Wednesday, December 7, 2016

What Do You Need More of?

What Do You Need More of?
© Allen Merritt (2016)

I’ve been wondering lately about a dichotomy. The one that asks every one of us what do we need more of. What could we use MORE of? It seems a simple question albeit a complicated one considering the world we live in today with challenging news on the airwaves and sensationalized and/or overrated media events. It’s an ongoing discussion. Of course, the opposing idea is what we could use less of.

Many thoughts pass through my mind.

Do we need more garbage thrown in our face? Do we need more responsibilities piled upon us? Do we need more inflation? Do we need less income opportunities? Do we need less overpriced health insurance? Do we want more or less crime? Do we want more or less transparency in anything? Do we want to see more social media wars?  Do we need more political drama supporting only self indulgent agendas in a corrupt manner no matter which party is in charge? Let’s face it, there’s a lot of dust dancing around us. It’s amazing that we can find a positive spin anywhere.

When I think of my life in terms of more or less and what I could use or not use I begin to find new ways of approaching the everyday cache of events.
  • I could use less of the bad attitudes from myself or anyone else.
  • I could use more peaceful resolution.
  • I could use kindness and consideration.
As I consider these ideals, I am noticing all sorts of nice little signs, which seem to share more of what I think we could use more of.

Created by You! – I have a choice and can change anything thing such as my mind, my circumstances and my direction in life. Instead of constantly feeling bombarded by circumstances I can make a decision to work on changing it; make stronger efforts to create something new for the betterment of myself and the whole. I can remember where there is a will, there is a way and begin creating again.

Be Good to One Another! – It makes sense to me to take extra care in trying to be good to others as I would hope they would be good to me. I’ve nothing to lose by being nice and showing a sense of care and we can use a lot more of this these days. (As I write this, I received an email from a friend who signed off on their letter with “Be kind to one another.”  Isn’t that a fun coincidence?)

Not Of This World! – I have seen this graphic on the back of several vehicles over the years and never made the connection until the other day when I noticed a car had it spelled out. (I always thought it meant “Not Now!”)  But as I consider the acronym and the phrase in context with what I am discussing today, I understand there is truth to the idea that we are in this world, but not always a part of it. Maybe that is a healthy way to look at living in today’s world.

All three of these phrases could use further discussion beyond today’s topic of what we can use more or less of, but all play a healthy role in building positive perspective in light of our topsy, turvy and wacky circumstances.

I want to help promote a positive disposition this week by challenging everyone to engage in thinking about what we can use more or less of and then doing something to help actualize those ideals for the betterment of the whole. Thinking about it is not enough. Participating in an action oriented way helps eliminate all those things we could use less of and enhancing everything we need more of.  This is important, because every where I’m looking I see wrong action and corrupt activities being accepted as a part of our daily norm and it is trickling down. If we are not careful it will continue to impact our lives more negatively.  Without some healthy mindsets coming into play through positive thinking and positive action improvement will only exist for those who are taking it and hording it from everyone else in the name of freedom. With this in mind, ask yourself this question, “What could we use more or less of as we move forward into a new year?”

Have a fantastic and enjoyable week!


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