Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Fortune Cookies, Name-Game & Horoscopes!

Fortune Cookies, Name-Game & Horoscopes!
©Allen Merritt (2016)

I’ve been thinking about all things positive. From my point of view, it’s a large topic of consideration and discussion, because people want to live their lives without hesitation, confusion or hurdles that leave them questioning themselves. As a result, over the last year I have been jotting down my thoughts about positive things, alternative outlooks and ways to turn things around from negative to the positive. I find it therapeutic and enticing to think on such things, because as the day’s move onward and the challenges pass us by, many individuals have need to stay bright and sunny in disposition or outlook. That is what “On a Positive Note” is all about.

Last night I was thinking more on how to encourage, inspire and/or motivate our “self”, especially when a support system is lacking. One thing I remembered is how fun it is to get that fortune cookie at the end of dinner at a Chinese restaurant. I think most people have had that experience. In general, that tiny slip of paper may not actually be based in fact or truth, but if you think about it, it has possibility. Some of them have lucky numbers on one side and a fun little sentence or phrase on the other such as, “You will meet someone very special today.” Just thinking of a little statement like that opens up a moment of wonder and curiosity, which can produce a positive impact for the day.

Every now and then I will put that little piece of paper in my wallet so I can look back upon it later for a little boost and/or amusement. And, that’s just the thing, we need these little positive moments to heighten our emotional bloodstream and push us past some of those trying times and daily doldrums. It may seem silly at first, but having a little ‘ace in the hole’ lying around somewhere just may be the ticket to put a smile back on your face and allow you to reconnect with feeling your best.

I was also pondering the last time I looked up my name to discover what it meant. This is another opportunity to reach out and bring ourselves back to a good place. There are all kinds of internet search options for looking up the meaning of one’s name. You might not want to put any stock into what one site says compared to another, but it is fun to consider and you may uncover some truth or motivation in what you learn from looking up your name.

Another option to possibly enlighten a moment is the old ‘go-to’ of reading ones daily horoscope. If you like understanding what your star sign is all about today, often you’ll find little treasures and gems of possibilities hidden within them. Now, you can read five different versions of your horoscope every day and they may be completely off base, but it sure lightens the moment as often as not, which again, brings us back to looking introspectively at ourselves; trying to find a positive note in each day.

Why do we do these things? We do them to make a better day for ourselves and others. I would dare say most folks are trying to make the most of their day and operate better when they feel happy, calm and content. Some days this comes naturally and we have no particular need to find any special way to self-encourage. Other days, it’s not so easy. You don’t have to take everything literally or too seriously to find benefits. Think of these ideas simply as an opportunity to improve a moment when you need it most.

Here are some fortune cookie messages I found on-line.¹ Take a peek and see if any of them encourage, inspire of motivate. If none do, you can always make them into something fun by adding the words, “…in bed” after the phrase. Heaven knows a good laugh can turn around an attitude from bad to good! Give it a try!

Today it's up to you to create the peacefulness you long for.
If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.
A smile is your passport into the hearts of others.
People are naturally attracted to you.
Hidden in a valley beside an open stream- This will be the type of place where you will find your dream.
A chance meeting opens new doors to success and friendship.
If you have something good in your life, don't let it go!
Whatever you're goal is in life, embrace it visualize it, and for it will be yours.
You cannot love life until you live the life you love.
A dream you have will come true.
Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds.
Never give up. You're not a failure if you don't give up.
You will become great if you believe in yourself.
Now is the time to try something new.
You are very talented in many ways

In conclusion, being playful and finding humor in such things as looking up your name, reading your horoscope or taking comfort in a fortune cookie message all provide opportunity to see yourself in a better state of mind that impacts not just your mental status, but also the well-being of your body, soul and spirit. So go out there this week and make the most of everything and when you hit a little wall, find a reason to self-encourage and/or remind yourself of your basic truths.

Enjoy living life On a Positive Note!

Cheers!¹ (Viewed on 1/23/2016)

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