Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Spare Some Change?

Spare Some Change!
By Allen Merritt (2016)

Every time I walk out the door it seems I have someone walking up to me and asking for some spare change. It happens a lot these days. 

Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of change to spare. So when I saw a man making his way toward me today, I immediately waved him off. I didn’t want to discuss it. I felt at odds, because on the one hand I am a caring person and on the other I am human and find myself feeling bombarded and put in a precarious position to always have to respond, which can happen several times a day.

I’m sure many reading this will understand the feeling having experienced it themselves. It seems more people are destitute and/or living day by day, hand-to-mouth. I understand, because I have been in low spots myself including living on the streets with no place to call home. But the one thing I would never do is ask people for change or have to ask people for money very often.  Reason being, I didn’t want to make people feel bad, least of all myself. But that is just me. 

Today I was having a moment and didn’t want to be bothered. Interestingly, the man seemed to understand and thanked me anyway and asked me to drive safely. I thanked him for that. I have to remember that there by the grace of God go I. I get it. But truth be told, each of us can only do so much. I appreciated his positive response and the fact he offered me some form of attitude.

This leads me to contemplate the idea of sparing some change in context with creating positive environments.

What we CAN do is to offer change in a different way. Help in the best way we are able to. Usually, I simply say, “Not today. Thank you.” I don’t want people to feel bad or get upset as a result of their situation. I also don’t want to feel bad in saying, “No.”  Instead, I want to reflect a state of well being that might rub off on them and improve their day not make it worse. So when I suggest sparing some change or making change happen, I don’t mean always offering money.  Offering to buy them a cup of coffee, a sandwich or meal is helpful. A smile or a word of encouragement might be a type of change they aren’t used to experiencing. That kind of change might turn around someone’s day or even “make their day” better.  That kind of change is worth something to everyone.

There are a variety of ways for us to stimulate change toward helping others. It will be a matter of discovery on best ways to offer change in a healthy and positive way that also works within your means; whether that be time, talent or simply sharing a good attitude or even offering helpful suggestions.

As we celebrate New Year’s Eve, let us consider what kind of spare change we can offer to ourselves and the world around us. My Uncle once shared a plan for sparing some change that has helped me more than once in my life. He told me to keep my loose change and thrown it in a jar and leave it there. A penny here and a penny there may do some good somewhere down the road. And, of course that is true. In fact, I remember a time when I lived in Dallas, Texas and I had no money on me and no food in the house. I began searching every nook and cranny to see if I could find any spare change. I found a little over a dollar hiding in the couch and in corners. I managed to walk to the grocery store and buy a bag of beans, a bag of rice and a banana. I felt blessed when I left that store and I still had some change in my hand. I managed to buy enough food to last a few days on less than a dollar. Every little bit counts.

That’s the message I want to share this week. Promote positive change. If you have loose change or can spare a little positive change toward helping yourself and/or someone else in having a better day, then that is one step forward in living life on a positive note.

Will you spare some change in the New Year?

It’s something to consider!

All the best for a great week.


Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Bright Side!

The Bright Side!
© Allen Merritt (2016)

Well, here we are closing in on the end of another year and a bunch of challenges. I feel compelled to consider the many events over the year and how each one impacted life in one way or another. There's a lot to think about if one is to look back and reconsider, evaluate and assess all that went on during the last 365 days leading up to where we are now. 

All in all, it has not been boring. Life is always interesting despite it all. One thought that keeps coming back to my mind over the past few weeks is seeing each moment from the bright side. For all the moments each of us encounter, there is always a bright or brighter side; something to enlighten us, make us better and to build us up in some capacity. 

Since it can be relatively easy to fall prey or victim to negativity and sensationalized situations, I can understand how human beings can find themselves off-track and lost, wondering how they got to where they are from where they started, especially when they weren't trying to get here, but were trying to get there, if you know what I mean. 

The best laid plans often hit road blocks, closed doors and other brick walls. Requirements, expectations, responsibilities and authority figures stand in the way or push us in a different direction without us realizing it sometimes. Then we have to stop and find our way back to ourselves or the "plan." It is like tunnel vision (in a way), but if you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, then you know there is always a bright side. Therein lies hope.

That is where looking on the bright side has its benefits. The idea is not a sugar coated one. The benefits to our well being are real and practical. Often, we keep ourselves in our own little world and forget to step outside the box, and then we eventually realize (sooner or later) that there is a bigger world out there. For me, I begin to see how life becomes subjective only to me. Objectively, if I take a moment and look around, I can see that regardless of any ridiculousness I encounter or the distortions I witness, I can discover there is more to it then what I first may see. I recognize that there are always more than two sides to a story and if I really take a cold hard look, I will find there are many, many...many beautiful things still left in the world. And, there are some really awesome, wonderful, kind and good people out there. Surrounding ourselves with that enriches our existence.

Just as the North Star shines brightly in the sky and the full moon blankets us with a comforting illumination, so does this "seeing things from the bright side" change our perspective toward the better. If the idea of mind over matter exists and is to work effectively, it means to use such tools to promote only the best in our lives. Not just for ourselves, but the whole of mankind. Every little bit of positivity helps. 

Looking on the bright side provides new insight and is comforting. Maybe we relax, breathe easier and smile more often as a result of such clarity. I like to think so. That's why I discuss it so much.

I see this as positivity in motion. It's a verb and it is active. Being positive in demeanor is contagious. 

Go ahead, pass it on! See what happens.

When I think more on it, I understand how important this ideology is, because life really is moving along at a fast clip. It is super short. I think I would rather not waste any more of my time on anything less than wonderful. 

Let's work together on finding a brighter side to our lives; each day, every moment and throughout every circumstance we run up against. There may be a lot of craziness up the road moving forward, so why not make the most of it?

Let's make a toast. 

Here's to looking on the bright side!

May everyone have the opportunity to live more peaceably.


Happy holidays!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Another Road Block!

Another Road Block!
©Allen Merritt (2016)

Okay, here we go!

Get ready, because this week I am sharing with you a humdinger or a whirlwind story. Every bit of it is true and happened to yours truly.

If you need to hear a story to help you put things into perspective or see things from another angle, then this one should do it.

Recently, I get up at 2:45 am and begin gathering myself for the day. I have to start the day early because I am off to work a job, which requires at least 4 hours of a commute. Yes, it’s another commute to work day. But I’m good. I’m prepared. I allowed plenty of time, so no rush. I also prepare myself in such a way as to make sure I allow myself the chance to get ahead of any rush hour traffic. So, in knowing this I take 5 minutes to grab a cup of coffee to go. Then I hit the road, as they say.

I am rolling along and I see a road sign that said something about a road closure from 9 pm to 5 am. That’s it. Nothing else. Had no idea what that meant in terms of whether there would be any detour or what was going on. But I had a job to get to so I continued to roll along; that is, until I couldn’t!

I drove about 15 miles outside the city and began to slow down to a halt behind several others. It was now 3:30 am. I’m like, “Really!” They were not kidding. The entire interstate was closed/shut down. I would now have to wait at least 1.5 hours before I could continue.

I was surprisingly calm despite the fact I knew I had to be at my destination by 9:30 am. I began calculating my options. If the freeway opens on time I may have just enough time to get there. But wait! I would now hit inter-city rush hour traffic in Los Angeles. Oy! I may be late, but I may still make it. Do I turn around and go home, give up and forget about it. If I did, I would lose the job and future jobs as a result. Was I prepared for that?

Of course, this story is about dealing with issues calmly and positively, so naturally I decide to wait and see how it will unfold even though nothing is in my control except my response to the situation.

One good thought I had was I was not the only one in this jam (pun intended). Many truckers and cars planning on an early start were at a stand still. The clock was ticking. I could hear it like you do on that game show Jeopardy.

Anyway, I just sat there. It was one of those moments where I knew I could do nothing. I also wondered if I would hear those words, “You’ll never work in this town again.”

Finally, the freeway opens at 5:15 am. Every vehicle parked all over the roadway, shoulders and nearby dirt lots sped out of there as quickly as they could. I was one of them. Speedy Gonzalez had nothing on me that day. Interestingly, every vehicle was moving faster than normal to make up time. I felt I was risking everything to save face, but I kept up with flow of traffic. I felt like I was running out of time and was in short time to get there.

Long story short, I did make up some time, but I also hit that early morning rush hour and I knew I would be late. I made my courtesy phone call to inform the appropriate parties I would be late, but would definitely be there. I even took the car pool lane a time or two even though I would not normally take this route. 

Interestingly, several other people were late to work that day. I was not the only one. I made it. Then I had to repeat the commute in evening rush hour to get back home by a certain time. Talk about a crazy day.

Just goes to show you that no matter how much you prepare and plan you cannot always predict what situations, walls, obstacles, hurdles or how other people are going to pop up and say, “Hold on a minute! You’re just going to have to wait a bit!” Hurry up and wait!

In a nutshell, I was calm. I made every effort to do my best. I remained positive despite all odds. For me, this is an example of living life on a positive note. 

Life is interesting and unpredictable, but the main thing is we must remain open to the possibilities.

Go out there and enjoy your week!

Stay positive, my friends!


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

What Do You Need More of?

What Do You Need More of?
© Allen Merritt (2016)

I’ve been wondering lately about a dichotomy. The one that asks every one of us what do we need more of. What could we use MORE of? It seems a simple question albeit a complicated one considering the world we live in today with challenging news on the airwaves and sensationalized and/or overrated media events. It’s an ongoing discussion. Of course, the opposing idea is what we could use less of.

Many thoughts pass through my mind.

Do we need more garbage thrown in our face? Do we need more responsibilities piled upon us? Do we need more inflation? Do we need less income opportunities? Do we need less overpriced health insurance? Do we want more or less crime? Do we want more or less transparency in anything? Do we want to see more social media wars?  Do we need more political drama supporting only self indulgent agendas in a corrupt manner no matter which party is in charge? Let’s face it, there’s a lot of dust dancing around us. It’s amazing that we can find a positive spin anywhere.

When I think of my life in terms of more or less and what I could use or not use I begin to find new ways of approaching the everyday cache of events.
  • I could use less of the bad attitudes from myself or anyone else.
  • I could use more peaceful resolution.
  • I could use kindness and consideration.
As I consider these ideals, I am noticing all sorts of nice little signs, which seem to share more of what I think we could use more of.

Created by You! – I have a choice and can change anything thing such as my mind, my circumstances and my direction in life. Instead of constantly feeling bombarded by circumstances I can make a decision to work on changing it; make stronger efforts to create something new for the betterment of myself and the whole. I can remember where there is a will, there is a way and begin creating again.

Be Good to One Another! – It makes sense to me to take extra care in trying to be good to others as I would hope they would be good to me. I’ve nothing to lose by being nice and showing a sense of care and we can use a lot more of this these days. (As I write this, I received an email from a friend who signed off on their letter with “Be kind to one another.”  Isn’t that a fun coincidence?)

Not Of This World! – I have seen this graphic on the back of several vehicles over the years and never made the connection until the other day when I noticed a car had it spelled out. (I always thought it meant “Not Now!”)  But as I consider the acronym and the phrase in context with what I am discussing today, I understand there is truth to the idea that we are in this world, but not always a part of it. Maybe that is a healthy way to look at living in today’s world.

All three of these phrases could use further discussion beyond today’s topic of what we can use more or less of, but all play a healthy role in building positive perspective in light of our topsy, turvy and wacky circumstances.

I want to help promote a positive disposition this week by challenging everyone to engage in thinking about what we can use more or less of and then doing something to help actualize those ideals for the betterment of the whole. Thinking about it is not enough. Participating in an action oriented way helps eliminate all those things we could use less of and enhancing everything we need more of.  This is important, because every where I’m looking I see wrong action and corrupt activities being accepted as a part of our daily norm and it is trickling down. If we are not careful it will continue to impact our lives more negatively.  Without some healthy mindsets coming into play through positive thinking and positive action improvement will only exist for those who are taking it and hording it from everyone else in the name of freedom. With this in mind, ask yourself this question, “What could we use more or less of as we move forward into a new year?”

Have a fantastic and enjoyable week!


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The World According to ME!

The World According to ME!
© Allen Merritt (2016)

I don’t know why I wrote that title. It just came to me, so it seems like as good a starting point as anything today in thinking about this past week and preparing for a new one.  I guess if I had to put a finger on it, the world according to me suggests how I (and everyone else who proclaims it) views life from their point of view. We see things the way we see it and sometimes we concur and life goes on. At other times, it may seem like we butt heads with one another. 

I have an old acquaintance that often used to tell me, “Likewise!” when we agreed on things. At other times, it was a “let’s agree to disagree” scenario. In either case, perspective plays a hefty role in how we see things from moment to moment and day to day. No doubt about it.

In continuing the conversation, I discussed a bit of this with a colleague at work this week. Many times a person will see things a certain way when in fact it isn’t that way at all. It appears there are many reasons for this including masking one situation for another, bottling up things inside or taking things out on others over something that has nothing to do with them. Then there is the not knowing the context of a situation or circumstance. Since we are not able to always know what is going on, it is my opinion that it pays to be more responsive than reactive. For me, I view reaction with a negative connotation, because I have never seen it used for good. It usually impacts everyone in its path negatively. Maybe I am a bit old school in some ways, but I think there is a good reason why we should take stock in a situation by proceeding with caution; mainly because it benefits everyone to be responsive and not lash out needlessly.

The other side of this coin seems to point to the idea that we have the power within ourselves to see things in a better light when it is dark outside (or inside). My colleague and I discussed the importance of building ourselves (and others) up as opposed to using the tearing down effect. This requires a conscious effort to nurture and grow. If someone is visibly stressed or distressed, we can usually identify that and respond accordingly. What do you do? Do you pass on a smile or a nice comment? Tell a joke? Or, do you immediately fly off the handle and start yelling, judging and attacking the person or situation? Do we really enjoy taking things out on one another?

We all need a little care. I am the first to say I have my ornery days. I refer to those times when I get perturbed, aggravated or frustrated and don’t feel like tolerating anything as my ornery days. I acknowledge this fallibility in myself and move on. Usually, I don’t outright try to hurt a situation and I do not want to lash out or make rash or irrational decisions while in this state of mind. But I do have to feel it and then move on to change my mind set back to the positive. IF your setting is a bit off, change the setting. Think of life similar to that of the radio dial. Don’t like the channel, change it. We can do the same in our interactions with each other.

Ultimately, we should remember that our world (like it or not) is dependent on living one with the other and it is also distinguished by individual differences. It is not always about me or all about you. It’s about us. We impact each other’s lives tremendously whether we realize it or not or even if we choose to acknowledge it or not.

So in a nutshell, I am thinking that the idea of “the world according to me” should be viewed from every side of the fence. It’s tough, especially with so many sides to a story and various points of view. 

I guess one key is remembering we are all in the same boat even if we come from different backgrounds and experiences. We shouldn’t undermine each others thought processes, potentialities or possibilities even if we are not certain we agree with the process toward an outcome. Why? Because living on earth means always learning and growing. And, that is a gift.

With this in mind, consider where you are in life this week and where you stand in relation to everyone you run into, especially in those moments of uncertainty. What does the world according to you have to say and what lessons can be learned that would help promote living on a positive note?

Have a fantastic and enjoyable week!


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanks and Giving!

Thanks and Giving!
© Allen Merritt (2016)

Let's talk turkey!

In America, Thanksgiving officially comes once a year and it is in late November. Canadians celebrate it a month earlier around October 10th. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to take time off and get together with family and friends to celebrate "the harvest" and have a dining feast. I guess we can thank the Pilgrims for that.

East, drink and be merry, right?

But what is Thanksgiving? Why should we continue to celebrate it and are we actually celebrating it or using it as an excuse to party down and/or get stuffed and wasted?

In all seriousness, I have heard many people talk about celebrating Thanksgiving every day and also with Christmas. It seems relatively self-explanatory. Give Thanks and share gratitude with others. 

We give thanks for and/or to our families, jobs, communities, churches, cities and country for the ability to have and to do anything. We take stock in what we have and are able to do without taking anything for granted. We offer thanks for everything in recognizing we could be less fortunate and have nothing. We take stock in our lives! In truth, I am not saying anything new here. I don't think there is anything I can say that most people wouldn't already know about this holiday or even with the thought of being grateful and thankful. I believe we all know what the holiday should be about.

At the same time, I see Thanksgiving as a part of a larger picture we call the holiday season where we make some attempt to give back to others, offer gifts to others that are close to us or whom we come in close contact with on a regular basis for one reason or another. Overall, I do not see Thanksgiving as a time to run to the grocery store and start buying bags of groceries to cook and then gobble them up to the point of gluttony. It's not about food and eating. Is it?

I noticed a sign the other day that displayed the idea of Thanksgiving in two words. That is, “Thanks” and “Giving.” Separating those two words out of the one simply gives me pause for thought. I want to thank. I want to be thankful. I want to be grateful. I want to give and give back. I want to give thanks. These are the things I want to be reminded of this Thanksgiving. It's so easy to forget once we get back to our regularly scheduled program. 

I appreciate seeing the message of Thanks and Giving as individual thoughts and actions we convey. It helped remind me of how gratitude plays a deliberate part of our life at least one day of the year. Moreover, it reminds me to be considerate of maintaining the attitude of gratitude throughout each day and every moment of my life.

In writing this, I also noticed that St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital uses Thanks and Giving as a holiday message and as a part of their campaign to raise awareness for childhood diseases. Check them out at the following link:

In conclusion, I’m sure many people are grateful and thankful beyond the holiday season, but every day impressions demonstrate the opposite more often than not. We become forgetful as opposed to mindful.

Thank about it. Which would you prefer; to be thankless and ungrateful or thankful and grateful? Which attitude serves us better?

Since it is Thanksgiving time, I want to provide this food for thought to help us remember our blessings and what we have to be thankful for.

Happy Thanks and Giving!


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Oh, Happy Day...Again!

Oh, Happy Day...Again!
©Allen Merritt (2016)

I woke up this morning and the first thoughts I had were, "Happy Sunday!" Needless-to-say, that made me smile on the inside. What a great way to start the day, with a beautiful affirmation of life!

It seems to make sense to me to start each day on a high note wherever and whenever possible. Our constitution is based on a portion of this idea...that is, the pursuit of happiness. I love the manifestation of this idea. I read books on it. I watch movies conveying it. More importantly, I believe in it. So waking up, eyes still closed and having that first thought be one supportive of pursuing a happiness in my day is a wonderful example of positivity in motion. 

Now the trick for all of us is to carry this imagery, this feeling, thought and express it throughout the whole of each day from moment to moment. It takes conscious effort, but not always. Sometimes being happy just simply is what it is. At other times it takes a little effort to embrace it despite the pandemonium. In any case, as I write this I am optimistic that initiating good thoughts from the very beginning (of anything) is a wonderful and powerful exercise to help activate the day/activity on a positive note. 

Now I realize there isn’t a guarantee that the first thing we’re always going to think about when we wake up in the morning is always going to be, “Oh, Happy Day!” , but it certainly worth a try. Isn’t it?

How can we begin our day in more than an ordinary fashion? Well, maybe placing a picture frame with a favorite quote or statement on your bed stand is a good place to start. Or, a related book with a great title that jumps out at you and inspires you as soon as you see it sitting there next to you. How about a sign above the toilet that says, “Good morning, Sunshine!”? Wouldn’t that be motivational to some degree?

Moreover, our first thought can be seasoned with all sorts of fun affirmational type words. Every day of the week can start off with something new and fun. It doesn’t have to always be mundane or the same. 

For example:
  • Happy Sunday!
  • Fantastic Monday!
  • Wonderful Tuesday!
  • Inspirational Wednesday!
  • Super Thursday!
  • Incredible Friday!
  • Fabulous Saturday!

I want to think of it this way (and maybe you can too!); purposefully initiating positivity is a mindset that sets us up for success, at least in a certain capacity. And, that has to be a good thing. Otherwise, where is our focus? It’s one thing to get up and immediately be inundated with (caught up in) what has to get done that day and it’s another to start on a personal affirming high note and then navigate accordingly. Personally, I want every opportunity to approach the day for all the right reasons and with real purpose.

I guess, for me, anything that brings a little smile, laughter; sense of peace and calm is worth exploring and diving into on a regular basis. So that is the challenge this week, to seek out, embrace and/or accept anything which will help bring life back to center, keep us balanced and in a good place. I think many people need this. I want to remind every person to surround themselves with those persons, places and things that generate more positive energy and move us forward in our thinking and accomplishments.

Don’t just have a Happy Sunday or a Super Thursday. Make a point of making it a tremendous week, a magnificent month and a glorious year! Need I say more?

Go out there and enjoy yourself!


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Vote for Positivity!

Vote for Positivity!
©Allen Merritt (2016)

Well, I did it!

I voted.

I felt strongly I had to get out there and do it this time. I don’t always participate in elections due to the fact I am not political. But today was another story and I did it. No matter what the outcome I feel positive about myself in making a choice that reflects more of what I want to see in the world, which is positive change. I do not support negative change or change through destruction, manipulation or self interest. I want the best for everyone even if I do not always agree. And this season of change was a hard one to consider. I do not know anyone who didn’t think so. For myself, I wanted to be THAT change I want to see in the world, as they say.

With that in mind, I am spending plenty of time lately thinking about what I like and don’t like, want and don’t want. More importantly, I am putting a positive spin into as many decisions as I can about how I am going to maneuver and navigate through life with the changes that are going on out there. What better time to do such an assessment!

This political season has caused me to remember and consider more on the importance of balance, purposeful peacefulness and healthy compromise. I shook my head and rolled my eyes more times than I care to count over the last 18 months. One thing I can honestly say is I am glad it is not me on that stage.

In any case, all of the political races I have seen advertisements for are teaching me what I do not want to see. I think this is an important thing to understand when it comes to creating both a positive personal and community space. That is to recognize what you do and don't want to see when you see it happening before your eyes. To clarify, I remember seeing someone get addicted to opiates over time. I think it greatly and negatively impacted their life, but it also had an affect on mine, because I was seeing something I did not want to see in myself. To this day I hold no interest in any kind of drug. I see the same thing when I observe excessive intoxication. I realized I did not see any fun in the idea of getting sick, so I avoid drinking on that level. I use these personal analogies to bring home the point that sometimes we witness situations that teach us what we do not want in life. We have relationships with people that teach us what we don’t want in a relationship or what we do not want to become in a relationship. Negative situations offer us a positive outcome in this way.

So here we are on another election day and I feel good. I voted and whether or not it really makes a difference overall doesn’t matter. What does make a difference is how I personally and positively am affected by my efforts.

I believe if you are conscientious in your decision making, then there is a good chance you will move toward a better place and a happier one at that.  So in the end I vote for anything that encourages the best in everyone and everything. I think that is a goal in life worthy of achievement. I vote for the positive. I vote for peace, joy and happiness. I vote for the opportunity to pursue these things without prejudice or discrimination. I vote to build people up and not tear them down. I vote for surrounding yourself with those that truly care about you and your situation, people who will actually participate and engage in your life, as well as support it; anything less than this needs reconsideration or re-direction.

I hope everyone enjoys their week and reflects on the voting process and remains prayerful and mindful to any and all voting outcomes. Regardless, let’s make a resolution to stay positive!

Vote for positivity, potentiality and possibility!


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Resolving the Question Mark!

Resolving the Question Mark!
© Allen Merritt (2016)

Today is a celebration. Yahoo!

Today I celebrate writing my 101st blog to date.  

When I first started On a Positive Note I didn't know where it would lead or how far I would go with it. But here we are and I am still writing. I keep finding more and more topics to think and ponder on in regards to promoting a positive lifestyle. I suppose in some regard living positively might be considered an alternative lifestyle in that it is counter intuitive to what society would try and force upon us. In some corners positivity is embraced while in other corners we are faced with authoritarianism or negativity. I don’t think there is an all inclusive and/or absolute answer to our moment to moment state of being. Every human being is faced with the reality of working with what is going on in their lives right now. For me, that is the glory of thinking with a positive attitude. We have a choice and a chance. And, it's a personal experience, a growth opportunity as well a type of therapy. So in looking back over the last year and a half, I can only say, “Wow!” and proceed with celebration.

Who knew I would have so much to say?

Simultaneously, I am not surprised. For me it began with interest and passion followed by commitment and discipline.  Because I am an only child, a loner type and have great interest in human behavior and better life outcomes I made the decision to focus on making life better instead of finding excuses to never move forward.  

I have to admit that it has not always been easy, especially when everyday distractions, life and people get in the way. But what better moments are there to work on positivity challenges then in the heat of it all?

I see life as a question mark and positive living alters that into an exclamation mark. 

With that in mind, I have been spending time evaluating the year. It's a good time to do so as we come closer to another year’s end. Evaluation, reconsideration, new planning and more helps define and refine our direction. It means taking stock and making time to sit openly in wonder and consideration.  It means trying hard to suspend judgment on self and others long enough to equitably assess the future and take the next steps toward meeting our goals. 

That is where I'm at this week.  I want to remember that life is about selection and not rejection. It’s about accepting and embracing who I am, what I am and what I want to become and what works best for me while being considerate of others. At the same time, without being rash in my decision making or irrational in any thought processes, it’s about who is being considerate and accepting of me.

Part of my evaluation is looking back at my year and my body of work as objectively as possible. I’m making decisions on my attempts to achieve and who should and shouldn’t be a part of that process. How do I seamlessly turn things around from a question mark into an exclamation point? This comes down to what situations and persons are finding value and worth in me and my work. Where is support stemming from? One has to be careful not to let emotional attachments get in the way of making new decisions and paving new pathways. It is almost like a purge or spring cleaning or sorts. I believe many folks think on these things as they reach a certain point in their life or their year while they make effort to fortify who they are and enhance results and accomplishments that benefit themselves and others. So with every question mark comes an opportunity.

Here’s is something else to consider: we don’t always know what is best for ourselves, so taking stock provides a chance to keep us on a better track toward being the best we can be. 

Ultimately, I see this as being true to you. Just be you. Be yourself because an original is worth a heck of a lot more than a copy as some might say. Listen to your instincts, your still small voice or intuitions.  Don’t needlessly talk yourself out of anything or be lazy in the moment to the point of not doing anything at all. Face your questions.

  • What are your questions in life today?
  • Where are those question marks coming from?
  • How will you turn them around and find an answer?
  • How will your question become an exclamation point?

This is the direction I want to think about as we celebrate life, loving and living this week…and over 100 blogs!

Go out there and have a celebratory week! Question nothing and question everything. 

At the end of the day, make sure your question becomes an exclamation!

Yes! Yes! And Yes!


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Happiest Car on Earth!

The Happiest Car on Earth!
© Allen Merritt (2016)

I turned my head to the left and read the words, “Clap Along.” Then the little black car pulled ahead and I noticed the license plate displayed, “HAAPPY.” Next, I see a picture of the recording artist Pharrell and some of the lyrics to his popular song, “Happy.”

Of course, I had to smile as that little black car pulled on up the road on to its destination. I couldn’t help but think this was one person not afraid to express themselves and share it with the world in their own refreshingly subtle way. Like it or not, this car was sending a message to anyone who would embrace and receive it. Get happy. No, not just get happy, but express and share happiness.

Do you suppose the driver was listening to happy music while puttering along? Maybe they were listening to an all joke radio station and laughing themselves crazy. I can imagine these things happening inside the car. There is a phrase to consider here and that is,”wherever your treasure might be, there will your heart also be.” Why not condition yourself to look on the bright side to work on developing more of the happy in every day? Let the happy bug be the treasure you store in your heart.

This reminds me of a few other songs with similar themes.

Forget your troubles, come on get happy…put on a happy face.
You’re never fully dressed without a smile
Happy days are here again...
Oh, Happy day!

No matter how I view it, the idea of happy sounds good to me. Now, I have heard the comment, “That person is way too happy.” I think this is just negativity rearing its ugly head trying to snatch some of that happiness away from the situation. I guess, there is usually one person in a bunch who will oppose a good thing. And, I suppose that is what is interesting about mankind. If everyone were exactly alike, it would be boring. Opposing attitudes give us broader perspective and help us consider other possibilities, which I envision as limitless. Happiness can abound anytime, anyplace and anywhere.

Let’s break it down.

What is “happy?”

The first part of the word establishes itself right away. That is the letters “H and A.” which spells out “Ha.” When I think of “Ha” I think of laugher and laughing, enjoyment and fun. It seems appropriate that being happy begins with the letters that phonetically spell out a verbal manifestation of guttural laughter.

Is happy a feeling, an expression, a noun or a verb? Is it a state of being? I looked up the word on my phone and touched on the word on my Smartphone screen and all of a sudden I heard the phone verbalize the word. I smiled again! I didn’t know my phone would do that. I did it again. A little voice said, “Happy!” Before I even looked at the definition I realized allowing little surprises and wonder filter into each moment is the very essence of being happy.

According to an internet search, the meaning directs itself to not just a feeling but also in showing a sense of pleasure and contentment.¹ Isn’t that interesting? This suggests to me that happy is not something you keep to yourself. It’s something you share and continue to develop.

However you define it and/or experience it, make it your own. Allow yourself a little happiness to seep into little moments in your day. That is my hope for everyone this week. Go out and find some happy. Write it on the chalkboard. Put a sign in your window, Decorate your car and spread the good news to the world.

If you need a little extra boost in this arena, then think on these synonymous words that relate to the idea:

Cheerful, cheery, merry, joyful, jovial, jolly, jocular, gleeful, carefree, untroubled, delighted, smiling, beaming, grinning, in good spirirts or a good mood, pleased, contented, lighthearted, satisfied, grateful, buoyant, radiant, sunny, blithe, beautific and jouyous, thrilled, elated, ecstatic, euphoric, overjoyed, blissful, cloud nine, walking on air, jubilant and on and on and on.¹

This week’s positive message is choose to be happy. Let the essence of all that is happy fill your day. Don't let your happy be a matter of happenstance, but a choice. And if you choose to drive a car covered in "happy," so be it!

Enjoy your week!

Cheers!¹ (Viewed 10-14-2016 searched by What Is Happy?)

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Law of Murphy Strikes Again!

The Law of Murphy Strikes Again!
© Allen Merritt (2016)

I woke up Monday morning feeling rested enough, but without being able to put a finger on it I felt kind of like I was walking through limbo land. I should have known right then and there I was in for a ride. Murphy’s Law grabbed on with a vengeance. You know, whatever can go wrong will go wrong? This wasn’t the first time and it may not be the last time. I’ve even written about it in a previous blog. 

Anyway, I just want to know who this Murphy is anyway and where can I find him, so I can give him a little piece of my mind and the what for! That Murphy’s Law mindset is simply negative. There’s no two ways about it. Unfortunately, there is some truth in it from time to time. For me, it began on Monday and interestingly carried on into to Tuesday.

In the best of situations things are not always going to happen the way you think they will or in the time frame you hope they will. Things come about, get in the way, and stop working for no reason whatsoever and so on.  That was my Monday at almost every turn. It was a miracle I got anything done! Put other people’s attitudes, misunderstandings and perspectives into that mix and that barrage of Murphy issues becomes exacerbated. It’s exhausting and sometimes emotional.

Of course, my main concern is how to get through it unscathed and preserve positivity. Some important things to remember is to maintain awareness, breathe, remain calm, do not act rashly, avoid reactivity and give a little space and time to the matter, if you can. I realize this is not always possible up front, especially if there are other people directly involved and time is of the essence.

I have a couple of friends who are always telling me Mercury is in retrograde. I guess it is dwelling there, because it has not left retrograde in quite a long time (he says with an attempt at humor).

Whatever the circumstance, I understand decisions and life happens in these moments where the very core of our humanity and humanness are challenged beyond belief. The good news is that I did get through Monday and made all my appointments and fixed the issues, but I did not walk away feeling great about any of it. And, thus we say time heals all wounds. Take a little time to embrace, accept, adjust or be aware of what you are feeling and what is going on, because then a better decision and responce can come about and healing the situation will be facilitated.

Tuesday led to more frustration between personalities over what happened on Monday all the way to the point where I was prepared to make a decision to walk away and move away from certain job 

opportunities, if need be. I did my best to smooth out problems and successfully for the most part. And, I was grateful. Ultimately, we have to be aware that we cannot always control others and their reactions in the heat of a moment.

I am reminded how I am not the type to want to cause grief for others, but at the same time I wish the same peaceful approach to myself. That is a positive and important message. Be good to yourself so you can be as good if not better to others. Ultimately, the craziness settled, moments passed and along came an apology that really spurred on an opportunity to forgive and forget.  Yahoo!

At the moment, I am looking for only good news to come into the fray from today on. I’m seeing it! I envision it! I command it! Okay, I’ll settle down a bit, but you get the idea. Keep an eye on the prize and look for the best in every situation, especially those that appear to be getting out of hand.

Now, here is another button to my experiences which may prove helpful. I attended a small reception at the end of my conference day Monday and had a little glass of vino! One of the attendees and speakers came along to chit chat. She was lively and fun and shared how her trip was quite the ordeal as a passenger had passed away in mid flight. She relayed how medics, doctors and flight attendants were all busy administering CPR, which they are required to do until paramedics arrive. In this case, the plane had to land to make that happen. Get the picture; a lot of ongoing work for those responders while the family of the passenger looked on in grief. The plane routed to the closest airport and nose dived to the ground faster than the lady had ever experienced in the way of a landing.

After hearing this story, I remember thinking to myself how this makes my crazy day with Murphy and his dad-gummed law seem like nothing at all. So the moral to all this is maybe it isn’t (or wasn’t) all so bad.  And, we are not alone and not the only ones experiencing the causes and effects of one thing or another.

Thus we end another week on a positive note.

Have a good week.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Chill Pill!

The Chill Pill!
© Allen Merritt (2016)

I worked on a conference this week where I heard a speaker refer to the idea of how if there were such a thing as an exercise pill, everyone would be taking it because it would be so easy to stay fit. It got me to thinking about how pills of any kind have become a natural part of human existence. There is a pill for just about everything now. Everyone gravitates toward the “pill.” Industry loves it. 

The pill can be a profitable and lucrative business for those selling it, but do we really need them to eliminate or alleviate adversity in our lives? 

  • Got a headache? Solution = aspirin
  • Got back pain? Take a pill targeting pack pain.
  • Sneezing? Running nose? Can’t sleep? Yes, there are pills for all of these.
  • Erectile dysfunction? There’s a variety of options. Competition abounds.
  • Depressed? Psychiatrists have an answer. It’s called a prescription.

Pills have become the answer for how to get rid of or stop something you don’t want to have or deal with. They even help avoid and allow. For example, birth control pills alleviate the chance of pregnancy; PReP pills claim to help ward off HIV; and, even laxatives help make people regular because they do not want to be holding on to something!

In pondering the subject of pills, the topic of side effects now comes into play. Ever hear the announcer for those drug commercials spew off a sped up list of side effects at the end of the announcement? The list is almost as long as the benefits of taking the drug. The negative consequences may outweigh the positive ones. Personally, I am not sure it is worth it in the end.

For me, I have always avoided the idea of taking any kind of drug if I could help it. I attribute that to my mother who was addicted to opiates. After watching all her ups and downs associated with illness, recovery and well-being, I guess I learned by osmosis not to want to take anything in the form of a pill or other mind altering substances. That’s not to say I have not and will not on occasion reach for some relief in a worst case scenario. After all, there are many cases where a particular medication is valuable to its patient and/or cannot (or should not) be avoided; only a qualified physician should recommend such remedies. But when is reaching for a pill the only option?

Remember cute little statements such as, “Take a chill pill, man!” or “Don’t be a bitter pill.”? These kinds of verbal pills were simple statements and reminders that we have the power to change our reality; to relax or modify our attitude toward the better. No side effects, really. Healthier options!

Here are some ideas to remember to avoid negative side effects and negative experiences. Cut down on all the pills. Take a figurative pill instead such as fresh air, exercise, better diet, a few laughs and surround yourself with good friends and family. How about a hot bubble bath?

During the last year and a half of writing positivity blogs I have provided examples, exercises and challenges to help stimulate the positive for everyone. The grab bag grows and is like a bottomless bag of possibilities. I think the key is keeping your eyes and ears open with a keen sense of awareness on what opportunities and best practices work for you.  When you least expect it a sign, a phrase, a song or something comes along to remind you and help you push through the day. No need to run to the medicine chest or for grabbing a pill bottle!

If anything, take a figurative happy pill and do something good for yourself. Take a positive stance and have a better day. And, on that note, here's my suggestion: do something nice for yourself and call me in the morning!

Enjoy your week!


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Losing it!

Losing it!
© Allen Merritt (2016)

I lost it.
No doubt about it.
I simply lost it!
I wasn’t even trying to lose it, but I did.
That’s what happened.
I lost it.

I felt all of the old cliches come flooding into my life all at the same time. Needless-to-say, some are the very same comments my mother used to use on me as a child.

  • You can’t even keep your head on straight.
  • If it were a snake, it would have bitten you.
  •  It’s probably right under your nose or on top of your head.
  • If your head weren’t attached, you’d lose that, too!

Okay, here’s what happened. After a full day of working hard to catch up on one of my projects I had fallen behind on, I hit another wall because I couldn’t find a disk (or the information stored on the disk).

More specifically, an SD card, which held hours of video footage and represented hundreds of miles travel. Ouch!

My heart sank a bit and my body deflated as I searched everywhere, racking my brain, backtracking, reviewing all the material I had at my fingertips and tearing through a number of bags I had been using over the last few weeks. I literally, poured out a lot of junk from several bags and they were strewn all over the place. Get the picture? Ever been in this situation? You’re trying hard to make things go smoothly and then you find a monkey wrench, a hitch in your get along, a wall, a hurdle, an obstacle/challenge or whatever else you want to call it. No matter how you look at it you are face to face with a negative when you want to be chatting it up with a positive.

The result of losing it meant the possibility of having to re-shoot necessary material needed for the current project. I knew if worse came to worse I could do that and manage for the here and now, but what about other valuable irreplaceable material I captured somewhere out there in the world hundreds of miles away? I would never get that back. It felt like losing all your sentimental items in a house fire. You can’t get it back and you can’t take it with you. Yikes.

This put me into a temporary land of the lost moment, not quite “in a funk”, but wondering what to do to turn my situation around. Of course, I have to share the story, because it is a lesson in living life on a positive note.

Ultimately, as I am sure many others have experienced, I was not sure how to recover from this one. I was aware of my demeanor. I maintained a state of calm. I didn’t fly off the hand or throw a hissy fit. I simply considered my options.

Stop. Rest. Breathe. Contemplate. Pray. Prepare. Embrace the opportunity and hope the new material will be better than the old. I thought about how this was an opportunity to adapt and adjust, to let go in order to shine a light on the circumstances and on the positive possibilities.

Interestingly, as I wrote this blog I was reading a passage in a book I was in the middle of, which seemed to speak to me and appropriate to share. It read, “When we see things in a limited way, we leave ourselves vulnerable to nothing but hassle, pain and confusion.”¹

With this in mind, although I hadn’t found the lost item, I’m resolved not to get upset or beat myself up over it. Like I said, maybe some of the material will come out better in the long run. Stranger things have happened.

In any case, this is the situation I dare say many experience. And, it isn’t the same thing as saying, “The dog ate my homework.” Let’s face, sometimes we just lose it!

Our car keys
Our identification card
Twenty bucks

There is another interesting dichotomy to consider here in terms of “losing it.” This is the idea of losing it in the literal sense such as losing our temper or our mind. Generally, I can’t point to anything good that can come from that sort of losing it. Someone always gets hurt and winds up with the short end of a stick. That’s why I feel it’s s important to take our situations, put them in proper perspective and maintain a sense of balance/peace despite it all.

Sure! On some level I am saddened and wish I wasn’t in this predicament, but I do have a choice to keep my chin up and pull up my boot straps. Create and recreate. I have that power available to me, we all do. Adapt and adjust as needed. I guess I just talked myself into not wasting another minute worrying about it. Now, isn’t that a positive take on life? If my SD card shows up, great. If not, moving on. Life goes on. Just got to do it! Where there is a will there is away, right? 

I know! 

More clichés.

But consider this; any other attitude would lead to quitting or dropping out just as you are getting to the finish line. So why not go for it? Try not to lose it but if you do, remember you have power to keep recovering and keep on going.

By the way, the happy ending is I found it. I never really lost it. I just couldn’t find it right away. It was there all along. Mystery solved, but what a journey. Moments of doubt, hesitation and uncertainty.

If you find yourself losing it this week, take a step back and wait a while, then come back to it later and you might find it, whatever “it” might be. If not, adapt and adjust.

More power to ya!
