Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Living in Milliseconds!

Living in Milliseconds!
©Allen Merritt (2015)

Every year we celebrate holidays and attempt to live life in a state of thanksgiving, gift giving and celebration of joy and peace on earth, good will toward all men. New Years Eve we make resolutions and think about ways to improve our lives and then shortly thereafter fall off the wagon. I guess it takes a certain amount of discipline to pursue, persist and persevere.

As I write this, several things are happening globally with international affairs, fear mongering and senseless acts of terrorism against the whole of humanity for no justifiable reason. Societies are disrupted and brought to the forefront of re-thinking how they can peaceably live their daily lives and put an end to such hatred acts.

In the midst of such chaos I am seeing signs of life and positivity emerging from the ashes.

First, I’d like to give a shout out to CNN for annually honoring heroes and for helping bring a positive light to those people who go over and beyond the call of duty to contribute and engage their communities. This sheds light on the idea that there are some individuals and groups who are aiding and assisting to benefit the whole. It's inspiring and amazing, not-to-mention, selfless.

Secondly, I wanted to share how I recently watched an interview with a family closely impacted by the Paris attacks. It was amazing to hear them speak with passion about their faith and belief in love and peace despite the dramatic circumstances all of them were going through. They told the world how this was to be their focus (to live for peace and love). One comment struck me about how they were now living millisecond to millisecond. This brings to mind the importance of looking through the lenses of love and seeing the truth of what matters most in living our lives.

During another interview with a young couple who literally survived the attack, a similar ideology was expressed. In those heated moments of destructiveness and terror, they want to express mindful and loving thoughts to all those for which they cared for to demonstrate that the people causing such trauma in the world would not really win in the end; only love would win over such atrocities. The young woman wanted her last thoughts to be about love and not hate.

In times of great trial and tribulation, this perspective, attitude and belief system engages us more. It speaks to us. And I am reminded of how there are still beautiful things (and people) in the world if we would only open our eyes and arms to them.

Most of us may not exactly know what ISIS is, but we can attest to witnessing their destructiveness and the pain and tears such people have caused. This truly brings new meaning to the word CRISIS.

As we think on these things going into a new year, may we all celebrate positivity in our minds, bodies, spirits and souls so that we may take a good strong look at what the idea of peace means.


What does it mean? How can we define it in today’s age? How can we achieve it?

I find the answer in thinking of the word PEACE as an acronym meaning Prayerfully Ending All Conflict Everywhere.

Think about that phrase.
Say it out loud.
Share it with others.

I believe this phrase brings some understanding of what is meant by “praying without ceasing.”

Every day there seems to be stronger need for prayer for something going on in the world. People are feeling the pain of geological disasters, political hatred, threats of mass destruction and much more. Some of these things impact our lives directly, others more indirectly. More than likely, we tend to localize our lives when it comes to understanding what matters most, but I think there is a ripple effect that carries over and eventually hits us right where the heart is.

There is no time like the present to live positively and to truly think about giving PEACE a chance.

Stand up for PEACE before giving a piece of your mind. Think twice before assuming anything and generate more good vibes. How?

Though PEACE!

Prayerfully Ending All Conflict Everywhere

Go out there and live a happy-go-lucky day and emanate positivity and encourage PEACE.

It is no longer about living in the moment, but living millisecond to millisecond.

If you let it, PEACE is with you always!


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