Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Resolving the Question Mark!

Resolving the Question Mark!
© Allen Merritt (2016)

Today is a celebration. Yahoo!

Today I celebrate writing my 101st blog to date.  

When I first started On a Positive Note I didn't know where it would lead or how far I would go with it. But here we are and I am still writing. I keep finding more and more topics to think and ponder on in regards to promoting a positive lifestyle. I suppose in some regard living positively might be considered an alternative lifestyle in that it is counter intuitive to what society would try and force upon us. In some corners positivity is embraced while in other corners we are faced with authoritarianism or negativity. I don’t think there is an all inclusive and/or absolute answer to our moment to moment state of being. Every human being is faced with the reality of working with what is going on in their lives right now. For me, that is the glory of thinking with a positive attitude. We have a choice and a chance. And, it's a personal experience, a growth opportunity as well a type of therapy. So in looking back over the last year and a half, I can only say, “Wow!” and proceed with celebration.

Who knew I would have so much to say?

Simultaneously, I am not surprised. For me it began with interest and passion followed by commitment and discipline.  Because I am an only child, a loner type and have great interest in human behavior and better life outcomes I made the decision to focus on making life better instead of finding excuses to never move forward.  

I have to admit that it has not always been easy, especially when everyday distractions, life and people get in the way. But what better moments are there to work on positivity challenges then in the heat of it all?

I see life as a question mark and positive living alters that into an exclamation mark. 

With that in mind, I have been spending time evaluating the year. It's a good time to do so as we come closer to another year’s end. Evaluation, reconsideration, new planning and more helps define and refine our direction. It means taking stock and making time to sit openly in wonder and consideration.  It means trying hard to suspend judgment on self and others long enough to equitably assess the future and take the next steps toward meeting our goals. 

That is where I'm at this week.  I want to remember that life is about selection and not rejection. It’s about accepting and embracing who I am, what I am and what I want to become and what works best for me while being considerate of others. At the same time, without being rash in my decision making or irrational in any thought processes, it’s about who is being considerate and accepting of me.

Part of my evaluation is looking back at my year and my body of work as objectively as possible. I’m making decisions on my attempts to achieve and who should and shouldn’t be a part of that process. How do I seamlessly turn things around from a question mark into an exclamation point? This comes down to what situations and persons are finding value and worth in me and my work. Where is support stemming from? One has to be careful not to let emotional attachments get in the way of making new decisions and paving new pathways. It is almost like a purge or spring cleaning or sorts. I believe many folks think on these things as they reach a certain point in their life or their year while they make effort to fortify who they are and enhance results and accomplishments that benefit themselves and others. So with every question mark comes an opportunity.

Here’s is something else to consider: we don’t always know what is best for ourselves, so taking stock provides a chance to keep us on a better track toward being the best we can be. 

Ultimately, I see this as being true to you. Just be you. Be yourself because an original is worth a heck of a lot more than a copy as some might say. Listen to your instincts, your still small voice or intuitions.  Don’t needlessly talk yourself out of anything or be lazy in the moment to the point of not doing anything at all. Face your questions.

  • What are your questions in life today?
  • Where are those question marks coming from?
  • How will you turn them around and find an answer?
  • How will your question become an exclamation point?

This is the direction I want to think about as we celebrate life, loving and living this week…and over 100 blogs!

Go out there and have a celebratory week! Question nothing and question everything. 

At the end of the day, make sure your question becomes an exclamation!

Yes! Yes! And Yes!


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