Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Strong, Stronger & Strongest!

Strong, Stronger & Strongest!
©Allen Merritt (2016)

When you think of the word strong, what do you think of? What is the first thing that comes to mind? For me, I think of strong as the ability to stand firm ground despite it all. The word strength leads me to consider what it means to be strong, to grow stronger and place myself in a position of living the best life I can and becoming my ultimate, which is my “strongest.”

Building strength makes us strong. The key word here is “building.” It takes effort to create strength and thus become strong. Of course interpreting the meaning and associations of the word “strong” varies and descriptions are many. According to, the following words are synonyms of the word “strong.”

“Strong, powerful, mighty, able; firm, constant, resolute, strenuous, hardy; hard, severe, fierce, stern, strict; bold, brave; valid, assured; effective, producing a great effect, potent; earnest; arduous, violent.”¹

Today I am pondering this word as it relates to personal growth and steps toward creating a life filled with possibility and positivity. Did you notice that some of the synonyms listed above are serious insofar as they push the idea of strong toward the more negative spectrum? For example, the words “severe”, “violent”, and “fierce” may be interpreted as harsh. Overall, the aforementioned synonyms are interesting to consider as related to the ideology of strength. Take a moment to think about your favorites. I personally like “effective” and “producing a great effect,” as they lend themselves toward considering the positive side of strength.

For some, strength is natural. For others, it takes real effort; a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Ask anyone who has tried to lose weight!

As I think about it, I remember the seven full marathons I have run. Training for them was an attempt to build up toward running a successful race. It was personal. Running is an individual sport most of the time. It is you against yourself, time and distance. In order to persevere, you have to keep doing it and push yourself a little harder each time. Once you complete the marathon, no matter how difficult a task it was, you feel good about yourself. Marathons are never easy, but there is a lesson in personal growth there. It takes mind, body, soul and spirit to get through it. The message here seems to be to hang in there. Keep going. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I see this as a positive thing. In fact, I personally use running as a therapy toward becoming stronger even today. Of course, building strength comes in different forms for everyone. My point is to find personal ways to make your way to your happy and positive place.

There is a new television show entitled “Strong,” which apparently places participants in a position of testing their limits. They persistently push and drive themselves in an attempt to persevere and achieve success in making their way to a finish line proceeded by obstacles and hurdles. This certainly sounds like more than a metaphor for everyday life.

Remember the Lance Armstrong campaign: LIVESTRONG? Here is a campaign that focuses on helping self and others. Maybe we can take a moment this week to focus on thinking about this idea of being strong and building strength so that we (ourselves) can become stronger and make our way to be our strongest. Not only can we work on that for ourselves, we can also work toward being that support system to help and encourage others to do the same. Now that is a positive goal!

Take a moment to think on the following ideas:

Strength:          The quality or state of being strong, in particular. A good or beneficial quality or                           attribute of a person or thing.²        
Strong:             The ability to stand firm ground despite it all
Stronger:          Building more strength one step at a time
Strongest:         Position of living the best life I can and becoming my ultimate.   

Challenge yourself to capture and personify your own personal strength this week.

Apply that strength to growing stronger and believing in who you are and what you have to offer and then utilize said strengths to become stronger.

Go out there and be your very best you. There is nothing more positive than that!

Cheers! (Viewed on 4/27/16)¹ (Viewed on 4/27/16)²      

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