. Sometimes you’re all caught up in doing things or distracted by something and you never realize you need to slow down and take some time to do nothing.

As a result, I truly haven’t really concentrated on or tried to do anything. Not much reading, writing or working out. I sat around catatonic like a couch potato zombie. I didn't quite have the energy to get-up-and-go, let alone do anything.

In any case, I simply allowed myself to waste away the hours surfing the internet, watching TV and literally lounging around. But it is the holiday period so I am allowed, right? 

So much for holiday cheer, more like holiday slump.

Be that as it may, I wasn’t a Scrooge about it, just silent and quiet.

I did manage to get out to the coffee shop. I noticed tons of messages posted and in plain sight attempting to draw one in to some product set up on the shelf. While they were meant to be marketing strategies to sell you stuff, there clearly is an underlying message of sharing the good spirit with one another; can’t go wrong with that.

I find positivity in these messages because during the holidays there are people who are lonely, grieving and not feeling their best as result of situations that they're going through. But these little messages really help brighten the moment. Messages like: “Perfect little gifts,” “Sweet little something’s,” “Connecting when we give and receive” or “Making spirits bright.”

It's nice to see those end-of-year messages coming up as we celebrate and get ready to take on a new year. They're like little markers, aren't they? Our society tends to put little markers in place to compartmentalize our lives and sometimes that's good. Other times I wonder if it's so good, because then we're just sort of inching along and putting ourselves in a box. On the other hand, every chance we get to commemorate and celebrate our lives can’t be all that bad!

Because, it gives us a moment to celebrate our lives, to look back on where we've been and think about where we're heading to and the kinds of things we want to take place.

I suppose this is why some people do resolutions and some people don’t.

Ultimately, I appreciate the holidays and the messages conveying everything as merry and bright. It gives us hope in the every day.

With that in mind, I just wanted to recognize the positive messages out there reminding us to celebrate and appreciate life.

Ultimately, I ended up writing an end-of-year letter telling folks what happened in my life over the past year, which I don’t usually do. I wanted people to know what I was grateful for. So I guess I didn’t just sit around and do nothing after all. I discovered I accomplished and experienced a variety of things.

In conclusion, I recall listening to a talk about having a pulse and a purpose. In thinking on that further, I realize taking a break any time of the year to reflect and get a little much needed rest is productive toward seeing just how much life one is experiencing. The trick is to utilize such moments to enjoy and pursue more of them. So the lesson learned is it's okay to lie around like a lazy 'dawg' once in a while. 

With all these random thoughts scrambled up into my blog this week, I hope and wish nothing but the best for everyone and encourage us all to take time to make time to breathe, rest and experience more of what we need to remain positive throughout the day.

Take this with you throughout the week!


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