Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Happiest Car on Earth!

The Happiest Car on Earth!
© Allen Merritt (2016)

I turned my head to the left and read the words, “Clap Along.” Then the little black car pulled ahead and I noticed the license plate displayed, “HAAPPY.” Next, I see a picture of the recording artist Pharrell and some of the lyrics to his popular song, “Happy.”

Of course, I had to smile as that little black car pulled on up the road on to its destination. I couldn’t help but think this was one person not afraid to express themselves and share it with the world in their own refreshingly subtle way. Like it or not, this car was sending a message to anyone who would embrace and receive it. Get happy. No, not just get happy, but express and share happiness.

Do you suppose the driver was listening to happy music while puttering along? Maybe they were listening to an all joke radio station and laughing themselves crazy. I can imagine these things happening inside the car. There is a phrase to consider here and that is,”wherever your treasure might be, there will your heart also be.” Why not condition yourself to look on the bright side to work on developing more of the happy in every day? Let the happy bug be the treasure you store in your heart.

This reminds me of a few other songs with similar themes.

Forget your troubles, come on get happy…put on a happy face.
You’re never fully dressed without a smile
Happy days are here again...
Oh, Happy day!

No matter how I view it, the idea of happy sounds good to me. Now, I have heard the comment, “That person is way too happy.” I think this is just negativity rearing its ugly head trying to snatch some of that happiness away from the situation. I guess, there is usually one person in a bunch who will oppose a good thing. And, I suppose that is what is interesting about mankind. If everyone were exactly alike, it would be boring. Opposing attitudes give us broader perspective and help us consider other possibilities, which I envision as limitless. Happiness can abound anytime, anyplace and anywhere.

Let’s break it down.

What is “happy?”

The first part of the word establishes itself right away. That is the letters “H and A.” which spells out “Ha.” When I think of “Ha” I think of laugher and laughing, enjoyment and fun. It seems appropriate that being happy begins with the letters that phonetically spell out a verbal manifestation of guttural laughter.

Is happy a feeling, an expression, a noun or a verb? Is it a state of being? I looked up the word on my phone and touched on the word on my Smartphone screen and all of a sudden I heard the phone verbalize the word. I smiled again! I didn’t know my phone would do that. I did it again. A little voice said, “Happy!” Before I even looked at the definition I realized allowing little surprises and wonder filter into each moment is the very essence of being happy.

According to an internet search, the meaning directs itself to not just a feeling but also in showing a sense of pleasure and contentment.¹ Isn’t that interesting? This suggests to me that happy is not something you keep to yourself. It’s something you share and continue to develop.

However you define it and/or experience it, make it your own. Allow yourself a little happiness to seep into little moments in your day. That is my hope for everyone this week. Go out and find some happy. Write it on the chalkboard. Put a sign in your window, Decorate your car and spread the good news to the world.

If you need a little extra boost in this arena, then think on these synonymous words that relate to the idea:

Cheerful, cheery, merry, joyful, jovial, jolly, jocular, gleeful, carefree, untroubled, delighted, smiling, beaming, grinning, in good spirirts or a good mood, pleased, contented, lighthearted, satisfied, grateful, buoyant, radiant, sunny, blithe, beautific and jouyous, thrilled, elated, ecstatic, euphoric, overjoyed, blissful, cloud nine, walking on air, jubilant and on and on and on.¹

This week’s positive message is choose to be happy. Let the essence of all that is happy fill your day. Don't let your happy be a matter of happenstance, but a choice. And if you choose to drive a car covered in "happy," so be it!

Enjoy your week!

Cheers!¹ (Viewed 10-14-2016 searched by What Is Happy?)

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