Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Simple and To the Point!

Simple and To the Point!
© By Allen Merritt (2017)

I felt pretty good one rain driven Saturday afternoon when I was invited to help out at a local church. My job was to operate the sound system and audio capture a wedding ceremony.  I was told it would be easy peazy; simple and to the point. 

I was happy to have something to do which didn't require me to commute several hours to work.  I chalked this one up on the positivity board as something to be grateful for, rain and all. 

In any case, I took the job, arrived early enough to set up and prepared. When I arrived several members of the wedding party were in front of the sanctuary posing for a wedding photographer. Nothing fancy. All were simply dressed in dress clothes. I observed nothing in the way of fancy long flowing wedding gowns or black tuxedos. This event was (again) simplest and to the point. 

People gathered to honor the bride and groom without fanfare. In fact, I couldn't even separate the wedding couple from the guests. From what I could see, it appeared that the older family members were being photographed.

I quickly ascertained it wasn't your standard froo  froo with hoards of chiffon and lace, flowers (there were none), crowds, special music and of course rice or a "just married" sign attached to a car along with strung cans designed to rattle and draw attention to the couple as they drove off into the wild blue yonder to begin their lives together. 

It was a plain affair. Simplistic and pleasant despite the rain.  

In that moment I realized you do not need anything ornate and over the top to create a happy moment or memory.  Another positive thought was that it doesn't take much and little things mean a lot; simple and to the point.

There was an err of effortlessness to what I was witnessing. Not stressful as some wedding's are. No bridezillas anywhere in sight!

The next thing that caught my attention was learning who the bride and groom were. Both were over 80 years old. What I thought were the parents or grandparents were actually the happy couple! The woman had just retired three days earlier. Here they were, having lived pretty full lives and were now beginning a new chapter; with each other. They were moving forward and simultaneously moving on. I couldn't help but smile. It was so cute and broke all stereotypes. Two people making the most out of every moment. If anyone can teach us positivity in motion, it is these two seniors.

Candles were out on the communion table. There was a big one front and center representing the union of the two into one. That candle was surround by two smaller long tapered candles signifying their individual lives prior to this day. 

The ceremony was short and sweet. Cut the cakes. Have some punch. Celebrate with friends and family toasting and honoring the happy pair. Come rain or shine, life simply goes on.


I am thankful to have witnessed this moment in time, standing on the perimeter; grateful to experience and learn from these giants that stand before me. This is what positive living is all about.

Keeping it real
Keeping it simple
Keeping everything on point.

This is something we all can learn from.

Until next time, remember to keep it simple and to the point.


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