Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Positive Self-Talk!

Positive Self-Talk!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

There is a scene from one of the Focker films referencing the thought of learning to self-sooth, meaning to allow the individual to find ways to comfort and calm themselves without intervention. Of course, this was specific to a crying baby. However, it makes sense for adults, too.

How does a person make themselves feel better in uncertain times, times of conflict, struggle, strife and general unhappiness no matter where these stem from?

In the past, I have written a lot about the many ways to work on personal outlook and positive well being. Today I want to explore further options.

Positive self-talk is one way to work on enhancing our positive living experience. Finding something good to say about or for oneself can be likened to a verbal pat on the back or a means of giving oneself an “at-a-boy/girl!” vote of confidence.

Reiteration of such self-talk principles instills the positive over time. In other words, it makes sense to keep talking yourself up! We have to envision our future and see it happening. And, it might as well be a good one.

These acts of self encouragement aide us in our self-soothing, as well as in our self- promotion. It’s an internal conversation designed to motivate, inspire and persuade, which greatly impacts our daily attitude.

So be reminded of the following:
  • Positive affirmations help redirect us toward positive well being.
  • Stop the negative focusing by staying away from the “Can’ts” and “Don’ts”
  • Refuse to dwell in uncontrollable circumstances. Make better of them instead.
  • Continue to create your own motivational statements or mantras.
  • Begin a tracking system either by worksheet or utilizing sticky notes. See where you started and where you are going.
  • Counteract irrational belief systems. Worrying about what may be or too many 'what ifs' deprives you of enjoying the here and now.

These things build confidence and self esteem. Anything which is anxiety driven and interferes with personal growth and well being is counterproductive and probably leads to unrealistic expectations and irrational thought patterns.¹  

Sometimes finding a positive outlook in the midst of a firestorm or in general isn’t easy, but persistence will lead to perseverance. We have to purposefully and intentionally counteract the negatives with the positives. Here is an article worth reading from Psychology Today highlighting positive self-talk.

Another great resource I want to share offers some great exercises anyone can use to help strengthen ones positive outlook.  For example, writing a self-compassionate letter about perceived inadequacies followed by an additional letter written from the perspective of being on the outside looking in; taking a daily vacation (break from everything); turning everything off and engaging in an imaginary journey toward your best possible self; or, an exercise focusing on personal strengths as opposed to weaknesses. ²

Bottom line is this; positive self talk in any format promotes improving our personal outlook and aims it directly toward positive well being.

Take advantage of the many positive self talk and positivity exercises/programs available or create your own to make the most of every day and feel great about yourself.

Enjoy the week and have a great time exploring life on a positive note.

Cheers!¹ (Viewed on 12/30/2017)² (Viewed on 12/30/2017)

Sunday, February 25, 2018

On the Other Side of Down!

On the Other Side of Down!
By Allen Merritt © 2018

I’m running on the treadmill. My earphones are connected to my phone and I am listening to music. As I am moving along I realize the song playing represents a spirit of positivity. It is about being uplifted, which is especially great as a motivational tool when working out, but also helpful throughout the day.

The song conjures up thoughts of feeling lively, happy and good. The lyrics speak to the idea of the “other side of down.” It got me to thinking on how many times I have heard this song, but wasn’t listening. The other side of down refers to its exact opposite, which is obviously “up.”

Suddenly I was feeling conscious of the idea. What a great way to reference altering perspective and perception toward positive living! It’s a clever way of sending out a message.

What does it mean to pursue feeling “up?”

Years ago, I clearly remember looking up into a beautiful clear blue sky following the events of 9-11. It was a profound moment for me, because in the aftermath of the event the skies were very silent and the thought ran through my mind, “There are still beautiful things out there in the world.” This came to me while looking up. It was my way of seeing the other side of down.

It may not feel all too good right now, but if we look to the other side of down we will see the light that guides us to the end of the tunnel.

I believe there is a Japanese Proverb that reads, “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” Then there is the idea of a Phoenix Rising, which brings about countless images of the same thing. I am sure there are many answers to the question of how we help ourselves keep on keeping on during those moments of turmoil. And those answers will differ depending on whom you ask, where you look and from where you stand.

As I recall, it wasn’t that long ago I listened to a different artist play a song online and at the end of the session they spoke out the sentiment, “Things will get better. Chin up!” When things are seemingly at their worst we can use that phrase as a focal point while managing our experiences and feelings. Another way of stating it is to keep your head held high despite it all. I think this takes a lot of integrity to accomplish.

While I ponder how to find the positive angles of every situation and highlight them as proponents for building a better future right here and right now, it is evident the only way to successfully do so is to look up and to boost spirits as opposed to tearing them down, which appears as the current modus operandi and mindset circulating society.

People want to rip everyone else apart even when they say something good. In fact, this very issue came up in a phone conversation I had this morning. I could say, “I love chocolate!” and post that on social media and a ton of people would criticize me for saying that. It’s completely off the charts how many people are more focused on the “other side of UP” (i.e. tearing down) than they are at looking on the sunny and bright side of life. It’s amazing how prevalent this is in American society. Unity no longer presides over anything. No one is coming together for the betterment of the whole.

In realizing this and witnessing the results, I simply must stand up for looking at life through positive lenses. Head up. Chin up. Look up.

Anyway, while I continued my run on the treadmill I heard another song apparently meant to confirm my thoughts. Its lyrics were asking me if I was “down for it.”

Am I down for it? Heck, yeah!

I am definitively down for getting up!

Are you down for this? Are you down with getting up?

Are you interested in pursuing the other side of down?

Then get up, look up, get out there and find the positive. Find the sweet spot and then share it with the rest of the world, because the world needs it. Of that, there is no question.

Besides, if you don’t look up, you may not see where it is you are going.

Thanks for spreading a little extra positivity today.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Life is what YOU make of it!

Life is what YOU make of it!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

There is an older gentleman I see almost every time I walk into the coffee shop. The man generally sits in a far corner at a table large enough for four. He is a military Veteran who always seems to have an audience. Someone is usually walking up to him or already sitting with him gabbing away about something or other. Sometimes I hear a blip about his military service, a little on politics, wagering bets. It's a little of this and a little of that and so on. I even unintentionally overheard a woman sitting with him the other day mention something about, “Those were the days when my boobs were big,” for which they both had a hearty laugh over.

Now and again I will hear someone thank him for his service when they spot him wearing his military hat.

Interestingly, I usually get my coffee, sit down, check my email, write notes, call someone, meditate or read a book when I am there. I never had a conversation with him. I am always aware of him because he has become a familiar staple to me at least by mere visual presence.

Somehow I think he knows me too. I am the hillbilly, redneck hippie type that at first glance might appear to be a vagrant or transient of some sorts. Yet, opinions change when I place an order and pull out a cell phone.

Anyway, this morning I made my entrance and this man was sitting at a center table for six as his usual table was occupied. He is wearing a giant cowboy hat, which he has worn throughout the holidays. Sometimes it is white, but today it is black. Over Christmas he even wore a bright red jacket. No jacket today though.

On this day, the old chap decided to speak to me.

“Are you from here?”

I nodded that I was.

Out of nowhere he pulls out a slew of old post cards and quizzes me on whether or not I recognized an old landmark building that is no longer standing at the corner of Paradise and Convention Way. Of course, I did know it and identified it as such. He continued to show me a historical overview of times gone by in old Las Vegas via postcards from the old Frontier to the Dunes and the old convention center to the old Sahara (now SLS).

"You remember Evil Knievil? These were the old fountains he jumped over at Caesars."

He reminded me that “change is constant.”

He also told me those were the good old days from when he first arrived in Vegas in the early 50’s. I have to admit I love seeing the old Vegas photos. They mystify me with nostalgia. The way things used to be and how that compares with today’s age.

I spent some of the holiday season watching old John Wayne movies and even a Bob Hope marathon. What I notice about those old movies is how similar life was even back then. Electricity, plumbing, shopping, transportation, food services and more were very much similar in actuality. The definition of modern keeps changing as well. 

While change is constant on some level, on other levels nothing has changed at all.  There is some comfort in progress, but there is also comfort in the same ole, same ole. It helps our positive well being to come home to that for which he know and are familiar with.

Now back to the jovial gentleman giving me a quick history lesson at the coffee shop.

He put away his postcards and as he did he said, “I like old things. And my girlfriend likes old things too. Otherwise she wouldn’t be with me.”

We both chuckled.

Then he noticed his usual table was free again and began gathering his items to make the move over. He said the light was better for him over there. Then he ended the conversation by making the following statement, “Life is what you make of it. Nobody else is going to make it happen for you.”

I smiled and nodded my head thinking what a great positive message and story to share today.

So on that note go out there and make something out of life this week, because as the old man said, “Nobody is going to make it happen for you.”

Have a great week living life on a positive note.


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Let the Games Begin!

Let the Games Begin!
By Allen Merritt © 2018

It’s hard not to get wrapped up in watching the competition and hearing the stories of many of the athletes participating in the Olympic Games. 

If you listen closely you hear the strife and struggles of how many hit rock bottom over and over again just to get the chance to live their dreams and reach for a positive outcome, to be the best they can possibly be. 

All it takes is one moment, one lucky break to make all that training worthwhile. And, in many cases, we are talking years and years of commitment to yourself and the sport. It does not matter how good you are, the training, the commitment and stars aligning in just the right moment in time either avail themselves or not. One can witness this by seeing the best of the best athletes get knocked out of the running for a medal. To err is human and the Olympics is a prime example of this.

I feel I cannot let one more minute go by without recognizing how each of us has the same opportunity to keep going toward our own potential with a continuous positive and persistence approach. In that, there is accomplishment through perseverance. There is always some kind of outcome and it is up to us to stay motivated and inspired toward that end whether it be simple achievement of a goal or declaring a win for a medal.

It is easy to get caught up in the darkness. This is the place where true grit comes alive. This is where chutzpa grabs a hold and can take us places including toward the light we are seeking at the end of a long and tenuous tunnel.

That is the reason I want to encourage every person I can to watch these amazing individuals compete, perform and strut their stuff, because in doing so we can feed off their energies and learn something about ourselves in the process.

How far are we willing to go? How long are we able to hold on and put the pedal to the metal? How much are we going to throw into the mixing bowl? Where is our heart in the process of what we say we are dreaming of? Where does our faith, belief and hope in ourselves and our gifts come into play? What is the ultimate for which we are striving for?

To remain positive throughout everything we endure is critical toward our ability to sustain a sense of calm and contentment in the process. Because in that we learn more of whom we are and what we are capable of, not-to-mention how we are all winners in some capacity. Maybe in some sense we spark our own fire and maintain our own light. One key component is to never hide your light under a bushel. One cannot be a beacon if we extinguish the light within.

I want to be infused with this positive energy every day. I want to use it to overcome my low energy days, all negative thoughts being thrown my way and learn more on taking work ethic and churning out something good from within myself. This is what you see happening during every Olympic competition, in fact, every sporting event.

We may not win awards, medals or even unanimous accolades for what we do, but every step forward means that many steps are behind us toward achieving something valuable and meaningful in meeting the goal, whatever that goal may be. The choice is personal, but it's ours and ours alone.


Put your back into it!

Add some elbow grease!

Go out there and make all your dreams more a reality.

Take every opportunity to reach out and live each day on a positive note.

Let the games begin!


Thursday, February 15, 2018

W.W.You Do?!

W.W.You Do?!
By Allen Merritt © 2018

Yesterday it happened again!

Another school shooting brought on by an individual with an arsenal of weaponry.

Interestingly, this event happened on Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday. A day we celebrate to express love and appreciation for those special people in our lives; an event where we also recognize our mortality through reflection, penitence, self-control and abstinence, “You are made of dust and to dust you shall return.” Ash Wednesday is also recognized as a day of peace not just the first day of Lent in the Christian tradition.

Needless-to-say, this gunman was not at peace. It’s more than sad.

It is almost a common place event now, isn’t it? Yet nothing and no one seems interested enough to seriously combat the issue in any positive productive manner toward protecting and saving innocent lives from such experiences. It’s as if every person is expected to live as a moving target and are required to put up with it, shut up about it and be ready to accept any outcome should they be in the line of fire.

At some point during the reports, I remember thinking about the Valentine’s Day massacre of 1924, which was quite different in circumstances, but runs parallel as it happened on the same date. But the real issue I see rising out of these shootings is many of them (not all) are carried out by young people. And when you hear more of their history you become further aware of how hurt, pain and internal turmoil are prevalent. People need help. They need love. They need care. They need to be less bullied, less shamed and pointed in better directions. They need productive encouragement not access to guns. They need to be included in the story and not pushed away. Human fragility is never more evident than it is today.

It brings to mind the question of, “Have you ever been scared for your life?”

For me, the answer is affirmative. I HAVE been scared for my life. I have been robbed at gun point. I have traveled to areas of unrest alone and been put in precarious situations. I even remember a practical joke being played on me by colleagues using guns and screams (from another room in the house) to make it look as if we were under attack by one of these shooters. I have sat on an airplane next to someone behaving extremely suspicious and the doors were already closed. Yes, I have been scared for my life, more than once.

But here is what I am thinking today.

This young man was posting on social media and making intense comments before carrying out the attack. I understand one man reported these disconcerting social media posts. However, others simply overlooked the signals. Didn’t someone come up with the phrase, “See Something, Say Something?”

Does ignoring the situation make it go away or prevent the potentially lethal event from happening?

At the airport I hear occasional announcements that if we see unattended baggage to report it immediately. I have gone so far as to report things. I discovered my reports largely go by the wayside and are not attended to by those in charge. At a conference in Minnesota I noticed a large bag was placed in the middle of the conference room and no one sat next to it or claimed it. It just sat there for a long time like a ticking time bomb. I reported it to staff and they shrugged their shoulders as if to say, “Oh, well. What do you want me to do about it?”

Another conference I noticed a group of people behaving erratically and speaking another language. I felt something was out of place and made inquiry, because it is just this kind of a situation that can get out of hand.

What are we doing? Better yet, what are we not doing? Do I always have to be looking over my shoulders?

If we are witnessing danger in progress or hints leading up to it, shouldn’t we do something? None of us are so insignificant that we cannot address concerns in a rational non-judgmental way. For me, if my gut is telling me something and I feel apprehensive on ANY level, I know I have to try and at least find someone to talk about it with. All this brings me back to speaking up. You just never know what good can come out of it.

People are beginning to be called out on things more and more if they behave or say something inappropriate. Why not address these more serious issues and concerns also? 

It’s a matter of life and death.

Maybe I am babbling here. You decide.

In any case, I ask we all stop for a minute and think about what you would do?

W.W. You Do?

Think about it.


Everyone deserves a chance to live the extent of their life on a positive note.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Show Some Love!

Show Some Love!
By Allen Merritt © 2018

I started pondering the day as I went out for coffee and watched the people coming and going with caffeine in hand.

I noticed a woman walk into the store. Her hair was purple. Her dress was red. She carried a guitar and rolled around and amplifier on a two wheeled dolly.

Then a man came in behind her a short while later with an arm full of palm leaves gone yellow. He was attending to his fingers twisting, molding and shaping the palms into a manmade rose.

I couldn’t help myself. I had to start writing.

Today is a special day for some and only the same old, same old for others. It’s Wednesday. It’s Hump Day. Its two events wrapped up into one, both Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday.

I immediately have a flashback: While at a meeting last night I overheard someone telling a story about how it was Galentine’s Day. Her reference had something to do with this celebration of love and affection for another specifically directed toward the “gal” in a relationship. In other words, it is only for the women or gals in your life. I thought the word play was humorous and just up my alley. However, for me, I think the day is for everyone to celebrate should they find themselves in a position to do so (i.e. have someone they want to celebrate it with).

Anyway, flash forward to the present scene, I watch the two individuals mentioned previously and recognize them as artists, but also see how in this moment they are human beings who try to make their artistry for the pleasure and entertainment of others. Here they were starting off their V-Day getting a regular cup of joe.

I do the same. Maybe we’re all starving artists striving to express, interpret and simply ‘be’.  While it may be Valentine’s Day it’s just a regular day for me. In fact, I remember this being one of my busiest work days when I was delivering singing telegrams. An artist loves the work and feels more fulfilled making their living by doing what they love to do. I speculate on how these two people are in the same boat, taking advantage of the “love” celebration to use their skills and generate some extra income. I respect that.

Everyone needs encouragement and recognition. There is something positive in this. It helps encourage goodness and inspires those out there trying.

With that in mind, I wish everyone a happy love day. 

On a side note, I saw a fun cartoon recently with a person holding a sign reading “HUG   E” and someone asks why the sign says “Huge”. When the person looked back at their handmade sign a letter had fallen away. The sign was supposed to say ‘HUG ME.”

It reminded me how fun getting a hug can be. Some folks are out there advertising free hugs to anyone who wants one while others are asking for that hug.

Find someone you care for and give them a hug or a nice compliment. "Like" a few extra things on your social media. Show some love to others. And as the little heart candies say, “Be Kind” to one another and encourage those doing their best.

Pass on the positivity and all that other mushy stuff, too!


Run For the Money!

Run For the Money!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

I saw a billboard asking people to Run for the Money!

One for the money
Two for the Show
Three to get ready now go cat, go!

Here it was in large scale lettering high above the roadway. In essence, it was asking us to play the game. Take a gamble. Risk everything to gain it all…or not. More than likely lose it all. People do like to play the game, don’t they? Some even treat it as an investment opportunity and some are good at winning...big time. But not many. 

I suppose everyone is trying to sell you something so that they can win. 

If money can’t buy you love and money is the root of all evil, then why is it so important to us?  I guess for many it’s an answer for solving problems not just paying the bills.

This got me to thinking metaphorically about where people put their trust. I recall lines from a song suggesting that wherever your treasure might be there will your heart also be, which stems from a biblical passage discussing the desires of the heart, which causes me to consider personal outlook and perspective and how it relates to outcome positive or negative.

Here’s the thing. If you have disposable income and don’t mind throwing it away or taking the chance you will never see it again, then I guess frivolously plopping it down at a table or on a horse bet is no big deal. If you want to win the lotto, you have to buy a ticket, right? Stock market options are similar in makeup.

However, if it’s all about running for the money and you lose it, what’s left?

You think there is a light at the end of that tunnel, but more often than not it leads us into darkness. For example, when we lose all our money, have identities stolen and bank accounts hacked, then darkness looms in our mind, souls and spirits. Depression lurks. It is all about the money.

I think part of the passage suggesting when our eye is healthy (the way we look at things – perspective) then our entire body is filled with light (peace, joy and harmony). It truly depends on what we are attending to and how we are attending to it. If it’s all about getting the money, then money most likely is the goal and the problem which brings us into darkness (i.e. an unhealthy outlook or unhealthy eye). If we are constantly focused on running to the money, then doesn’t that suggest we are afraid and worried? Of course, there are plenty of healthy aspects to money. My point revolves around how much are we tuned into the idea of, as Jerry McGuire said, “Show me the money!”?  

Wherever your treasure might be, there will your heart also be!

It seems to me peace of mind, is far more valuable to overall well being and positive outlook then worrying, counting chickens before they’re hatched, consumerism, commercialism, materialism, hoarding or the like.

So what do we put our trust in?
What is the gamble worth taking?
What can we safely take a risk on?

Personally, I seldom gamble. If anything, I play a penny slot for a buck or two and that’s because I want to entertain myself with the music I am hearing or the animations. I figure I am going to lose the money, so I am not interested in throwing that much away.

If we want to keep our wits about us, I think the phrase Run for the Money should be a metaphor for running toward that which is soothing, healing or comforting to our heart, mind, soul, spirit and every fiber of our being (senses).  Therein lies those variables we trust, have faith in and truly enjoy, but more importantly find sustenance and sustainability in the day to day.

I hope this is insightful toward garnering more positivity in your day to day.

Enjoy your week living on a positive note.


Sunday, February 11, 2018

Beyond the First Impression!

Beyond the First Impression!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

I heard a great message today reflecting on something I mentioned recently about the importance of first impressions and not judging a book by its cover. To reiterate, I referred to the idea of how first impressions are important. I understand that, but I also understand the phrase is not necessarily indicative of the truth as it pertains to what’s on the inside. I think it pertinent to understand the duality between both statements.

In today’s message, the conversation continued for me. Specifically, how we come to terms, accept and embrace one another in a positive light. Ergo, should we strictly look at someone and say, "that is all there is, we are not doing them or ourselves any favors."

While I will concede some judgment calls are predictable and true, not all are. So to keep things going in a positive direction it is only fair to take the time and look beyond what we initially see in someone. If I think about it, I cannot fully understand what is going on in someone else’s life unless I consider what is beyond the surface. If I sit and reflect or wait a while, often time’s new glimmers of truth come to light and provide understanding and truth. Not only that, many conditions will tend to weed themselves out quite naturally if we let them.

I have had a great deal of opportunity this week to reflect on situations in my life where I saw things in a specific way and had to respond and make decisions accordingly even it those choices didn’t make sense to anyone else.

As I reflect on the circumstances of various situations I discovered a pattern. That pattern spoke to me about how as things heated up, got stressful and threatened to get the best of me, I had to step back, help myself and take a closer look at how I felt about it all. This was definitely a positive approach. The other pattern I took note of related to how other people wanted to judge based on the books cover, so to speak; and  how their reactions took a negative turn, which ultimately impacted how I personally viewed the event.

Why is this relevant to this conversation? Perhaps it is because I realize everyone needs encouragement and understanding. If something isn’t going right, we must guard our hearts and at the same time not destroy opportunity or potentiality nor be a martyr in the process.

A few years back I was having a very stressful time in several areas of my life and I truly was doing everything I could to stay on the right track, be positive, keep relationships alive and make other people happy to the detriment of my own happiness. That was, until I made decisions to stop the madness.

Without getting into gory details or dragging on a conversation, I decided to step inside myself and step outside of those situations. I guess it was similar to the straw that broke the camel’s back thinking. I felt compelled to draw a line. Once I did that and enacted a new perspective, an attitude of calmness began to overtake me. At the same time, I decided to maintain moving forward in those very same situations, but under my own terms. I share this because this was several years ago and it helped see me through some tough times. It was a healthy way not to put myself or anyone else in a predicament but to allow myself a chance to self-preserve. 

Fast forward to the present, I notice how whatever decisions we based our actions on in years gone by actually may bring us to a new place and change our minds at some point. I see how people jump to conclusions and make unhealthy decisions. I see one stressful situation producing another stressful situation. 

However, healing and time coupled with not being overly judgmental or assuming things at face value may educate us further on how other people may have misunderstood or were going through their own personal crisis.

There is a positive light at the end of the tunnel. I guess that is the real message here.

Overall, I want to promote awareness toward not living in the past, letting old news be just that…old news and water under the bridge. Build new bridges. Take a second look at persons, places and things and utilize the first impression rule as a goal for yourself and not in judging others. Simultaneously, look more into every situation rather than glimpsing the surface area only. And I repeat myself when I say how everything is not exactly as it appears to be. One answer may not apply for eternity. We’re all human and can change our minds, our choices, our behaviors and as a result, may lead to altering how we respond to one another whether that is corporate or interpersonal.

This alternative way of looking at things may lead us to reconsider ways to reconstruct and live more positively while facing obstacles and hurdles along the way. Maybe it’s time to reassess and move forward as necessary. No need to needlessly slap people around, point fingers, place blame or cause undue stress or pain.

It’s a two way street. We all have something to learn from one another. Things happen both intentionally and unintentionally. First impressions don’t reveal the scope and truth of anything other than an introduction and looking deeper may turn things around and not cause anyone to feel put out or put upon.

Well, that’s enough wind for today!

Remember to take a second look.

Enjoy your week.


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Keep Calm and…What?!

Keep Calm and…What?!
By Allen Merritt ©2017

Have you seen those signs conveying the message to keep calm?

Keep calm and…what...exactly?

I know some people who if they’re behaving a little on the onry side of life, they do not want to hear someone tell them to keep calm. 

Can you picture it? 

“Keep calm? Don’t tell ME to KEEP CALM!” And then they go off on you, right?

It would be the equivalent of suggesting someone be patient. “Be patient? Don’t talk to ME about patience’s. I ain’t no doctor. 

I guess, it all depends on the person and their perspective. However, remaining calm is a key component in engineering positivity. I mean, how can anyone be positive or encourage the positive when they are dwelling, sitting in or stirring up anger and negativity? 

Unfortunately, in our current culture, there are many who make this their way of life, their modus operandi. They thrive on it almost the same as when misery seeks its own company.

Therefore, the message I truly want to focus on this week allows us to find better ways to resolve and/or handle individual situations.

Keep calm.

I can see how this phrase is becoming important to society. I have encountered it and responded to its history in previous blogs, but it serves to bring it up again in light of current events.

When I think of calm, I envision contentment, peace, joyfulness, simplicity, kindness, appreciation, gratitude and feel good attitudes.

Of course, sometimes you don’t know how you will behave in the middle of a stressful situation, but if you are conscientious and considerate with some level of self-control to think before speaking, look before leaping etcetera, then keeping calm and…will lead to effective positioning and outcomes towards positive initiatives.

Despite the present run on the idea that political correctness is antiquated and shouldn’t be honored, I believe some sense of manners must exist. The Golden Rule is still alive. Operating without a filter only serves to heat things up and stir up trouble. It never fails! At the end of the day, no wins while being politically incorrect.

In consideration of this, I would like to suggest and promote a positive exercise of writing Keep Calm and… several times on a piece of paper.  Afterwards, fill in the blank(s). That’s right. Fill in that blank each time you come across a challenging or negative situation or incident with a positive and inspiring word or two which will motivate you into finding a peaceful resolution in that moment.

Some of the signs, hats and t-shirts I have seen give us all kinds of suggestions, so there is no right or wrong answer to how one fills in the blank given the circumstances, as long as it conveys a message of hope and positivity. It should focus on a win-win thought process.

Here are some standard suggestions to get you thinking more on it.

Keep calm and breathe.
Keep calm and smile.
Keep calm and laugh.
Keep calm and move on.
Keep calm and listen to music.
Keep calm and believe in dreams.
Keep calm and enjoy life!

As for me, I am disappointment more and more each day with the choices people are making toward causing a ruckus in a ploy to show their backsides and to garner as much attention to themselves as possible, even if it’s unfavorable attention.

There is a reason why there was and is a campaign for keeping calm.

It is my hope to encourage myself and others to look beyond such nonsense and reach out for betterment.

If we do, we just might continue down a path of living life more positively and that is something we all can benefit from.

Give it a try. That’s what I keep doing.

Enjoy your week.
