Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Kindness is Power!

Kindness is Power!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

I don’t remember where I saw it exactly, but I saw it.

It was a declaration and it was/IS powerful.

It was, “Kindness is Power!”

That was it!

I instantly wrote it down. Why? I guess because it hit a chord.  It meant something.

Kindness is powerful. So are many other things, but the ones most powerful and impactful are the ones that aide in helping everyone feel good. Kindness opens up doors and windows to new levels of trust and acceptance. It helps us see possibilities beyond the norm.

I posted a message on social media today that read, “Give yourself a big dose of loving-kindness.” Doesn’t it help to remind ourselves repeatedly and as often as possible the power of positivity? I believe it enhances and enriches life as we know it AND as we don’t know it.

I have certainly read many a bumper stick philosophy honing in on how “mean people suck.” Somehow I get more of a warm fuzzy when someone is kind. Kindess is capable of changing ones outlook toward the better. 

Remember the idea of being nice for the mere sake of being nice? Or, what about if you haven’t got anything good (or nice) to say, then don’t say anything at all? Have these ideas fallen by the wayside altogether?

Sometimes I wonder!

Overall, when it balls right down to it and by the end of the day, being nice and experiencing kindness wins. I don’t know about you, but I would rather experience a little kindness than not.

Have you ever noticed an act of kindness in action? It’s amazing. Everyone stands to gain something from it, participants and observers alike. Ergo, one cannot underestimate its value.

And yet, here’s another thought. Can there be too much kindness and/or can one take advantage of one person’s kindness too much? Here's another phrase that enters my thoughts, “Don’t take my kindness for weakness.” I actually made that statement recently in light of feeling taken advantage of. I guess in giving and receiving kindness one must also respect it.

While kindness is a quality it is also an act given freely and with goodwill. When another person’s kindness is abused then it is less freely given. Extracting kindness leaves us with the opposite such as meanness, selfishness, cruelty, intolerance, indifference, hatred and animosity among many. When I read these words I see nothing good to go on.

If kindness is good, what ideas come to mind that make it so?

How about helpfulness, appreciation, understanding, tenderness, affection, benevolence, courtesy, patience, thoughtfulness and the like?

Maybe kindness is more about giving than receiving, but simultaneously works best when experienced as a two way street? Does that make sense? Does that increase the likelihood of kindness generating the power of positivity?

Practice random acts of kindness because it is a healthy thing to do. It builds, strengthens and fulfills a deep internal need human beings have. If this is true, as research suggests, than defying our own logic as humans only serves to destroy our own humanity.

I hope this week brings loving-kindness your way and provides an opportunity for all of us to return the favor. And .let’s not forget to be kind to ourselves in the process.

Here’s another blog about the power of kindness, which may prove insightful.

Here’s to you and all the ways to live life on a positive note.


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