Sunday, December 31, 2017

Finding Reasons to Celebrate!

Finding Reasons to Celebrate!
by Allen Merritt (©2017)

Holidays are great. I love them! I love the happy go lucky spirit they create that allows many of us to step out of our daily routines and find reasons to enjoy the bounties of life and rites of passage.
However, I find myself as often as not in an interesting juxtaposition regarding these traditions.

The truth is, I seldom celebrate holidays; at least, not in the traditional sense. As I think about it, I realize there are significant reasons for this and it causes me to pause a moment to reflect further on it. I do not see it as a self-pity trip or a “Woe is me” type situation.

Again, let me be clear. I love holidays and celebrations of all sorts, but as I look back on my experiences, I find life generally hasn’t led me down that path where I could participate in the same fashion as most people do.

For example, I worked on the second shift for 13 years for a company requiring its employees to work most holidays. I kind of got used to the idea that holidays don’t really exist. And, I observe many other people finding themselves in the same situation today. I respect them for sacrificing their time and energy to helping others have a good holiday. I guess someone has to do it. There is a positive result stemming from such individuals. 1) Hospitals need people to care for those in need. 2) Emergency responders are there just in case; 3) and, service industry employees are working to provide a need during the holiday hustle and bustle.

Another reason I believe my holiday bubble doesn’t exist revolves around limited to familial experiences. I am mostly on my own when it comes to family and friends. Everyone lives far away or goes away and so I generally keep it on the down low, so to speak.

My experiences with work even today are similar in that I could find myself off working somewhere at a moment’s notice at any time. I simply do not recognize the “Friday” or “Weekend” rule. Meaning, when most folks are celebrating time off Friday through Sunday, I usually am not. Friday could be any other day of the week for me.

I share these thoughts and experiences today as a means to recognize that despite it all there are still reasons and ways to celebrate life without sticking to a formula that such and such a day is the designated holiday, birthday, anniversary, weekend, vacation, etc.

For me, I have to find ways to celebrate without following such guidelines and schedules. Celebrating life, loving and living must be on my terms or under the best conditions I am able to work with. If you are living under similar circumstances, then I hope this provides enlightenment that life is always worth living no matter what. None of us are alone or living without in this arena. 

It seems to make sense to me. Heck, they even have Christmas in July more and more these days. Every day can be a holiday if we want them to be. If you want to celebrate, celebrate! It doesn't matter what day it is. Celebrate anyway! This has great bearing on our positive well being and mental attitude.

It encourages me to find more reasons to celebrate. I may not be able to do so in the same manner as John Q. Public might, but I can rest comfortably knowing I do so in my own way as time allows.

While I am not a party animal and my idea of celebration may vary drastically from most, I believe I can enjoy my moments in a peaceful and joyful way no matter what day of the year it is or what type of day we call it. Every day is special, because on some level every day is priceless and not guaranteed.

As we end one year and begin another, may we all see each day as a special day and find something positive in it that spurs a reason to celebrate. After all, life is what you make of it. Home is where the heart is. And, each day is as happy as we choose it to be.

Let’s find more humor, laughter, patience and loving kindness to bless each experience and situation we encounter.

Enjoy living life on a positive note.


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

To Have or To Have Not!

To Have or To Have Not!
©Allen Merritt 2017

It’s that time of year, isn’t it?

The spirit of the holidays is fast upon us and everyone is doing their best to encourage good cheer. At least, I think they are. I hope so. We certainly do not need any more Scrooge’s grumbling at the world.

The holidays have changed over the years with consumer growth and a push to collect contributions to every charity imaginable. Long commercial campaigns are seeking donations. One truth is apparent, there is incredible need out there and it’s growing. We do not have to go far to experience it or approach it. It’s on our doorsteps or close by to home. Many people continue to live paycheck to paycheck. Some simply live without.

While in Los Angeles last week I noticed something slightly different about the homeless epidemic. It is not only spreading out and growing, but seems to be wider in girth, so to speak. What I mean to say is that those who are living under such conditions are staking out more space individually on the sidewalks. Larger walls of sheets tied up to mark more territory are clearly evident.

Tents are popping up in areas they didn’t used to be. For example, on Sunset and Vine in a parking lot across from the Palladium I observed several homeless encampments right in the thick of the hustle and bustle. The situation is speaking for itself.

More and more people are living on the streets. And, baby its cold outside!

Today as I ran errands I caught a glimpse of a man in shorts wearing a sandal on one foot and a tennis shoe on the other. Do you suppose he is making the most of what he has? Another man was pushing a grocery cart serving as his storage facility while simultaneously walking his companion dog. Do you suppose he is grasping any sense of normalcy? After a while some of these faces become familiar.

Each day that goes by we live our life and experience it as only we know it and comprehend it. It’s a personal thing. Accordingly, it is an experience which resides within the realm of the relevant. Meaning, we understand things to the extent for which it is relevant to us.

Maybe our positive outlook ought to be defined more on our attitude for what we do have and not so much on what we don’t have. There is something to be said for that considering so many truly don’t have near as much as others.

Individually, we may not be able to solve the many problems in the world, but we can help not make it worse and try to offer a way to improve it. Helping ourselves and helping others can make us all feel better and more positive. We can contribute to improving life overall.

Let’s be mindful about the haves and the have nots.
Let’s be thoughtful that it isn’t all about me, me, and me!
Let’s think about giving back rather than gimme, gimme, gimme or mine, mine, mine!

As we journey through another holiday season, may all of us be reminded how lucky we are to have what we have and allow that revelation to positively inspire our attitudes from day to day.

Truth be told, there will always be something we feel we need. If we dwell on those things, we will never be happy, satisfied or feel complete or content.

Keeping this in mind, have a great week living life on a positive note.

Reach out and help others find their way and in that find a little of your own way. At the very least, let's do the best we can according to our individual means and capabilities. 


Friday, December 22, 2017

Standing Up to the Wind!

Standing Up to the Wind!
By Allen Merritt ©2017

Today gusts of wind are blowing upwards of 50 mph’s.

It seems like a sad day, although I am trying to pretend it is not.

Everything is flying around including dust, dirt, rocks, trash and anything left loose out in the open. It reminds me of the incredible amount of chaos taking hold of our country. It seems apropos and representative of how our worlds get thrown about and things seem all topsy turvy. There is a definitive feeling in the air things are not good and a great percentage of people are being placed in a position to suffer by the decisions being made up on the hill.

While it has yet to be seen how far these tactics will go or how destructive they will become there is no doubt people are sensitive to the hurt going on. Some are embittered, enraged, outraged and everything in between. Still there are others making effort to shine a positive light and discover new ways and outlooks on how to approach these issues in appropriate ways.

As I think on this, one thing I also noticed while traveling through this blustering windstorm is how the planes are still taking off and landing. Somehow the job still needs to get done and people must be somewhere soon in the safest way possible. The flight crew takes great effort to insure all will be well.

I think in light of the political climate impacting so many Americans we must remember we are human and we still need to find ways to live as peaceably as possible. Someway we must rise above the nonsense being shoved at us and focus on the betterment of the whole. Yes, I wish D.C. was actually thinking along the same lines, but I cannot make others be what they aren’t able to be and I certainly cannot insure they will do the best to represent our group of people.

However, what I can do is be reminded of my role in stabilizing my spirit toward that which is good for everyone. I can focus on “actually” making the place we live great again and not just throw words around. I can hone in on how to best represent myself and others. While the office of the president exists now in name only and whereby autocratic is replacing democratic I remain positive on certain issues related to making things better, improving health and well being through caring and sharing, nurturing and growing. I figure if history is going to repeat itself and many will lose, than we should work hard to be strong in the process.

The sadness is simply not worth it. Life is too short and these days are helping me look toward what it is I truly value. I am certain others feel the same.

This year we saw several devastating hurricanes rape and pillage communities. Winds kicked up fires across California among other geological disasters. Through all of these natural catastrophes humanity stood up and is flourishing one step at a time despite what is going on in that place called Washington.

So as the winds continue to blow and toss us around both literally and figuratively, may we all find reasons to be happy; discover opportunities to smile, laugh and encourage ourselves and our neighbors; and, turn off the noise until the wind settles down and the sun shines again. We may be shoved around and fall down a time or two, but we can also get right back up again. I think there is some sense of comfort in knowing that.

I’d like to take a moment to wish everyone good will and peace throughout the storm (s).

Here’s to living life on a positive note!


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Getting the Last Laugh!

Getting the Last Laugh!
©Allen Merritt 2017

I love it when strange things happen out of the clear blue and afterwards you realize it was pretty funny. In hindsight, you start laughing and are thankful for the humor of it all and the clarity of making light of a moment.

For example, I was on the phone today clearing up some business with a financial institution. I was on speaker phone. I figure if I'm are going to be on hold for great lengths of time just to be able to speak to a person I might as well accomplish some cleaning chores. Anyway, a young man finally answered the phone asking how he could help. As I explained what I needed, the young man made a statement to the effect of, "I see the account you're referring to belongs to your husband. May I speak to your husband please?" 


I hesitated for a moment and then said, "I am not a woman." 

The young man must have been a little embarrassed as he laughed and made a comment about there is a poor connection on the line. 

Now, that's funny! 

Another moment I observed this week had to do with a woman I was working with who every time she went into the bathroom managed to come out with toilet paper trailing behind her. She was a tiny thing and never seemed to notice it. What made it even more lighthearted was how the big bodybuilder guy on set was the one who would stop and help remove the toilet paper. There was a sense of funny there coupled with loving-kindness. You got to love that!

Sometimes that kind of humor helps make the day roll along a little smoother, especially when you allow yourself a moment to chuckle over it. We need this in our day to day.

My mind loves to consider the funny possibilities. Such as the time when a lady called my phone and asked me if while I was out at the store if I could pick up a few extra items she had forgot to put on the list. Of course, I said I would. Then I hung up and laughed myself silly. I guess there was someone running around out there with my name picking up the groceries.

There have been a couple of times I would think to myself how funny it would be to walk up to someone and swat them on the backside and them run. Okay, that is a bit of a childish prank. But my internal laugh meter went off and lightened the moment. 

Sometimes I think the powers that be deliberately allow these situations to take place or people to cross our paths to remind us not to take everything so seriously. I think this is important, because I tend to be serious as often as not and have been accused of it repeatedly. But I find my funny bone is still intact. I notice things that make me laugh.

We can make each day more positive in seeing through little misunderstandings or mishaps. Call them hiccups, if you will, but there are moments which catch us off guard meant to lighten our day and our load with a touch of humor. It is too easy to fall into the trap of letting ourselves be sucked into the drama of it all. My suggestion is to let the unexpected shine its light once in a while and show us a little love.

I remember another time when I was taken aback when the person on the other end of the phone asked to speak to my wife. As a single man, my immediate thought was focused on did someone know something I didn’t? Did someone slip a ring on my finger when I was out of it? I guess the real question in these little moments is who is getting the last laugh?

My mother used to tell me that if I was going to make a big fumble I might as well be the first one to make it well known and get the most out of it before someone else took credit for bringing me down. I think this falls into the same category of getting the last laugh and finding humor in every situation. That’s not to say we are not to take situations seriously or forget responsibility and accountability. It simply means we all fall short of the glory and wander down a wrong path once in a while. We all trip up. We all react too quickly sometimes. We all misunderstand because we don’t know what is going on or have all the facts. Accordingly, assumptions are made such as the young man assuming I was a woman over the phone.

Who’s getting the last laugh?

Final answer - I hope it is you.

It may not always be about who is getting the last laugh, but are we laughing and finding ways to love our lives? With that in mind, may this week be one of finding positivity in those unexpected humorous moments.

And if you can, share that laugh with everyone else. Then we’ll all have a good time.

Here’s to living life on a positive note.


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Give a little! Receive a little!

Give a little! Receive a little!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

Just when you think no is paying attention, listening or watching (let alone acknowledging) you, someone says or does something to entertain the idea of how much you are appreciated. When that happens to me I feel that appreciation, but most of all I experience an overall sensation of blessedness.

We all need a little love to push us forward. Unfortunately, it may not come as often as it should anymore. We forget ourselves and others so easy - lost in the ways of the world and multiple distractions. I find if I am hearing the good comments, then I can allow them to rest peaceably within and guide me forward, because my overall well being needs a touch of human kindness now and again. I think this is a given for all of humanity. 

Give a little. Receive a little.

The challenge is to recognize those moments, hear those compliments, as well as accept and embrace those opportunities when they arrive. In other words, let others show they care. Let others love you. Let others see you, recognize and acknowledge you. When you do, your mind calms and your heart is enriched putting you in a perfect position to experience the best things in life.

Can you remember the last positive comment you received this week?
Can you think on when it was you last gave an encouraging word to someone?
Can you recall a compliment offered you recently?
Did you give someone a vote of confidence?
Have you received a bit of thanks for things you did for someone years ago?
Do you remember thanking someone for their place in your life?

All of these questions are worth pondering, especially in moments when you are questioning yourself and your place in the all in all.  We can give each other a little something to help us along in the day to day. But we also have to be aware we are receiving the same blessing(s) in return.

Here’s the challenge:

Try to think back on the recent past and see how many times you were given a vote of confidence, an encouraging comment or compliment and what your reaction was? Did you hear it? Did you receive it, accept it, and embrace it? Or, did it go in one ear and out the other? These little moments are like healing miracles and blessings at work in our lives to continue promoting our well being and state of happiness.

For me, I noticed three such events take place for me this week.
  1. I received an e-mail from an old friend reminding me how much I helped them with a place to stay, offering storage space and friendship in time of need. They wrote, “I hung on your uplifting words.  For that time in my life I thank you so very much. I don’t know if Thank you is enough.  God bless you for your kindness. You are a human angel.  I bet you are still sharing your light.” (Should I pull out a tissue now?)
  2.  The barista at one of the local coffee shops started a conversation after they remembered my name to put on the coffee order. They said they were not good with names. I simply stated, “It’s okay, as long as you do not call me Kim, Sue or Peaches.” Their comment to that was, “I don’t know, Peaches sounds nice, especially since you always have a nice smile.” (Awww! I never think of anyone noticing me smiling anymore.)
  3. Then today my friend with Alzheimer’s received a visitor I’ve know for a while, but have not been close to. As they left, they reached out and hugged me and said, “Thank you; for everything. What you are doing is enormous.”  I wasn’t expecting that. I smiled lightly and quietly told them how much I appreciated that. It was a feel good moment. Such moments can break down barriers!
You see, just when you think no one is noticing, looking, paying attention, seeing you or hearing you, someone offers such grace and love. It sparks a little light inside. My final point in sharing my thoughts and experiences is to never give up. Never think that what you’re doing or saying isn’t making a difference, because to someone it is. And, when you need it most, it comes back to you a hundred fold.

Remember to offer a little more human kindness and loving kindness to yourself and others. Everyone needs it. And one other thing, it sure is a sight better than tearing someone down, bullying them or shaming them for no reason at all.

Give a little.
Receive a little.

Enjoy the best of the best this week living life on a positive note.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Skip To My Lou, My Darling!

Skip To My Lou, My Darling!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

I saw a man skipping today.

That’s right!

I observed a full grown man skipping down the sidewalk, bobbing up and down in true skippity fashion. He filtered in and out of pedestrians, all of whom were making their way somewhere. The difference was that they were simply walking.

Oh, yes! This caught my eye. It captured my attention and I wondered what he was up to. It’s not every day you see an adult male skipping down the lane; a child, yes, but not an adult. When I think of skipping, I quite naturally think of children (girls in particular) on a playground or in a park. I think of them skipping rope. Moreover, I picture boys skipping rocks or skipping class, because boys do not skip…or do they?

Remember that old popular children’s song from 1840?

Skip, skip, skip to my lou
Skip, skip, skip to my lou
Skip, skip, skip to my lou
Skip to my lou, my darlin'

Here was sufficient evidence to prove how some boys can and do skip. Here was a man skipping along carefree and with apparent wild abandon. I sensed a spirit of freedom and happiness associated with this act of skipping, as if he was making a statement to the world. How could anything be wrong? Isn't that fun?

It made me think of other sightings such as singing baristas and waiters or dancing homeless people, because when you find yourself witnessing such events, you have to stop and take it in. Sometimes it’s unexpected such as when you stumble upon a flash mob. These events bring about a sense of joy and wonder, if only for a moment. I believe every act of silliness or joy is well worth the investment of instilling peace in our soul. If anything, it will certainly give you something to think about or even talk about throughout the rest of the day. 

In this case, here was another example of positivity literally in motion. This happens despite anything and especially in the face of negativity. And maybe that is the way it should be. After all there are song lyrics encouraging us to do so. “Dance like no one is watching.” “Do it anyway.” “Sing because you’re happy.” “Smile and the whole world smiles with you.”

Needless-to-say, this event definitely brought a smile to my face.

It made sense to me, especially in terms of positive self-expression.

Be you.
Be Free.

Whatever you are going to do, do it with wild abandon, wholeheartedly and unabashedly. Do it BECAUSE they are watching. Smiles are infectious. So is laughter. Spread the good feelings. Start a contagion of positivity. Don’t skip a beat, but skip to your own beat.

There is nothing like that feeling we get when someone makes us smile or genuinely laugh.

I know skipping may feel awkward, but have you tried it lately? It just might change your tune from sad to happy. If children can do it, so can we.

I’m willing to try it if you are!

Let’s find time this week to get a little skippy with it! Don’t have a rope to skip? That’s okay! It’s not required. Just lift up one knee and jump/hop a little, lift the other knee and jump/hop a little and repeat! Before you know it your skipping along enjoying the day!

Here’s to living life on a positive note.
