Tuesday, January 2, 2018

It’s a Full Moon Out Today!

It’s a Full Moon Out Today!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

Remember when the idea of emoji’s was taking characters on your computer keyboard and creating them into a picture of sorts?

For example, 80) (cartoon face smile); ;) (winking smile); or, :) (regular smile). I am reminded of these today after an incident, which I’ll share in a minute. Those original expressions were very creative and paved a path to the way we use them today. We don’t even have to tilt our heads to know what they mean or represent. Those original images became a positive way of sharing how people feel in the heat of the moment. I think that is a good thing. No sense in keeping everything bottled inside until you implode.

Anyway, sometimes life throws a curve ball that turns that frown upside down even when it’s a vertical one!

Today was one of those days for me.

As I write this, it is only the second day of January, the day after New Years!

I made my way to the coffee house to start my morning and think on what direction I need to take for the day and in the near future, to read, jot down notes and ideas and the like.

Next thing I know is I look up and life smacks me right in the face with a funny moment. The joke was for me (glad it wasn’t ON me this time). This was an instant where I could either laugh at the joke OR be disgusted by it.

Here’s what happened. When I glanced up from my book, reached for my coffee for a sip, I noticed a man about fifty feet away from me at the coffee bar. For some reason the timing was perfect and I do not think anyone else saw this. The man literally bent over and his pants fell below his butt cheeks. He did not have underwear on. There was nothing between him and the world but his birthday suit. This was a rather obvious peek-a-boo occasion. This was beyond butt crack entertainment where we make jokes about plumbers. This was the full moon shining brightly for everyone to see. It was a put on your sunglasses event. And I am not kidding or being cheeky when I say this was not a pair of sweet cheeks you WANT to see.

Needless-to-say, I am laughing internally big time! There was a part of me that almost wanted to snap a picture. This display of nakedness in a public setting was not what I was expecting to start off my morning, but I will admit how it was well worth it for the humor. What a great way to start of the day by finding humor, laughing it off and embracing the situation as a positive experience to keep me laughing all day long and also share with others.

In light of all the naked activities taking place in some reality shows highlighting, naked survival, dating, minimalistic living and what-not, I think sharing such stories with others spreads a little light to help liven up the day and provide some perspective.

I recall a song I enjoyed in my childhood called The Streak by Ray Stevens for which a man in the buff went streaking around town stirring up all kinds of ruckus. This morning was very much the same and I appreciated the privilege of being able to have something to talk about and make my day a bit brighter.

If I haven’t shared this video before, this is as good a time as any to give you a peek (pun intended) of Ray Steven’s streaker on the loose.

I hope your week provides ample amounts of humorous opportunities to make you laugh and enjoy living on a positive note.

And, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!


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