Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A Little Beacon of Light!

A Little Beacon of Light!
© By Allen Merritt (2017)

With all the chaos and craziness permeating throughout society these days it is easy to understand how one can get caught up in it. There are plenty of things distracting us, disturbing us and impacting us on many different levels. I can personally attest to it as I try to navigate through the day to day successfully. It’s tough, there’s no doubt. Sometimes I feel it hurts my brain. But if we’re not careful, it can hurt our heart and above all our spirit. As long as many people (at least in our country) are feeling put upon, put out, left out, infringed upon and taken advantage of, the idea of having a huge weight on our shoulders will continue to press down upon us.

I think it is important this week to re-discover and/or discuss separating truth from fiction; the inside from the outside. Getting caught up in all the hub-bub (sometimes we have no choice) truly impacts our quality of life. Since the goal is to remain positive, happy and healthy, it might pay to reconsider our personal perspectives and how to get back to our “self” in such moments.

Lately, I have felt some of this “heavy laden” on my person. When this happens I know it’s time to step back a little; not to disappear, but to reassess and make sure I am still here. The reason I say that is because more often than not, the rest of the world doesn’t want to hear from us or acknowledge us. The force of that can make people feel worthless and empty. Everyone wants to be accepted and embraced in some capacity for whom and what they are and are trying to become.

One key issue in becoming is letting go of those who aren’t interested. I think that is self-explanatory. It’s all about surrounding yourself with the right sort of people. However, there is the other side of the coin. What if the right kinds of people just aren’t there?

My thought this week is to remember to not beat yourself up or be too hard on yourself OR others for that matter. Look inside instead of looking outside. We must accept and embrace the true core of our ‘self’ to stand any chance of finding those appropriate others to spend time with.

I watched a television show last night that reminded me of the idea of looking toward the light, making that the center of our lives and allowing the rest to be what it will be. We do not have to prove anything to anyone when we are focused on our little internal light. Just have to switch it on. Once you switch it on, you see things from a greater and deeper perspective as it pertains to your life, your gifts, talents and abilities. Think of it as proof of life, so to speak. There your purpose begins to thrive and burn brightly and eventually comes fully alive. Sometimes that light gets squashed out in the real world. Don’t let it. As the old song says, “You can’t be a beacon if your light don’t shine.”

When people say and do things or don’t say or do things that squelch our light, it’s easy to fall into negative patterns; maybe even give up. But I think if we focus on the heart of the matter we are more likely to find that peace beyond all understanding and bring forth joy despite it all. To me, that is far more worth living for than worrying about what other people think, do or staying focused on all the “schtuff” going on out there.

When it comes to staying true to yourself, your skills, talents, abilities and capabilities, you have to begin inside yourself. If everything seems like it is going haywire and nowhere real fast, then maybe the direction is off or its time to consider new ideas. I think most people probably have a true sense of who they are even if they aren’t sure where they are going or if they have found what they want. Staying in that safe place helps dodge the obstacles being thrown at us.

I am also reminded of the children’s song,” This Little Light of Mine.”

This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

Have you ever heard a bunch of kids singing that little diddy? It’s powerful.

Let’s focus this week on attending to the heart of the matter, that little light within so that our positivity and passion illuminates our soul and spills out for others to see.

Have a great week and here’s to living life on a positive note!


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