Monday, September 10, 2018

Learn To Live a Better Life!

Learn To Live a Better Life!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

Read a post today. It said, “Learn to live a better life.”

I was immediately struck with the idea of how everything we do is learning, training and practicing. Our entire life is nothing short of continuing education. And, when it comes to staying in the positive mindset, it is the same. We can entrain our minds, hearts and spirits to live positively.

Human beings have the innate ability to change their circumstances. We are not as stuck in the same old same old as some might think. We are resilient. It takes practice and initiative to travel down this path. And, it doesn’t have to be perfect in the way we usually think of “perfect.”

So let’s think about this for a minute.

How can we actively learn, engage and participate in self-discovering the principles of positivity? What are some typical pathways?

Think before responding
Take a step back before taking a step forward
Reading positive messages
Listening to good thoughts
Paying attention to good and goodness
Actively seeking out the positive
Surrounding yourself with a healthy support system
Taking workshops, classes and attending positive events

These are all great avenues and resource ideas, which correspond with developing a positive mindset among other things, but the means are limitless in regard to how we gain and maintain a sense of positivity.

If approximately 80% of our thoughts are negative, then 20% of those passing thoughts are positive. How can we best utilize the 80/20 rule to flip the script from the negative to favor that which is more positive?

One thing might be to consciously remind ourselves how we were as children and seek out the happier frame of mind. Run, play, fantasize, imagine, laugh and get lost in the wonder of it all, because there is still much to amaze about in this world.

Another idea is how humans tend to make things harder than necessary. Ease up on yourself and others. Don’t hold on too tightly to anything.

We have to observe our thoughts and purposefully, intentionally and actively engage in implementing a positive lifestyle even if it is a little at a time. It also helps to think of someone other than ourselves. Reaching out and being of service to others is a great positivity builder and reminds us how we are all actually stewards of whatever it is we are given to take care of. This includes our very existence. Therefore, take as best care of yourself as you can. Why let the toxins keep building up in your body, mind, soul and spirit when you can release the tension and begin experiencing more of the joy and peace you long for?

Maybe that sounds too oversimplified, but truthfully there isn’t anything simple. It takes work to achieve with ease or at least making it look easy.

But it IS possible. Explore your options on building a positive mindset and living life on a positive note. We are all capable of learning to live a better life in the best way we can…if we only make effort and try.

Get out there and have a wonderful week learning to live your better life and ergo make life better.

I provided some helpful links below for further review, which help accentuate positivity training. 


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