Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Give a little! Receive a little!

Give a little! Receive a little!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

Just when you think no is paying attention, listening or watching (let alone acknowledging) you, someone says or does something to entertain the idea of how much you are appreciated. When that happens to me I feel that appreciation, but most of all I experience an overall sensation of blessedness.

We all need a little love to push us forward. Unfortunately, it may not come as often as it should anymore. We forget ourselves and others so easy - lost in the ways of the world and multiple distractions. I find if I am hearing the good comments, then I can allow them to rest peaceably within and guide me forward, because my overall well being needs a touch of human kindness now and again. I think this is a given for all of humanity. 

Give a little. Receive a little.

The challenge is to recognize those moments, hear those compliments, as well as accept and embrace those opportunities when they arrive. In other words, let others show they care. Let others love you. Let others see you, recognize and acknowledge you. When you do, your mind calms and your heart is enriched putting you in a perfect position to experience the best things in life.

Can you remember the last positive comment you received this week?
Can you think on when it was you last gave an encouraging word to someone?
Can you recall a compliment offered you recently?
Did you give someone a vote of confidence?
Have you received a bit of thanks for things you did for someone years ago?
Do you remember thanking someone for their place in your life?

All of these questions are worth pondering, especially in moments when you are questioning yourself and your place in the all in all.  We can give each other a little something to help us along in the day to day. But we also have to be aware we are receiving the same blessing(s) in return.

Here’s the challenge:

Try to think back on the recent past and see how many times you were given a vote of confidence, an encouraging comment or compliment and what your reaction was? Did you hear it? Did you receive it, accept it, and embrace it? Or, did it go in one ear and out the other? These little moments are like healing miracles and blessings at work in our lives to continue promoting our well being and state of happiness.

For me, I noticed three such events take place for me this week.
  1. I received an e-mail from an old friend reminding me how much I helped them with a place to stay, offering storage space and friendship in time of need. They wrote, “I hung on your uplifting words.  For that time in my life I thank you so very much. I don’t know if Thank you is enough.  God bless you for your kindness. You are a human angel.  I bet you are still sharing your light.” (Should I pull out a tissue now?)
  2.  The barista at one of the local coffee shops started a conversation after they remembered my name to put on the coffee order. They said they were not good with names. I simply stated, “It’s okay, as long as you do not call me Kim, Sue or Peaches.” Their comment to that was, “I don’t know, Peaches sounds nice, especially since you always have a nice smile.” (Awww! I never think of anyone noticing me smiling anymore.)
  3. Then today my friend with Alzheimer’s received a visitor I’ve know for a while, but have not been close to. As they left, they reached out and hugged me and said, “Thank you; for everything. What you are doing is enormous.”  I wasn’t expecting that. I smiled lightly and quietly told them how much I appreciated that. It was a feel good moment. Such moments can break down barriers!
You see, just when you think no one is noticing, looking, paying attention, seeing you or hearing you, someone offers such grace and love. It sparks a little light inside. My final point in sharing my thoughts and experiences is to never give up. Never think that what you’re doing or saying isn’t making a difference, because to someone it is. And, when you need it most, it comes back to you a hundred fold.

Remember to offer a little more human kindness and loving kindness to yourself and others. Everyone needs it. And one other thing, it sure is a sight better than tearing someone down, bullying them or shaming them for no reason at all.

Give a little.
Receive a little.

Enjoy the best of the best this week living life on a positive note.


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