Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Knock on Wood!

Knock on Wood!
©Allen Merritt (2016)

I was having a phone conversation the other day when I responded affirmatively to a question by saying, “Knock on wood.” I remember this phrase growing up as meaning something to the effect that everything was fine and hopefully will remain that way. I guess it would be thought of similarly as if I had said, “God willing.”  

Most of the time you are supposed to find a piece of wood to knock on as you were saying it to make it a more concrete statement to ward off negativity or bad luck. But what does it mean and where does the tradition/ritual come from?

According to one website’s theory, trees hold spirits within and if you knock on them, you are able to invoke those spirits for positive good luck. It also was a way to demonstrate a sense of gratitude.¹

Now, doesn’t that make you want to go out and hug a tree or two?

I mean, who would not want to invoke the best in positive energy and good luck!

Makes sense to me.

In any case, I remember my mother using it. I also remember if wood was nowhere to be found, I would knock on my head as a symbol of “knocking on wood.”  I know that part is a bit silly, but the contextual meaning of wishing for good luck by saying this phrase while simultaneously performing the action is what I remember the most.

If you want to know how various traditions view this idea of “touching wood”, then try looking up the phrase “knocking on wood” on Wikipedia. Most of the various cultures around the world see it as a custom for good luck and spiritual protection against negative forces.

It’s interesting because I haven’t thought much about this phrase in many years, but it stuck in mind once I said it in conversation, so I thought I would share my experience.

This also brings to mind an old classic song by the same name.

Of course, I understand it does not have quite the same impact, but it plays on the idea of the tradition and superstition of the phrase. Have a listen and you can get the jist of it.

KNOCK ON WOOD "Amii Stewart" - YouTube

So I want to wish everyone a bit of good luck this week. So it is up to you to answer the following in proper accordance.

Are you going to have a happy-go-lucky and wonderful week?

Say this: “Yes, I am. Knock on wood!”

(Make sure to have some wood to knock on.)

If that doesn’t work, just go find a tree and give it a good squeeze!

Enjoy your Life Living On a Positive Note!

Cheers!¹ (Viewed on 3/13/2016)² (Viewed on 3-13-2016)

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


©Allen Merritt (2016)

How many times a week do you actually say YES to yourself?
How often do you allow yourself an opportunity to do something you want to do?
Do you ever give yourself permission?
Do you ever try to talk yourself out of doing something you've been thinking about doing only to end up not doing anything at all?
How often do you talk yourself out of doing things?

Do any of these questions sound like you at all?

I definitely have these moments from time to time and have to remind myself its okay to try something new or different and/or make time for me by allowing myself a chance to explore and discover the world and how I relate to it.

Lately I've been seeing a commercial on television using the slogan “Yes to You.” It got me thinking about how many times I talk myself out of doing things just because I don't want to spend the money, maybe I can't afford it or it's not something I would normally do so I wouldn't enjoy myself or I don’t want to drive in all of that traffic to get there. I find reasons to stay home and tell myself it's much easier to do that instead of putting myself out there.

It’s interesting, because I actually know people who are real go out there and get it type people. I admire them for their persistence in always getting out and about that way. They are always doing something social. However, there are many people, who are not social butterflies, but love seeing more of what is going on out there. It isn’t always about going out to eat, attending a party, going clubbing and pursuing mindless entertainment. It’s about living your life enthusiastically and positively.

Saying YES to YOU is about opening ourselves up to more possibilities for enjoying and celebrating life in whatever ways we choose.

In my opinion, if you want to put a little positive spin into your life, infuse your spirit and soul with something unpredictable not the routine. More importantly, stop denying yourself. Start talking yourself into doing things. It doesn't have to be like taking a major risk but proving yourself less predictable.

I know I've written about finding different things to do, going an unusual route and seeing things from a new perspective, but in terms of this week's blog I wanted to speak about it from the angle of not denying yourself an opportunity; to shake up your everyday routine. In other words, stop saying “NO to YOU” or talking yourself out of anything, because it’s a form of self-denial.

YES to YOU is an affirmation of yourself to yourself.

Think about the benefits of allowing yourself opportunities to grow, learn, explore and discover.
Of course, there are times you benefit from saying NO to yourself, a situation or others, but taking the circumstances into account and putting everything into proper context plays an important role in whether or not we are self-denying or self-promoting.

I don’t think that saying YES to YOU has to be a life changing decision, but it can be.

What I want to convey this week is saying YES to YOU in terms of not talking yourself out of doing simple things that make life better.

With that in mind, I want this week to be about using the phrase YES to YOU as a mantra for making the most of yourself.

Go out there and give it a whirl!

Enjoy your Life Living On a Positive Note!


Wednesday, April 13, 2016


©Allen Merritt (2016)

Here’s a question you may or may not have heard in a while.

What would you do if you really did have a million dollars?

I think this is always a good question to think about and ponder. It sheds light on personal desires, character and integrity, don’t you think?

Flash the possibility of extra money around and suddenly something very interesting happens. It’s sort of a metamorphosis. We become another persona, a different person; and, that can be either good, bad or ugly. 

Either we’re dreaming or scheming.

Consider gambling. Win a little and keep playing. Win more and bet it all even though the price of ‘losing it all’ has you lingering on the edge of your seat. I guess we get an adrenaline high from the prospects of winning. Unfortunately, more often than not, that feeling is only a flash in the pan; a sugar high that cannot be sustained but for so long.

Earlier last month the nationwide lottery was listed in the millions. I was commuting to work the day of that drawing. Interestingly, I drove out of town at 4 a.m. and noticed a line wrapped around the lottery store near the state line. I was amazed. People were hungry for that chance to win several million dollars. I guess it was worth it to so many people to spend quite a few dollars of their hard earned money in hopes of picking the right numbers and winning the big jackpot.

Later on, when I was returning from my day trip I passed that same lottery store around 4 p.m. The cars were still stacked up and that line around the block was completely around the store and then some. Mind you this was 12 hours later. It was like a traffic jam.

You could almost hear everyone singing, “We’re in the money! We’re in the money!”

I found this entertaining and kept right on going. There was no way I was going to get in that line. I seldom buy into the lottery anyway. But I understand how the lottery impacts people’s perceptions toward inviting good fortune into their lives. It seems only natural to want to prosper, to find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and latch onto the winning jackpot and fulfill all their wishes and desires.

Remember the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes? They made a marketing campaign out of showing up to a winning house with a larger than life check and a camera. People got emotional, excited and jumped up and down with excitement. They unexpectedly hit the jackpot!

This reminds me of a cartoon about a man asking God why he hadn’t won the lottery only to hear God say something about how the man needed to buy a lotto ticket first. 

To some degree I can see the fun in it and how the dreaming helps add a positive infusion into life. However, it seems to me that we have to balance the reality with the dream and with every dollar given away we must be prepared not to see it again; it becomes disposable income NOT a jackpot.

I have heard reports that many of these lottery winners or instant millionaires become bankrupt a few years later. Makes me wonder what they did with their million dollars?

And that is the question of the day.

Maybe as an exercise we should consider what we ought to do with a million smack-a-roonies should we be lucky enough to stumble upon it.

Give a little back?
Pay off debt?
Start a savings and/or retirement account?
Continue our education?
Responsibly invest and multiply millions into more millions?

Not many are awarded such an opportunity to actually have a million dollars. The purpose of discussing this question today is to remind ourselves of what is truly most important in life. That is the real question. And for me, I think answering the ‘real question’ leads us to a better state of mind and fills us with more positive energy than dreaming of more money than we have ever seen before. The real Jackpot is in living a better life despite it all. Find the things you enjoy doing and do them. Scale down as necessary. If you have the chance to upgrade, then go for it. Winning the lottery, a sweepstakes or anything else comes with a whole laundry list of things that have to be taken care of on top of what you already have to take care of.

Asking the question, “What would I do with a million dollars?” gives us a chance to re-evaluate our lives and put them into proper perspective so that we always see ourselves as having already won the jackpot.

Each and every day we live is a gift.

We are all winners.

Have a good week and enjoy living life On a Positive Note!


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Happy Talk!

Happy Talk!
©Allen Merritt (2016)

Let's talk happy. 

I may have mentioned it before, but there is a classic musical known as South Pacific which has a song titled “Happy Talk”. It was one of the first things that came to mind as I began to ponder today’s topic, which reflects on the word “happy.”

As I write this I am also reminded of another old song by Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. You know, “Happy Trails to You”. Both songs are uplifting in their own way and strike a chord or two (pun intended) on the idea of happiness.

The Constitution speaks to the notion of our right to pursue happiness. So let's talk about what that means. What is happiness?  What does it mean to be happy?

The pursuit of happiness is defined by as “a fundamental right mentioned in the Declaration of Independence to freely pursue joy and live life in a way that makes you happy, as long as you don't do anything illegal or violate the rights of others.”¹

Being happy and our interpretation of what that means turns out to be very personal to everyone. And, there are plenty of resources out there should anyone want to research and discover more about it. We have music, articles, research, books, movies and more to inspire us toward our “happy” place.

In my opinion, if there is any positive message out in the world today which is constantly encouraging us to pursue, obtain and achieve being happy, it is the continuous use of the word “happy” as a part of our daily vocabulary. It's everywhere. Stop and think about it. Start paying attention and look around. Listen and see if you can hear that word.

Here are a few examples I came up with which always use the word “happy”.

Happy Birthday
Happy Anniversary
Happy New Year
Happy Halloween
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy….any holiday…any celebration

What about Happy Hour? Now there is one many people can relate to. “It’s five o’clock somewhere!”

Happy is everywhere, but are we paying attention and fully embracing the philosophy?

Let’s take a look at this a little more closely.

Art Markman, PhD discusses research on what it means to be happy for which he explores and discovers differences across cultures. One common element across the board is the association of luck on personal happiness.² Is happiness solely based on luck. I don’t think so, but many do.

Another article worth looking at titled “What Does 'Being Happy' Mean?” lists 9 points to consider, which include making plans to attain happiness, surround yourself with happy people, don’t let problems stand in the way, think about happiness, pamper yourself, laugh, stay healthy and know that you deserve to be happy.³ I think I am more in tune to these ideas than focusing on luck and outside forces producing my “happy” for me.

So if happiness is available and accessible to everyone, have we become immune to it (in one ear and out the other) or are we taking full advantage of it? Is it all about luck or can we nurture it? I like to think we can tap into it any time we choose even in the hardest of circumstances. Every little bit counts, right? Altering our vision, changing perspective, having broader vision despite it all may drive us toward that happy agenda.

I want to jog our memory on how rich we are with opportunity when it comes to pursuing happiness. The next time you hear the word "happy" be reminded of your own happy place. 

From time to time, I think every individual needs a reminder as we navigate our way through our personal rat race. With this in mind, I invite you to revisit the meaning of happiness in your life. Make it personal, embrace and accept it as your own. More importantly, go for it!

Below are a couple of links to the aforementioned songs to help you begin your own discovery. (You may have to copy and paste them into your URL)

Happy Talk:

Happy Trails to You:

Have a good week and enjoy living life On a Positive Note!

Cheers!¹ (Viewed on 2/26/2016)² (Viewed on 2/26/2016)³ (Viewed on 2/26/2016)