Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Making the Best of a Bad Situation!

Making the Best of a Bad Situation!
© By Allen Merritt (2017)

There’s an old song I remember that helps me put things into a new light. It’s a humorous diddy which makes me smile every time I hear it because it takes various situations and turns them into somewhat of a positive experience despite it all. The song demonstrates how anything can be turned around from bad to good, negative to positive, etcetera and so on. If anything, we may learn how NOT to do something. We’re always learning. We’re always growing. We might as well make the most of it.

By hearing others stories via news, music, literature, jokes or personal observation, one can gain new perspective and find new ground, inspiration to let go and move forward as necessary.

The song I am referring to is not heard very often anymore. In fact, I always have to go search for it to hear it. It’s called Making the Best of a Bad Situation recorded by Dick Feller (1974). (I’ve included the links below for the actual recording and lyrics).

I thought it would be fun to share this little piece of history as an illustration of positivity in motion. The song has three stanzas discussing things like when the milkman delivers more than milk to the husbands wife once he goes to work and how he sees it as an opportunity to never run out of dairy products. Or, when a man thinks nothing of the fact that an alligator bit his ear off. And, how a lady thinks nothing of her husband behaving like a chicken makes a statement on how much they could use the eggs.

Now, worse things are going on out there in the real world every day then the little oddball situations discussed in this song. But when I think about it, I realize the take home message is about turning it all around and finding your way out or moving forward no matter how oddball and complicated the circumstances are. That is what I call finding something positive within the negative. It allows us to reconsider and see past the temporary.

So here are the questions to consider:

Are you making the most of every situation?
If not, step it up.

Are you making the most of every bad, challenging and pesky situation?
If not, find a way and make it happen.

Go over, around or through it all so you can be past it already!

Do not waste another minute of life hunched over in worry, because it you do you will find yourself in a bit of a rut often distracted and deflated. I realize there aren’t any magical answers, especially with the worst of situations such as geological disasters, crime, traffic, health scares, terror related incidents and more. However, even in the worst of the worst we can find a place to love, live, laugh and forgive and quite possibly learn and grow. The key lies in our willingness and our ability to make the most of it and find blessings and victories in and beyond them.

With these ideas in mind, take a listen and a peek at every aspect of this old song and see if it will muster up something positive for you to consider in your life. Have fun with it. It’s silly, but the message is impactful when you reflect on all it offers.

Now go out there and have a great week living life on a positive note.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Do It Anyway!

Do It Anyway!
© By Allen Merritt (2017)

Not everything turns out exactly the way we want it to. I think most people get that, but it should not stop anyone from trying, plugging away and chugging along. As I consider how best to lead myself and others down the positivity path, it occurred to me how many times in my life I have done things despite it all and came out smelling like a rose. I consider myself the odd duck. Not because I am weird or complicated beyond the norm, but because my every day generally seems out of place with the normal routine. That’s my perspective on myself.

When I consider it further, I think that as the world changes (especially technologically) the opportunities that once were are no longer an option. This means discovering new pathways and generating new ideas in believing and achieving. The idea of following the rules and working our way up the corporate ladder as the key to success no longer holds water let alone truth. You have to change with the times and go with the flow a bit more often and sometimes that means unlearning what you learned and learning something new.
This begs to question why we do what it is that we do. In other words, why are we doctors, nurses, lawyers, firemen, entertainers, writers and athletes to name a few? For me, it was because I started out having fun with what I liked to do and that developed into a passion of sorts. Maintaining that passion and coming back to it repeatedly is what keeps me alive, but even that is not enough.

I once had am instructor tell me that there aren’t any rules anymore. What was the standard at one time is not necessarily the standard now. So if you’re holding on to the way it was, it is like holding on to the past, which could learn to unhappy negative mindsets toward what you used to love.

I think keeping up with the positive side of things means constantly evaluating and assessing everything all the time. It really does mean looking for new innovative solutions to the everyday issues that creep up on us. It means going with the flow more often (Taoist pun intended); but in my thinking, it also means using a certain level of common sense approaches.

In other words, if you try and follow other peoples rules all the time, you are putting yourself in a box and labeling yourself in such a way that growth and accomplishment would be limited. This is because there is more than one way to achieve, more than one right way to do something. If I were to listen to everyone in my business telling me that their way is the only way, I would have gone bonkers by now. Maybe that is because people have their own agenda and are promoting their own sense of self-worth. 

In keeping in line with the idea of there are no rules, it seems to me that you take what you get out of something and leave the rest. If you are being humble, courteous and kind, not stepping on other people, not being obnoxious in your approach, being sensible on timing and not over doing it, then it makes sense to me that one can move forward positively.

The idea is to put life into motion. Do it anyway!

My mother used to discourage me by telling me I couldn’t do something. That inspired me to do it anyway and see what happens. Now, I am not saying putting oneself in a dangerous situation, but I am saying if it makes sense and you can see a way through, do it anyway and the reward may prove beneficial.

I want to encourage everyone to put their best foot forward, try new things and discover more about the possibilities. By doing it anyway we can open ourselves up to a more enriching life because we took sensible risks and chances that lead us to feeling good about ourselves.

Martina McBride had a hit song about doing it anyway. It speaks to me about do what you love to do because you love to do it and not necessary for accolades and honors. If others aren’t watching, that’s okay. We do what we do for the love of it all, the passion and the self satisfaction we get from being a part of it. The philosophy of doing it anyway takes us back to our roots, our home base and reminds us of why we do it and what is most important to us about doing what we do.

So my message this week wraps around the idea of getting out there and doing it. No matter what, do it anyway.

If you need a little extra motivation and drive, listen to the song and see if it inspires you to have a positive and happy-go-lucky week doing whatever it is you want and feel you need to do.

Have a wonderful week living life on a positive note.


Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday!

Good Friday!
© By Allen Merritt (2017)

Today is Good Friday which is part of a religious tradition leading up to Easter Sunday and ending with the idea of a resurrection. As I woke up this morning and began getting my thoughts together I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to write about all that is good. I wanted to spend a quick moment to jot down some encouraging ideas and thoughts about reviving, rejuvenating and resurrecting our spirit; because we can do this anytime, not only on special occasions such as holidays or during recognized rituals and traditions. Everyday can be a good day.

As they say, “It's a good day to have a good day.” And, why not? What is “good” anyway? Isn't it subjective? Isn't it based on individual differences and personal perspective? It seems to me there are some obvious signs leading us to understanding what “good” is and isn’t. It also occurs to me that our perception of what is innately good is what we make of it not just what we are told or sold.

So let's talk about every day being good.

Parents often tell their children to be good, don’t they? Why do you think that is? Is it simply to teach them the difference between right and wrong? Is it about keeping up appearances so that others approve? Is well mannered and well behaved often recognized and associated with goodness? Or, is there an underlying lesson in how good and goodness can permeate our being any time we choose to allow it?

As a child I thought of being good as the opposite of getting into to trouble and avoiding punishment. I did not think about it as a lifestyle choice. Of course, Good Friday is not at all about that. It specifically reflects on a man losing his life at the hands of others. He was doing what he believed to be good and right in this world and he suffered a price for doing so in losing his life, which led to an amazing event three days later, that being the resurrection.

It seems to me there is a strong correlation here in the idea of how “good” plays a role in our lives when we let it, as well as how the concept of resurrection provides a chance to revive ourselves when we need it most.

If you are one of the many that look at Good Friday as a day commemorating an important series of events, then why not do the same with every other day of the week? Look in the mirror every morning, smile at yourself and be determined to have a great day. The weekend is not the only time to relax, enjoy, appreciate and feel like you are living your life.

Let’s lay the ground work for having a good day every day. 

Monday doesn’t have to be mundane. Turn it around and make it an opportunity to jump start your projects and responsibilities. Since Monday is the first day of the work week, it gives us a good chunk of time to work toward completing tasks. Some people think Monday is not the best day of the week because it's the first day that we go back to work after a weekend off. This isn't true so much anymore because our society has turned into a 24/7 operation. But in some parts of the world the weekend is still a time of rest and conducting business isn’t the goal.

What about Good Tuesday; a good time to find peace right where we are as we roll along?

I’d say Good Wednesday is already in motion for many, especially since it’s typically referred to as our, ‘Happy Hump Day,” meaning we’re half way there, half way through the work week.

Then there is Good Thursday. What positive mindsets can we put into place to make that a good day?

I don't think it's a question that people like good Saturday and good Sunday. Everyone has a different view on what is fun to do and what's relaxing to do and what they want to do to make the weekend a good weekend. But just in general every day can be a good day if we look at it from the right side of the fence, we wake up on the right side of the bed, as they say.

I often use the word “goodness” in response to things. I think it’s because I want to throw a positive spin on everything rather than viewing things negatively; which is easy to do when you think about how the media saturates us with bad news. In any case, there's no reason why we can't let the idea of Good Friday and the resurrection apply to us daily.

Infusing and applying the idea of “good” in each day generally makes sense to me and that is what I wanted to contemplate this day – Good Friday. Let’s celebrate every day of our life by recognizing that good and goodness are readily available to us if only we would reach out and claim it; by doing so, we will revive, and resurrect our spirit.

Seems like a practical and positive approach to take.

So go out there and have a Good Friday and a wonderful, wonderful GOOD weekend and every day from that point on. We’re all fallible at times as human beings but we're also very strong. We just need to lift ourselves up from time to time to keep on the positive path.

Have a Good day!


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Shake It Off!

Shake it Off!
© By Allen Merritt (2017)

I am a person who enjoys getting out and about no matter where I might be. I think this is a key element in feeling connected to life, as well as staying in a positive state of mind. There are many sites and situations to appreciate.

This week I flew to Nashville, Tennessee for a conference. It wasn't the first time I had been there. I expected it to be a busy trip and it was, albeit not as busy as I anticipated. As a result, I ventured out to explore the city as I often do whenever and where ever I travel. I like to watch people and see new places. It can help rejuvenate and/or stimulate the spirit within.

Since I am only human, I flew into Nashville in somewhat of a slump. It wasn't a terrible one, but my mindset was a bit deflated from recent failures and disappointments. I was feeling the idea of working hard, keeping my nose clean and to the grind stone wasn't doing anything toward achieving results despite staying the course, sticking to it, believing and having faith in my skills and talents. I simply wasn't seeing success for which I knew was possible.

Anyway, while on this trip I didn't coop myself up in a hotel room. I can't do that. I needed to walk it off. And when you get out there and see people doing their thing no matter how crazy it might be, you gain a little of your perspective back and can start to breath again. You begin to not only come back to yourself and who you are, but you feel invigorated toward picking up where you left off. Sometimes you have to take a break and let your hair down.

You see there is a whole world buzzing around you. You're not the only one. So take a moment now and again to remind yourself of that. Lots of people are out there trying to live their dreams and lives. We're all in the same boat and breathing the same air. Success and failures are not exclusively defined by anyone but you. We need to keep that in the forefront of our mind, because there are always people and situations willing to take opportunities away from us. What we have to do is stay positive and have conviction toward achieving.

One night I went in and out of venues listening to music when a Lady grabbed my hand and started dancing with me. I thought, "why not?" I let my hair down and enjoyed the moment forgetting about everything else. I had a great time that night. So my positivity thought on this is to give yourself the gift of letting go once in a while, especially if you're feeling deflated, disappointed or frustrated.

In the end, life throws things at us and we’re going to feel a little bit of that, but hanging on to it and losing sight of ourselves and our purpose only digs us into a deeper hole, so to speak. So my philosophy is not sweep feelings under the rug but acknowledge them and then find solutions to move forward and letting our hair down may be one way to do that.

So if you’re having one of those days, weeks or years that is feels like your’re spinning out of control, take a moment and let your hair down and shake it off for a bit and see what good can come of it.

Have a great week living life on a positive note.


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Good Things!

Good Things!
© By Allen Merritt (2017)

Well, I started writing this morning while peeling a banana and smearing natural creamy peanut butter on it, which is a favorite treat of mine. Oddly enough, a dollop of the peanut butter dripped off the banana onto my keyboard causing me to have a humorous moment, which is always appreciated even if it was not the best thing to happen to my keyboard. It caught me off guard. I wasn’t expecting this to happen. I had to jump up and get a wash cloth and try and clean out the grooves between the keys before starting my intended task. And to think, I was all ready to sit down and explore my positive day with insight and perspective. I guess that is how positivity happens sometimes. It catches us unexpectedly and off guard. Now I have a permanent reminder of capturing positivity in motion; peanut butter buried deep in the recesses of my computer keyboard. I suppose it could have been worse.

What better way to start off your day then with a little chuckle! Ha! 

With that in mind, I decided today would be a good day to look through a newspaper and a couple of various magazines to see if I could spot good news or positive statements; words that might inspire, motivate or drive us forward toward our greater selves. I have suggested this in the past, but wanted to utilize it today to demonstrate how effectively if can work in changing outlooks and turning things around; more importantly, that there are little signs of life everywhere if we only choose to look and see them.

Here is what I discovered. I found the following headlines and statements reaching out to me from within the pages of the material, which I think highlight good things going on.

Officials seek ways to enhance participation
Let your voice be heard
There is a better solution
Amplify your summer
Start your engines
A community of support
What’s your greater?
Good one
Select All
Game changer

All of these demonstrate some form of positivity or cause us to consider it.

I even found one ad covering several phrases worth remembering including:

Let’s practice and make it perfect
Let’s go the distance
Let’s reach out
Let’s jump in
Let’s get fired up
Let’s take heart
Let’s give back
Let’s do some good
Let’s not wait on anybody else, let’s make this the year we all do better, because there’s a lot we can do together.

Some days might be better than others in finding material that inspires us, but every little bit counts when you are thinking about walking out the door and stepping into the hustle and bustle. In any case, I find that if I look around and pay attention, I always spot something which causes me to think about something good or relate that goodness to my personal life and well being. If it causes me to feed my spirit, smile or even laugh no matter how big or small, then it is worth recognizing and exploring.

My challenge for everyone this week is to make stronger effort to discover more goodness in ourselves as it is reflected in our real world experiences. All it takes is one little statement or phrase either printed or verbally suggested to peak our interest and lift our spirits.Read between the lines and get to the heart of the matter. 

And if that little moment that gives you the most insight is nothing more than a dollop of peanut butter falling off your banana onto your computer keyboard, then so be it. Make the most of the situation and carry that with you throughout your day.

On that positive note, have a incredible week.
