Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Little Things & the Bigger Picture

Little Things & the Bigger Picture
©Allen Merritt (2016)

I am reminded this week of how important little things are in life, especially when you consider how forces beyond our control often appear to be in control of our day-to-day. I have to say, it’s good to receive little reminders in the midst of it all, because sometimes it feels like we’re walking through some pretty deep ‘thick of it all’, so to speak!

It‘s challenging to maintain a positive attitude. Not-to-mention how it tests our ability to remain smiling despite it all, keep the faith, believe in greater things than ourselves and stay the course according to our own individual differences.

Personally, I am attempting to take a step back for a hot minute to observe, breathe, re-assess and evaluate life as it ebbs and flows. My observation is I’m fighting too much to achieve, which makes me wonder if that’s the same thing as trying too hard.

In any case, the hurdles of dealing with individuals who could care less and seem uninterested in doing anything, let alone the right things is overwhelming at times. There is a full plate of crazy going on out there and while humor and positive attitude helps, it doesn’t take away our fragility in the face of it all. In other words, frustration will rear its head to spit in your face.

But this week serves up a memento!

My nephew from Arkansas came to town for a conference and get away. I always try to take time out to visit and show him around. This trip he seemed interested in relaxing rather than running all over town and trying to fit a lot of activity into each day. Over Chinese food my nephew told me a story about how he doesn’t eat fortune cookies. However, he did open one once to find a message inside filled with lucky numbers. Something told him if he took those numbers and played the lotto, he would win. He was positive he was going to win! Then he said a little voice told him, “You can have it now or later.” After some thought, he chose to keep a mindset of happiness. My nephew felt he did not have a lot, but he had enough and he was happy. So, instead he put the fortune in his wallet deciding not to play and to remind him of the many blessings in life.

In a world of instant gratification strategies, it was refreshing to hear him share this story. While he still believes he has winning numbers, he believes in a happy outlook more. Little things in life matter more in building a brighter and positive future. They help give insight into the bigger picture.

For me, I want to know I’m doing the right things for the betterment of the situation I’m dealing with; and, that I do so with integrity and some sense of care and kindness. Now, some weeks are better than others for me in landing work as a creative entity. Following some technical work on a conference I learned I had an interview for a job the next day. As a result, I had to learn some material over night and make arrangements to travel. I’m used to working on the fly, but when his happened I was struck with how lucky I was to receive even the smallest of a blessing in this way. Yes, it was a lot of work to accomplish learning material, getting there in a timely manner and making my way through the process, especially on Friday the 13th when travel would be heavier and traffic would be crazed and full of unnerving situations.  So on the one hand I saw the blessing and on the other I knew there were obstacles.  Ultimately, my thought aims toward trying to maintain peace through the journey, which is easier said than done.

I can’t help but see the blessing and find perspective in this as I am reminded that the forces working in our favor are stronger than the forces working against us. The message beyond that is the importance of understanding how our lives are entrusted to us. The situations we are given are entrusted to us toward fulfilling a larger goal beyond our understanding. We cannot always be in control nor “do it all.” But we can do our best right here and right now in every situation and act according to our abilities and stay rooted there as we work our way to what we believe the goal is.

So when it seems overwhelming, keep in mind the little things and the blessings are more important than obstacles and hurdles. Remember to look for options and solutions outside the norm. More importantly, you aren’t the only one going through something and trying to get there…wherever ‘there’ is for you.

Be reminded of the little things and the bigger picture. Then go out there and live life on a positive note.


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