Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Little Things & the Bigger Picture

Little Things & the Bigger Picture
©Allen Merritt (2016)

I am reminded this week of how important little things are in life, especially when you consider how forces beyond our control often appear to be in control of our day-to-day. I have to say, it’s good to receive little reminders in the midst of it all, because sometimes it feels like we’re walking through some pretty deep ‘thick of it all’, so to speak!

It‘s challenging to maintain a positive attitude. Not-to-mention how it tests our ability to remain smiling despite it all, keep the faith, believe in greater things than ourselves and stay the course according to our own individual differences.

Personally, I am attempting to take a step back for a hot minute to observe, breathe, re-assess and evaluate life as it ebbs and flows. My observation is I’m fighting too much to achieve, which makes me wonder if that’s the same thing as trying too hard.

In any case, the hurdles of dealing with individuals who could care less and seem uninterested in doing anything, let alone the right things is overwhelming at times. There is a full plate of crazy going on out there and while humor and positive attitude helps, it doesn’t take away our fragility in the face of it all. In other words, frustration will rear its head to spit in your face.

But this week serves up a memento!

My nephew from Arkansas came to town for a conference and get away. I always try to take time out to visit and show him around. This trip he seemed interested in relaxing rather than running all over town and trying to fit a lot of activity into each day. Over Chinese food my nephew told me a story about how he doesn’t eat fortune cookies. However, he did open one once to find a message inside filled with lucky numbers. Something told him if he took those numbers and played the lotto, he would win. He was positive he was going to win! Then he said a little voice told him, “You can have it now or later.” After some thought, he chose to keep a mindset of happiness. My nephew felt he did not have a lot, but he had enough and he was happy. So, instead he put the fortune in his wallet deciding not to play and to remind him of the many blessings in life.

In a world of instant gratification strategies, it was refreshing to hear him share this story. While he still believes he has winning numbers, he believes in a happy outlook more. Little things in life matter more in building a brighter and positive future. They help give insight into the bigger picture.

For me, I want to know I’m doing the right things for the betterment of the situation I’m dealing with; and, that I do so with integrity and some sense of care and kindness. Now, some weeks are better than others for me in landing work as a creative entity. Following some technical work on a conference I learned I had an interview for a job the next day. As a result, I had to learn some material over night and make arrangements to travel. I’m used to working on the fly, but when his happened I was struck with how lucky I was to receive even the smallest of a blessing in this way. Yes, it was a lot of work to accomplish learning material, getting there in a timely manner and making my way through the process, especially on Friday the 13th when travel would be heavier and traffic would be crazed and full of unnerving situations.  So on the one hand I saw the blessing and on the other I knew there were obstacles.  Ultimately, my thought aims toward trying to maintain peace through the journey, which is easier said than done.

I can’t help but see the blessing and find perspective in this as I am reminded that the forces working in our favor are stronger than the forces working against us. The message beyond that is the importance of understanding how our lives are entrusted to us. The situations we are given are entrusted to us toward fulfilling a larger goal beyond our understanding. We cannot always be in control nor “do it all.” But we can do our best right here and right now in every situation and act according to our abilities and stay rooted there as we work our way to what we believe the goal is.

So when it seems overwhelming, keep in mind the little things and the blessings are more important than obstacles and hurdles. Remember to look for options and solutions outside the norm. More importantly, you aren’t the only one going through something and trying to get there…wherever ‘there’ is for you.

Be reminded of the little things and the bigger picture. Then go out there and live life on a positive note.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Mistakes or Possibilities

Mistakes or Possibilities
©Allen Merritt (2016)

Maintaining a healthy and positive attitude is sometimes easier said than done, no doubt. For me, I have had a rough month of challenges. As a result of those challenges, my faith and belief in myself, my talents and my life were greatly tested. Since I am a person who has a educational background in psychology and an interest in human behavior and how to rise up out of the depths of it all, I allowed myself that time to feel some of what it was I was feeling. I believe we have to do that from time to time. By doing so we realize out human fallibility, our pain and just where our emotional bloodstream takes us.

With that in mind, I had to fly to another city and had more than enough time to think, meditate and sit in prayerful consideration of my personal experiences. Many times, talking it out with myself and the universe does wonders, especially when you have the time and take the time to do it. For me, I felt much better feeling what I was going to feel and then letting it go so I could wake up the next day and continue the journey of moving forward.

After landing and making it to my destination, I got to work at allowing my creative self the chance to get to work while I had some free time before the real work started. This always makes me happy. It also proves as an example of how resilience comes alive and bounces us back instead of smothering us in the pits of despair.

Following my creative afternoon I was thoroughly exercised, tired and famished. I went searching for some place to dine. I stumbled past a entryway and heard a lot of chatter and realized it was a restaurant. I peeked in and liked what I saw, so I decided to make this my stop. It was an amazing choice. It was more expensive than I would have wanted, but worth it none-the-less. All over the walls were interesting statements made popular by recognizable names. I enjoyed reading them. A couple brought me to writing today’s blog and sharing my personal experience.  One statement read, “I believe in an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out.” I had to laugh inside over that one, but I found it full of truth. There have been a time or two where I felt like asking someone why they were letting their intelligence fly right out the window. This statement makes me see the importance of keeping a presence of mind while being open-minded. We still have to allow ourselves to BE, to ask questions, to formulate thoughts, feelings and opinions based on thorough analysis and consideration. It means to be ourselves why allowing others to be themselves while simultaneously knowing the difference between what is obviously right and wrong; truly a lesson in ethics and virtues.

Another statement which brought it all home for me was, “San Francisco is 49 miles filled with 49 million possibilities.” This comment suggests the importance of outlook. Instead of thinking of everything as a success or a failure, right or wrong, perfection or mistake, we think of everything we do as a healthy possibility; a chance…not a mistake.  If most everything we do in life is has a possibility of a positive outcome, than most things are not a mistake just because they did not produce successful outcomes based on societal norms. Getting through the day and having the opportunity to do it all again the next day is in itself a culmination of everything we did the previous day. And that is a positivity. Tons of possibilities lead us to a healthier positive well being, if we let them.

So my challenge to you this week is to think of everything you do as a possibility.

By doing so, anything is possible with time and effort.

More importantly, it helps us be more resilience in the face of trials and challenges.

This is what I mean when I say go out there and live life on a positive note.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Strong, Stronger & Strongest!

Strong, Stronger & Strongest!
©Allen Merritt (2016)

When you think of the word strong, what do you think of? What is the first thing that comes to mind? For me, I think of strong as the ability to stand firm ground despite it all. The word strength leads me to consider what it means to be strong, to grow stronger and place myself in a position of living the best life I can and becoming my ultimate, which is my “strongest.”

Building strength makes us strong. The key word here is “building.” It takes effort to create strength and thus become strong. Of course interpreting the meaning and associations of the word “strong” varies and descriptions are many. According to, the following words are synonyms of the word “strong.”

“Strong, powerful, mighty, able; firm, constant, resolute, strenuous, hardy; hard, severe, fierce, stern, strict; bold, brave; valid, assured; effective, producing a great effect, potent; earnest; arduous, violent.”¹

Today I am pondering this word as it relates to personal growth and steps toward creating a life filled with possibility and positivity. Did you notice that some of the synonyms listed above are serious insofar as they push the idea of strong toward the more negative spectrum? For example, the words “severe”, “violent”, and “fierce” may be interpreted as harsh. Overall, the aforementioned synonyms are interesting to consider as related to the ideology of strength. Take a moment to think about your favorites. I personally like “effective” and “producing a great effect,” as they lend themselves toward considering the positive side of strength.

For some, strength is natural. For others, it takes real effort; a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Ask anyone who has tried to lose weight!

As I think about it, I remember the seven full marathons I have run. Training for them was an attempt to build up toward running a successful race. It was personal. Running is an individual sport most of the time. It is you against yourself, time and distance. In order to persevere, you have to keep doing it and push yourself a little harder each time. Once you complete the marathon, no matter how difficult a task it was, you feel good about yourself. Marathons are never easy, but there is a lesson in personal growth there. It takes mind, body, soul and spirit to get through it. The message here seems to be to hang in there. Keep going. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I see this as a positive thing. In fact, I personally use running as a therapy toward becoming stronger even today. Of course, building strength comes in different forms for everyone. My point is to find personal ways to make your way to your happy and positive place.

There is a new television show entitled “Strong,” which apparently places participants in a position of testing their limits. They persistently push and drive themselves in an attempt to persevere and achieve success in making their way to a finish line proceeded by obstacles and hurdles. This certainly sounds like more than a metaphor for everyday life.

Remember the Lance Armstrong campaign: LIVESTRONG? Here is a campaign that focuses on helping self and others. Maybe we can take a moment this week to focus on thinking about this idea of being strong and building strength so that we (ourselves) can become stronger and make our way to be our strongest. Not only can we work on that for ourselves, we can also work toward being that support system to help and encourage others to do the same. Now that is a positive goal!

Take a moment to think on the following ideas:

Strength:          The quality or state of being strong, in particular. A good or beneficial quality or                           attribute of a person or thing.²        
Strong:             The ability to stand firm ground despite it all
Stronger:          Building more strength one step at a time
Strongest:         Position of living the best life I can and becoming my ultimate.   

Challenge yourself to capture and personify your own personal strength this week.

Apply that strength to growing stronger and believing in who you are and what you have to offer and then utilize said strengths to become stronger.

Go out there and be your very best you. There is nothing more positive than that!

Cheers! (Viewed on 4/27/16)¹ (Viewed on 4/27/16)²      

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


©Allen Merritt (2016)

Today was a brighter day for the simple reason the sun came out and the clouds dissipated, which I love. I am generally a blue sky and sunny day type of personality. In recent days it has been cloudy and challenging on many levels, but today was a day I took a friend to their doctor’s appointment and helped get them through yet another analysis. It was comforting to know that my friend was in the company of good care. By the end of the session we left knowing that increased efforts were being made to slow the progression of memory loss. Needless-to-say, this took my mind off of all the cluttery things that have been taking up residency in my everyday thoughts. 

As we were leaving the facility, a caring greeter acknowledged us and offered a yellow carnation to my friend. To me this was a sweet gesture the facility offered. Not only was it a nice thought, but the yellow color reflected the nature of how beautiful a day it was outside, as well as on the inside. It was a small thing that meant a lot; at least to someone like me looking at it from another angle.

After getting my friend back home, I took the carnation and made sure it was prepped and placed in a vase for further viewing enjoyment.  Attached to the flower were a ribbon and a small card that read S.M.I.L.E. This acronym stood for “See Miracles in Life Everyday.” It also said, “Thank you for allowing us to serve you” and “Keep Memory Alive.”

All three statements were enough to make me stop and think, ponder and contemplate. How often do we really take time to stop and think about hopeful things? How often do we look for those little things called miracles in the here and now without it being attached to an obstacle? And, how many times do we notice a business or service showing appreciation anymore for you and me, the customers? Good questions to consider, no?

Now, I share this story this week for the simple reason that all people are experiencing something every day. Some experiences are difficult and challenging; others are uplifting and filled with hope. Either way, it seems important to me to remember and remind ourselves how there are two sides to every coin; dichotomies and dualities!

Personally, it has been a challenging month for me and I have had to work hard at finding my boot straps, because many things I attempt or try to achieve have failed; not necessarily due to anyone’s fault. Things are changing all the time. Therein lies a set of unexplainable dynamics for which people must find ways to adapt and adjust. In the heart of it all we must search for anything uplifting and positive, because we realize we are not in control. It is what it is and we have to sometimes sit it out as an observer and see what will happen next while hoping for the best.

What I really liked about this experience is seeing a little note that reminded me to smile and then finding out there was more to the word than the physical context of actually smiling, but looking for little miracles and feeling better about the everyday grind.

And, on that note, I offer you my little experience as something to consider for the remainder of the week.

Smile AND S.M.I.L.E.!

See Miracles in Life Everyday.

Be positive and hopeful despite it all.

Take these with you wherever you go this week and enjoy living life On a Positive Note!
