Sunday, December 31, 2017

Finding Reasons to Celebrate!

Finding Reasons to Celebrate!
by Allen Merritt (©2017)

Holidays are great. I love them! I love the happy go lucky spirit they create that allows many of us to step out of our daily routines and find reasons to enjoy the bounties of life and rites of passage.
However, I find myself as often as not in an interesting juxtaposition regarding these traditions.

The truth is, I seldom celebrate holidays; at least, not in the traditional sense. As I think about it, I realize there are significant reasons for this and it causes me to pause a moment to reflect further on it. I do not see it as a self-pity trip or a “Woe is me” type situation.

Again, let me be clear. I love holidays and celebrations of all sorts, but as I look back on my experiences, I find life generally hasn’t led me down that path where I could participate in the same fashion as most people do.

For example, I worked on the second shift for 13 years for a company requiring its employees to work most holidays. I kind of got used to the idea that holidays don’t really exist. And, I observe many other people finding themselves in the same situation today. I respect them for sacrificing their time and energy to helping others have a good holiday. I guess someone has to do it. There is a positive result stemming from such individuals. 1) Hospitals need people to care for those in need. 2) Emergency responders are there just in case; 3) and, service industry employees are working to provide a need during the holiday hustle and bustle.

Another reason I believe my holiday bubble doesn’t exist revolves around limited to familial experiences. I am mostly on my own when it comes to family and friends. Everyone lives far away or goes away and so I generally keep it on the down low, so to speak.

My experiences with work even today are similar in that I could find myself off working somewhere at a moment’s notice at any time. I simply do not recognize the “Friday” or “Weekend” rule. Meaning, when most folks are celebrating time off Friday through Sunday, I usually am not. Friday could be any other day of the week for me.

I share these thoughts and experiences today as a means to recognize that despite it all there are still reasons and ways to celebrate life without sticking to a formula that such and such a day is the designated holiday, birthday, anniversary, weekend, vacation, etc.

For me, I have to find ways to celebrate without following such guidelines and schedules. Celebrating life, loving and living must be on my terms or under the best conditions I am able to work with. If you are living under similar circumstances, then I hope this provides enlightenment that life is always worth living no matter what. None of us are alone or living without in this arena. 

It seems to make sense to me. Heck, they even have Christmas in July more and more these days. Every day can be a holiday if we want them to be. If you want to celebrate, celebrate! It doesn't matter what day it is. Celebrate anyway! This has great bearing on our positive well being and mental attitude.

It encourages me to find more reasons to celebrate. I may not be able to do so in the same manner as John Q. Public might, but I can rest comfortably knowing I do so in my own way as time allows.

While I am not a party animal and my idea of celebration may vary drastically from most, I believe I can enjoy my moments in a peaceful and joyful way no matter what day of the year it is or what type of day we call it. Every day is special, because on some level every day is priceless and not guaranteed.

As we end one year and begin another, may we all see each day as a special day and find something positive in it that spurs a reason to celebrate. After all, life is what you make of it. Home is where the heart is. And, each day is as happy as we choose it to be.

Let’s find more humor, laughter, patience and loving kindness to bless each experience and situation we encounter.

Enjoy living life on a positive note.


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