Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Skip To My Lou, My Darling!

Skip To My Lou, My Darling!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

I saw a man skipping today.

That’s right!

I observed a full grown man skipping down the sidewalk, bobbing up and down in true skippity fashion. He filtered in and out of pedestrians, all of whom were making their way somewhere. The difference was that they were simply walking.

Oh, yes! This caught my eye. It captured my attention and I wondered what he was up to. It’s not every day you see an adult male skipping down the lane; a child, yes, but not an adult. When I think of skipping, I quite naturally think of children (girls in particular) on a playground or in a park. I think of them skipping rope. Moreover, I picture boys skipping rocks or skipping class, because boys do not skip…or do they?

Remember that old popular children’s song from 1840?

Skip, skip, skip to my lou
Skip, skip, skip to my lou
Skip, skip, skip to my lou
Skip to my lou, my darlin'

Here was sufficient evidence to prove how some boys can and do skip. Here was a man skipping along carefree and with apparent wild abandon. I sensed a spirit of freedom and happiness associated with this act of skipping, as if he was making a statement to the world. How could anything be wrong? Isn't that fun?

It made me think of other sightings such as singing baristas and waiters or dancing homeless people, because when you find yourself witnessing such events, you have to stop and take it in. Sometimes it’s unexpected such as when you stumble upon a flash mob. These events bring about a sense of joy and wonder, if only for a moment. I believe every act of silliness or joy is well worth the investment of instilling peace in our soul. If anything, it will certainly give you something to think about or even talk about throughout the rest of the day. 

In this case, here was another example of positivity literally in motion. This happens despite anything and especially in the face of negativity. And maybe that is the way it should be. After all there are song lyrics encouraging us to do so. “Dance like no one is watching.” “Do it anyway.” “Sing because you’re happy.” “Smile and the whole world smiles with you.”

Needless-to-say, this event definitely brought a smile to my face.

It made sense to me, especially in terms of positive self-expression.

Be you.
Be Free.

Whatever you are going to do, do it with wild abandon, wholeheartedly and unabashedly. Do it BECAUSE they are watching. Smiles are infectious. So is laughter. Spread the good feelings. Start a contagion of positivity. Don’t skip a beat, but skip to your own beat.

There is nothing like that feeling we get when someone makes us smile or genuinely laugh.

I know skipping may feel awkward, but have you tried it lately? It just might change your tune from sad to happy. If children can do it, so can we.

I’m willing to try it if you are!

Let’s find time this week to get a little skippy with it! Don’t have a rope to skip? That’s okay! It’s not required. Just lift up one knee and jump/hop a little, lift the other knee and jump/hop a little and repeat! Before you know it your skipping along enjoying the day!

Here’s to living life on a positive note.


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