Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Run For the Money!

Run For the Money!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

I saw a billboard asking people to Run for the Money!

One for the money
Two for the Show
Three to get ready now go cat, go!

Here it was in large scale lettering high above the roadway. In essence, it was asking us to play the game. Take a gamble. Risk everything to gain it all…or not. More than likely lose it all. People do like to play the game, don’t they? Some even treat it as an investment opportunity and some are good at winning...big time. But not many. 

I suppose everyone is trying to sell you something so that they can win. 

If money can’t buy you love and money is the root of all evil, then why is it so important to us?  I guess for many it’s an answer for solving problems not just paying the bills.

This got me to thinking metaphorically about where people put their trust. I recall lines from a song suggesting that wherever your treasure might be there will your heart also be, which stems from a biblical passage discussing the desires of the heart, which causes me to consider personal outlook and perspective and how it relates to outcome positive or negative.

Here’s the thing. If you have disposable income and don’t mind throwing it away or taking the chance you will never see it again, then I guess frivolously plopping it down at a table or on a horse bet is no big deal. If you want to win the lotto, you have to buy a ticket, right? Stock market options are similar in makeup.

However, if it’s all about running for the money and you lose it, what’s left?

You think there is a light at the end of that tunnel, but more often than not it leads us into darkness. For example, when we lose all our money, have identities stolen and bank accounts hacked, then darkness looms in our mind, souls and spirits. Depression lurks. It is all about the money.

I think part of the passage suggesting when our eye is healthy (the way we look at things – perspective) then our entire body is filled with light (peace, joy and harmony). It truly depends on what we are attending to and how we are attending to it. If it’s all about getting the money, then money most likely is the goal and the problem which brings us into darkness (i.e. an unhealthy outlook or unhealthy eye). If we are constantly focused on running to the money, then doesn’t that suggest we are afraid and worried? Of course, there are plenty of healthy aspects to money. My point revolves around how much are we tuned into the idea of, as Jerry McGuire said, “Show me the money!”?  

Wherever your treasure might be, there will your heart also be!

It seems to me peace of mind, is far more valuable to overall well being and positive outlook then worrying, counting chickens before they’re hatched, consumerism, commercialism, materialism, hoarding or the like.

So what do we put our trust in?
What is the gamble worth taking?
What can we safely take a risk on?

Personally, I seldom gamble. If anything, I play a penny slot for a buck or two and that’s because I want to entertain myself with the music I am hearing or the animations. I figure I am going to lose the money, so I am not interested in throwing that much away.

If we want to keep our wits about us, I think the phrase Run for the Money should be a metaphor for running toward that which is soothing, healing or comforting to our heart, mind, soul, spirit and every fiber of our being (senses).  Therein lies those variables we trust, have faith in and truly enjoy, but more importantly find sustenance and sustainability in the day to day.

I hope this is insightful toward garnering more positivity in your day to day.

Enjoy your week living on a positive note.


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