Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Monkey Mind Huh-Bub!

Monkey Mind Huh-Bub!
© By Allen Merritt (2017)

I found myself thinking about distractions this week. I suspect that distractions in life are now a given. They happen and they are everywhere. What's up with all this hub-bub?

For me, I feel such distractions are more than just forthcoming; they are nonstop. It makes me wonder how I can get anything accomplished. When I refer to distractions I am thinking of anything which keeps us from doing what we believe we ought or should be doing. They keep us from a task or help us fall behind on completing them. 

Sometimes, though, these distractions are figments of our own imagination. In other, words, we stand in our own way. For example, have you ever had a list of things to do and then you turn on the television only to become engrossed in a program? When this becomes routine and habitual, then the television becomes a distraction.

The Buddhists refer to something called ‘monkey mind’ meaning "unsettled; restless; capricious; whimsical; fanciful; inconstant; confused; indecisive; uncontrollable".¹ I would think of these as distractions, things that get in the way.

Even in the middle of seeking out some peace and quiet we can likely discover some kind of disturbance invading our space bubbles; noise, noise and more noise. 

I was at a coffee house yesterday morning and the noise level was so highly prevalent; you could not escape it. The noise was enhanced when a young man sat at my table chattering away to no one in particular. I noticed he was writing numbers on a piece of paper. It was interesting in that I was trying to have a little morning read to start off my day and it was all I could do to concentrate on the text. Between the clamoring and conversations going on around me this one man’s voice was louder then all causing me to cover my ear in an attempt to focus on my reading.

I find this happens a lot now. The television is on. The radio is on. The papers are filled with nonsense. Noises permeate the air from upstairs, downstairs and to every side. I guess it’s hard to be quiet when everyone wants to be heard, which would explain why there is very little listening going on. I hear a ton of discussion and every bit of it seems indiscernible. In any case, it’s distracting.

I have heard it said that people cannot be alone with themselves anymore. I think that may be truer than I can imagine. While noise can be beneficial in certain circumstances every now and again one needs to take a break from it all.

Recently, I was working on a project requiring silence. A house guest was visiting. I asked them to be absolutely quiet for a while. Interestingly, they simply could not do it. They had to make noise. It seems to me that peace and quiet is an undervalued commodity now. If you were to place it on the stock market, it would be worthless. Yet, I would propose trying to indulge in more of it to calm the mind, body, soul, spirit and senses.

Even with peace and quiet our minds can become noisy. As mentioned previously, this is referred to as monkey mind, which is why Buddhist practice encourages meditation to empty the mind and allow life to just simply be unencumbered as it naturally will be. Meditation can aide in clearing out the clutter and distractions preventing life’s ebb and flow.

I used to do a listening exercise with children when I visited elementary schools conducting workshops. I asked the kids to shut their eyes and open their ears and sit there listening to whatever was going on around them. Then I would have them share what they heard. It was a great way to promote hearing and taking note of what was going on around them.

So when I found myself surrounded by a ton of noise this week I decided it would be a nice idea to promote positive well being by encouraging some peace and quiet to achieve better outcomes toward a happier existence in this moment and on into the next moment. 

Makes me think of the line, “Stop and smell the roses.”

We must take time to make time to be still and know. Here are some things to remember this week as you move through your week clearing out the clutter, the noise and anything oriented to the monkey mind.

Turn off everything
Be still
Don’t talk
Take it all in
Don’t cling
Let things come and go
Take note
Find clarity
Enhance the moment(s)

Here’s to a little less noise and lot more clarity; a few less distractions and much more positivity.

Here is a link to a song by Mac Davis about stopping and smelling the roses along the way.

Have a great week reigning in the monkey mind!

Cheers!¹ (Viewed on 3/24/2017)

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Awesome Possums!

Awesome Possums!
© By Allen Merritt (2017)

I received an email the other day where the subject line read: Have you found your AWESOME yet? Isn't that fun? I immediately smiled and thought of the phrase, "Awesome Possum.” It’s like a mental ‘thumbs up’ sort of moment. I can hear some youthful individual verbally exclaiming it.

"Awwessssooomme, dude!"

I also thought it was a good question to ask and explore. 

What is this “awesome”?

When I think of awesome I think of positivity. I think awesome is a word that expresses a feeling and approval on something, something that takes us to a different place. Takes us to a better place! And, why shouldn’t it? It begins with the word “awe.” Maybe it means that we can improve our lives in a multitude of ways by infusing some awe into each day. Awe! Awesome! Some measure of awe. It’s all about awesomeness.

And, what is this ‘awe’ anyway?

According to, awe is “an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc. produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like.¹” The definition also includes the idea of feeling inspired and influenced.  If you look closely at the definition it also includes the idea of fear, which would indicate how the idea can go from one extreme to the other. It is that impactful. But for the most part, when we think of awe and awesomeness, I believe it is focused on the good.

Other images that come to mind include every time I hear someone say, “Awwww!” For example, when someone sees a cute baby or receives a sweet card in the mail. Aww becomes an exclamation and response to something endearing that touches our heart in a positive way. Awe becomes a special gift that keeps on giving.

What exactly does the word awesome generate in the way of a feeling? What does it mean? Here are some descriptive words that come to mind that help define the idea.


I also feel there is a certain vigor and oomph that comes by declaring ones awesomeness. We create powerful positive vibrations by doing so. I visualize awesomeness as being larger than life. It indicates excitement; super sized positivity in the moment.  It is being in awe of something. Embracing and accepting something with fullness and presence of mind, body, soul, spirit and senses.

I suppose the opposite would be promoting apathy and contempt. Which would you rather fill your day with, apathy or awesomeness? It’s a little more to think about this week, especially as we travel up the path of positivity. We need things happening each day that get us amped up and excited for our lives. We need reasons to jump up and down, have a genuine good time and be happy and thrilled with our achievements and accomplishments, no matter how large or small the outcome or results. Let’s take this week to get us some awesomeness. Find it! Activate it. Appreciate it.

Have you found your AWESOME yet? If not, continue working on it.

With that in mind, I wish a little more awesomeness for all. I think it is definitely needed.

Have a super fabulous awesome week!

Cheers!¹ (Viewed on 3/21/2017)

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A Little Beacon of Light!

A Little Beacon of Light!
© By Allen Merritt (2017)

With all the chaos and craziness permeating throughout society these days it is easy to understand how one can get caught up in it. There are plenty of things distracting us, disturbing us and impacting us on many different levels. I can personally attest to it as I try to navigate through the day to day successfully. It’s tough, there’s no doubt. Sometimes I feel it hurts my brain. But if we’re not careful, it can hurt our heart and above all our spirit. As long as many people (at least in our country) are feeling put upon, put out, left out, infringed upon and taken advantage of, the idea of having a huge weight on our shoulders will continue to press down upon us.

I think it is important this week to re-discover and/or discuss separating truth from fiction; the inside from the outside. Getting caught up in all the hub-bub (sometimes we have no choice) truly impacts our quality of life. Since the goal is to remain positive, happy and healthy, it might pay to reconsider our personal perspectives and how to get back to our “self” in such moments.

Lately, I have felt some of this “heavy laden” on my person. When this happens I know it’s time to step back a little; not to disappear, but to reassess and make sure I am still here. The reason I say that is because more often than not, the rest of the world doesn’t want to hear from us or acknowledge us. The force of that can make people feel worthless and empty. Everyone wants to be accepted and embraced in some capacity for whom and what they are and are trying to become.

One key issue in becoming is letting go of those who aren’t interested. I think that is self-explanatory. It’s all about surrounding yourself with the right sort of people. However, there is the other side of the coin. What if the right kinds of people just aren’t there?

My thought this week is to remember to not beat yourself up or be too hard on yourself OR others for that matter. Look inside instead of looking outside. We must accept and embrace the true core of our ‘self’ to stand any chance of finding those appropriate others to spend time with.

I watched a television show last night that reminded me of the idea of looking toward the light, making that the center of our lives and allowing the rest to be what it will be. We do not have to prove anything to anyone when we are focused on our little internal light. Just have to switch it on. Once you switch it on, you see things from a greater and deeper perspective as it pertains to your life, your gifts, talents and abilities. Think of it as proof of life, so to speak. There your purpose begins to thrive and burn brightly and eventually comes fully alive. Sometimes that light gets squashed out in the real world. Don’t let it. As the old song says, “You can’t be a beacon if your light don’t shine.”

When people say and do things or don’t say or do things that squelch our light, it’s easy to fall into negative patterns; maybe even give up. But I think if we focus on the heart of the matter we are more likely to find that peace beyond all understanding and bring forth joy despite it all. To me, that is far more worth living for than worrying about what other people think, do or staying focused on all the “schtuff” going on out there.

When it comes to staying true to yourself, your skills, talents, abilities and capabilities, you have to begin inside yourself. If everything seems like it is going haywire and nowhere real fast, then maybe the direction is off or its time to consider new ideas. I think most people probably have a true sense of who they are even if they aren’t sure where they are going or if they have found what they want. Staying in that safe place helps dodge the obstacles being thrown at us.

I am also reminded of the children’s song,” This Little Light of Mine.”

This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

Have you ever heard a bunch of kids singing that little diddy? It’s powerful.

Let’s focus this week on attending to the heart of the matter, that little light within so that our positivity and passion illuminates our soul and spills out for others to see.

Have a great week and here’s to living life on a positive note!


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Simple and To the Point!

Simple and To the Point!
© By Allen Merritt (2017)

I felt pretty good one rain driven Saturday afternoon when I was invited to help out at a local church. My job was to operate the sound system and audio capture a wedding ceremony.  I was told it would be easy peazy; simple and to the point. 

I was happy to have something to do which didn't require me to commute several hours to work.  I chalked this one up on the positivity board as something to be grateful for, rain and all. 

In any case, I took the job, arrived early enough to set up and prepared. When I arrived several members of the wedding party were in front of the sanctuary posing for a wedding photographer. Nothing fancy. All were simply dressed in dress clothes. I observed nothing in the way of fancy long flowing wedding gowns or black tuxedos. This event was (again) simplest and to the point. 

People gathered to honor the bride and groom without fanfare. In fact, I couldn't even separate the wedding couple from the guests. From what I could see, it appeared that the older family members were being photographed.

I quickly ascertained it wasn't your standard froo  froo with hoards of chiffon and lace, flowers (there were none), crowds, special music and of course rice or a "just married" sign attached to a car along with strung cans designed to rattle and draw attention to the couple as they drove off into the wild blue yonder to begin their lives together. 

It was a plain affair. Simplistic and pleasant despite the rain.  

In that moment I realized you do not need anything ornate and over the top to create a happy moment or memory.  Another positive thought was that it doesn't take much and little things mean a lot; simple and to the point.

There was an err of effortlessness to what I was witnessing. Not stressful as some wedding's are. No bridezillas anywhere in sight!

The next thing that caught my attention was learning who the bride and groom were. Both were over 80 years old. What I thought were the parents or grandparents were actually the happy couple! The woman had just retired three days earlier. Here they were, having lived pretty full lives and were now beginning a new chapter; with each other. They were moving forward and simultaneously moving on. I couldn't help but smile. It was so cute and broke all stereotypes. Two people making the most out of every moment. If anyone can teach us positivity in motion, it is these two seniors.

Candles were out on the communion table. There was a big one front and center representing the union of the two into one. That candle was surround by two smaller long tapered candles signifying their individual lives prior to this day. 

The ceremony was short and sweet. Cut the cakes. Have some punch. Celebrate with friends and family toasting and honoring the happy pair. Come rain or shine, life simply goes on.


I am thankful to have witnessed this moment in time, standing on the perimeter; grateful to experience and learn from these giants that stand before me. This is what positive living is all about.

Keeping it real
Keeping it simple
Keeping everything on point.

This is something we all can learn from.

Until next time, remember to keep it simple and to the point.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

It’s Cold Outside!

It’s Cold Outside!
© By Allen Merritt (2017)

Baby, it’s cold outside. Oh, yes it is!

It has been unusually cold in my neck of the woods lately. It really feels like winter, but in a foreign sort of way. You see I live in a warm state. It never gets so cold you can't stand it or are inhibited by it for great lengths of time. I like it that way, which is why I left the northeastern part of the country for the great southwest. It’s not that I can’t handle a little bit of snow; it’s just that I don’t want to be burdened, enclosed or stuck for months on end by it. It gets to be too much.

It occurs to me that this blast of cold hits us both literally and figuratively. I especially noticed the duality of this thought while working a job this week. I thought it would be a good topic for this week’s discussion on recognizing the polarities of negative and positive.

I booked a two day job assignment requiring me to work overnight hours on a film shoot. As it turned out, the weather was freezing cold and quite frigid. Despite this arctic blast, we were trying to make it appear more like 85 degree weather. People were wrapped in blankets, bundled in coats and periodically had to throw them off prior to a shot. They had to hide them throughout the night for up to twelve hours. When the wind kicked up, the wind chill factor made in difficult to work. And, at three in the morning, it really becomes painful.

At times the crew members were feeling the pressure of it all and needless-to-say temperaments were short to the point people were behaving very coldly (pun intended) to one another. So this brunt of negativity was smacking us around every which way but loose. This made it difficult to maintain a positive sense of composure, because people start to feel attacked when confronted by cold personalities coupled with uncomfortable living conditions or environmental situations. 

I found myself acutely aware of the negativity building. I challenged my awareness to discover the lesson I can learn and share from what I was witnessing, because at one point crew members failed to communicate effectively with one another and began pointing the blame finger at those of us doing what we were told. Instead of taking responsibility and correcting the problem, certain crew members shed the burden on others. This is when patience wore thin and members began to speak out to prevent further conflict.

Many times, witnessing such events and staying silent is best until circumstances play out further. To maintain a positive stance one must pay attention and not react or overreact. I have seen situations improve simply by watching situations weed themselves out. People who need to move on usually do. The unknown factor makes itself clear with a little time and space. Of course, there is a common sense thread to consider here. When it is time to stand up and be heard and voice something to right a wrong or correct going astray, then one must think about doing so in a considerate, polite and professional manner. There is, after all something to be said for operating with a filter. In this way, everyone benefits. 

Ultimately, the evening came to an end and everyone survived and no one was really hurt or taken advantage of. It takes quite a team of individuals to make an event happen like this one. But that is the thing to remember: it IS a team of INDIVIDUALS. All have their own thoughts, opinions, personalities, experiences and backgrounds for which they bring to the table. How they handle and present themselves is another story.

So when it's cold outside, don't let any bitterness filter through to the inside and stay there. Feel what you're going to feel, process it and move on from it. Make a decision to stay positive anyway. Take care of business in the best way you can. When it’s cold outside, be prepared and keep yourself warm. As they say, cold hands, warm heart. Solution? Get some good gloves and then make it warm hands and warm heart. It beats the alternative, which is to have warm hands a cold heart. 

Stay warm this week.
