Wednesday, May 4, 2016


©Allen Merritt (2016)

Today was a brighter day for the simple reason the sun came out and the clouds dissipated, which I love. I am generally a blue sky and sunny day type of personality. In recent days it has been cloudy and challenging on many levels, but today was a day I took a friend to their doctor’s appointment and helped get them through yet another analysis. It was comforting to know that my friend was in the company of good care. By the end of the session we left knowing that increased efforts were being made to slow the progression of memory loss. Needless-to-say, this took my mind off of all the cluttery things that have been taking up residency in my everyday thoughts. 

As we were leaving the facility, a caring greeter acknowledged us and offered a yellow carnation to my friend. To me this was a sweet gesture the facility offered. Not only was it a nice thought, but the yellow color reflected the nature of how beautiful a day it was outside, as well as on the inside. It was a small thing that meant a lot; at least to someone like me looking at it from another angle.

After getting my friend back home, I took the carnation and made sure it was prepped and placed in a vase for further viewing enjoyment.  Attached to the flower were a ribbon and a small card that read S.M.I.L.E. This acronym stood for “See Miracles in Life Everyday.” It also said, “Thank you for allowing us to serve you” and “Keep Memory Alive.”

All three statements were enough to make me stop and think, ponder and contemplate. How often do we really take time to stop and think about hopeful things? How often do we look for those little things called miracles in the here and now without it being attached to an obstacle? And, how many times do we notice a business or service showing appreciation anymore for you and me, the customers? Good questions to consider, no?

Now, I share this story this week for the simple reason that all people are experiencing something every day. Some experiences are difficult and challenging; others are uplifting and filled with hope. Either way, it seems important to me to remember and remind ourselves how there are two sides to every coin; dichotomies and dualities!

Personally, it has been a challenging month for me and I have had to work hard at finding my boot straps, because many things I attempt or try to achieve have failed; not necessarily due to anyone’s fault. Things are changing all the time. Therein lies a set of unexplainable dynamics for which people must find ways to adapt and adjust. In the heart of it all we must search for anything uplifting and positive, because we realize we are not in control. It is what it is and we have to sometimes sit it out as an observer and see what will happen next while hoping for the best.

What I really liked about this experience is seeing a little note that reminded me to smile and then finding out there was more to the word than the physical context of actually smiling, but looking for little miracles and feeling better about the everyday grind.

And, on that note, I offer you my little experience as something to consider for the remainder of the week.

Smile AND S.M.I.L.E.!

See Miracles in Life Everyday.

Be positive and hopeful despite it all.

Take these with you wherever you go this week and enjoy living life On a Positive Note!


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