Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Chill Pill!

The Chill Pill!
© Allen Merritt (2016)

I worked on a conference this week where I heard a speaker refer to the idea of how if there were such a thing as an exercise pill, everyone would be taking it because it would be so easy to stay fit. It got me to thinking about how pills of any kind have become a natural part of human existence. There is a pill for just about everything now. Everyone gravitates toward the “pill.” Industry loves it. 

The pill can be a profitable and lucrative business for those selling it, but do we really need them to eliminate or alleviate adversity in our lives? 

  • Got a headache? Solution = aspirin
  • Got back pain? Take a pill targeting pack pain.
  • Sneezing? Running nose? Can’t sleep? Yes, there are pills for all of these.
  • Erectile dysfunction? There’s a variety of options. Competition abounds.
  • Depressed? Psychiatrists have an answer. It’s called a prescription.

Pills have become the answer for how to get rid of or stop something you don’t want to have or deal with. They even help avoid and allow. For example, birth control pills alleviate the chance of pregnancy; PReP pills claim to help ward off HIV; and, even laxatives help make people regular because they do not want to be holding on to something!

In pondering the subject of pills, the topic of side effects now comes into play. Ever hear the announcer for those drug commercials spew off a sped up list of side effects at the end of the announcement? The list is almost as long as the benefits of taking the drug. The negative consequences may outweigh the positive ones. Personally, I am not sure it is worth it in the end.

For me, I have always avoided the idea of taking any kind of drug if I could help it. I attribute that to my mother who was addicted to opiates. After watching all her ups and downs associated with illness, recovery and well-being, I guess I learned by osmosis not to want to take anything in the form of a pill or other mind altering substances. That’s not to say I have not and will not on occasion reach for some relief in a worst case scenario. After all, there are many cases where a particular medication is valuable to its patient and/or cannot (or should not) be avoided; only a qualified physician should recommend such remedies. But when is reaching for a pill the only option?

Remember cute little statements such as, “Take a chill pill, man!” or “Don’t be a bitter pill.”? These kinds of verbal pills were simple statements and reminders that we have the power to change our reality; to relax or modify our attitude toward the better. No side effects, really. Healthier options!

Here are some ideas to remember to avoid negative side effects and negative experiences. Cut down on all the pills. Take a figurative pill instead such as fresh air, exercise, better diet, a few laughs and surround yourself with good friends and family. How about a hot bubble bath?

During the last year and a half of writing positivity blogs I have provided examples, exercises and challenges to help stimulate the positive for everyone. The grab bag grows and is like a bottomless bag of possibilities. I think the key is keeping your eyes and ears open with a keen sense of awareness on what opportunities and best practices work for you.  When you least expect it a sign, a phrase, a song or something comes along to remind you and help you push through the day. No need to run to the medicine chest or for grabbing a pill bottle!

If anything, take a figurative happy pill and do something good for yourself. Take a positive stance and have a better day. And, on that note, here's my suggestion: do something nice for yourself and call me in the morning!

Enjoy your week!


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