Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Life is what YOU make of it!

Life is what YOU make of it!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

There is an older gentleman I see almost every time I walk into the coffee shop. The man generally sits in a far corner at a table large enough for four. He is a military Veteran who always seems to have an audience. Someone is usually walking up to him or already sitting with him gabbing away about something or other. Sometimes I hear a blip about his military service, a little on politics, wagering bets. It's a little of this and a little of that and so on. I even unintentionally overheard a woman sitting with him the other day mention something about, “Those were the days when my boobs were big,” for which they both had a hearty laugh over.

Now and again I will hear someone thank him for his service when they spot him wearing his military hat.

Interestingly, I usually get my coffee, sit down, check my email, write notes, call someone, meditate or read a book when I am there. I never had a conversation with him. I am always aware of him because he has become a familiar staple to me at least by mere visual presence.

Somehow I think he knows me too. I am the hillbilly, redneck hippie type that at first glance might appear to be a vagrant or transient of some sorts. Yet, opinions change when I place an order and pull out a cell phone.

Anyway, this morning I made my entrance and this man was sitting at a center table for six as his usual table was occupied. He is wearing a giant cowboy hat, which he has worn throughout the holidays. Sometimes it is white, but today it is black. Over Christmas he even wore a bright red jacket. No jacket today though.

On this day, the old chap decided to speak to me.

“Are you from here?”

I nodded that I was.

Out of nowhere he pulls out a slew of old post cards and quizzes me on whether or not I recognized an old landmark building that is no longer standing at the corner of Paradise and Convention Way. Of course, I did know it and identified it as such. He continued to show me a historical overview of times gone by in old Las Vegas via postcards from the old Frontier to the Dunes and the old convention center to the old Sahara (now SLS).

"You remember Evil Knievil? These were the old fountains he jumped over at Caesars."

He reminded me that “change is constant.”

He also told me those were the good old days from when he first arrived in Vegas in the early 50’s. I have to admit I love seeing the old Vegas photos. They mystify me with nostalgia. The way things used to be and how that compares with today’s age.

I spent some of the holiday season watching old John Wayne movies and even a Bob Hope marathon. What I notice about those old movies is how similar life was even back then. Electricity, plumbing, shopping, transportation, food services and more were very much similar in actuality. The definition of modern keeps changing as well. 

While change is constant on some level, on other levels nothing has changed at all.  There is some comfort in progress, but there is also comfort in the same ole, same ole. It helps our positive well being to come home to that for which he know and are familiar with.

Now back to the jovial gentleman giving me a quick history lesson at the coffee shop.

He put away his postcards and as he did he said, “I like old things. And my girlfriend likes old things too. Otherwise she wouldn’t be with me.”

We both chuckled.

Then he noticed his usual table was free again and began gathering his items to make the move over. He said the light was better for him over there. Then he ended the conversation by making the following statement, “Life is what you make of it. Nobody else is going to make it happen for you.”

I smiled and nodded my head thinking what a great positive message and story to share today.

So on that note go out there and make something out of life this week, because as the old man said, “Nobody is going to make it happen for you.”

Have a great week living life on a positive note.


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