Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Best Day Ever!

Best Day Ever!
©Allen Merritt (2015)

I start many mornings by heading out to the coffee shop. This is one place I find opportunities to ponder and consider ideas, life events and important things I should focus on or need to do. Today I followed the same routine and ended up with a cup of coffee in my hand when I noticed a mug with the phrase on it, “Best Day Ever.”

What a nice message and a positive statement to observe so early in the morning. I wondered what it is exactly that makes this day the best day ever. What makes any day the best day ever and can this be a daily constant?

I let my mind wonder through the possibilities. Off the top of my head I thought of the following things that help me make each day brighter.

Waking up to not just another day, but a new one
Having a moment of laughter
Receiving a phone call from someone special
Feeling energized and ready to go
Being productive and accomplished with each activity
Contentment and satisfaction in where I am at and what I am doing moment to moment
Smiling about nothing in particular
Singing or humming to myself
Being creative and writing down lots of notes to myself

Of course, there are many more things that come along that aide in making us “feel good” about ourselves and our lives, but I bet many times we don’t stop to even think about it, recognize it or even become aware of those moments. It’s as if everything just comes along and rolls off our backs like warm butter without our consciously observing how events unfold and contribute to our lives. They just mindlessly pass us by. For me, as the days roll by I increasingly want to be aware of the good things that come along each day. By noticing these events, I am aware of my own personal evolution and find appreciation and gratitude.

With this in mind, I like to watch home improvement type shows. It’s always wonderful to watch amazing renovation transformations. There is inspiration in watching old homes be rejuvenated into a new beginning. It is the same with our daily lives.

Not long ago, I was engrossed in viewing one of these trans-formative episodes when I noticed the designer added a wall hanging which read, “It’s a good day to have a good day.” The designer did this with purpose. She placed it in the home because it was to become a new beginning for a woman and her child who had been going through the thick of it and were now trying to rise up out of the ashes, so to speak. The designer wanted to install a daily reminder to the woman that she had started anew and to encourage her to make each day the best day ever; and why not?

That is the question of the day. Why not have good days? Why not always make it a good day? What is the harm in trying to make each and every moment the best moment? You’ve got to dream big, bigger and better in order to make it to “best.”

Today IS a good day to have a good day.

So on a positive note, I’d like to encourage you to get up, get going and make this the best day ever. And, when tomorrow comes, do it again. It doesn’t matter if you stumble through it or if you only accomplish a couple of items on your To Do list, bucket list or wish list. The best way to move forward is to move forward anyway despite it all and no matter what. Keep striving for your best day ever. In fact, think of it like this: make every day the best you possibly can and be the best you possibly can be, and then your best DAY ever will become your best DAYS ever in perpetuity.

Smile! It’s a good day!


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