Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Proof is in the Pudding!

Proof  is in the Pudding!
By Allen Merritt © 2018

I have repeatedly heard the saying, “There are two sides to every story.” However, I would take it a step further and declare there are several sides to a narrative and change the phrase to say, “There are many sides to every story.”

I say this in an effort to bring awareness to the power of perspective and perception. Depending on your vantage point determines how you view and think about things. Therefore, the power of positivity sits within each person waiting to be brought forth.

How do I know this?

The proof is in the pudding.

I know, I know! What does that mean? That’s a cliché. It’s a figure of speech!

Well, there is a reason clichés exist. They point to some element of truth. In other words, the real test to see if something is accurate is by putting it to the test. And, when you look at things from a different angle or point of view, you begin to initiate such a test.

Furthermore, the power of positivity holds great benefits for those who take advantage of it and utilize it toward living that happy and peaceful existence most human beings endeavor to pursue. And, despite anything and everything that comes along in the way of obstacles, hurdles or challenges, positivity is a mechanism for which to navigate onward.

Changing perspective and learning about perception increases awareness of it and provides a clearer vision toward seeing things in a different light.

There are many ways to interpret and perceive. The question is how you will perceive it to your better advantage.

Questions that test the mindset include, “Is the glass half full or empty?” or “What is the sound of one hand clapping?” But every day perception and interpretation goes further than that. For example, if I ask you to tell me what the first thing you think of when you see the word, “LAP” (or what your definition of the word is), what would your answer be?

What is a lap? What are the possibilities? Think on it, research it, and learn more about it and you realize there are several options.
  • Lap is the space between waist and knee while sitting down which provides access for someone to sit on your thighs. “Come sit on my lap.”
  • Lap is a specific measure of distance in a race whether that is swimming a lap in a pool or running a lap around the track/field.
  • Lap is an action an animal might take as a means to drink water.
  • Ever heard of living in the “lap” of luxury?
  • What about the “lap” of a coat or skirt?
  • Did you know a hollow place among the hills is also known as a “lap?”

Alright, there are several examples of how to look at the word “lap.” We have looked at it from various points of view and learn there are many meanings and ways of seeing it. Who knew there were that many interpretations and meanings to consider? 

We’ve tested our perspective. How does that change our understanding of it?

If we can see a difference in something as little as the word “lap,” then it seems more than appropriate to say if we really want to see the good in something, we must find the positive angle. We can look for it, find it and apply it to a more than satisfactory resolution.

Again, the proof is in the pudding. You have to try it on for size.

I would encourage you to test your awareness and broaden your positive horizons by seeking out positive outcomes. Think positively. Expect positive results. Envision positive outcomes. Live positively.

Success and happiness comes in many formats if not one way, then another. It’s an ongoing learning process. Because the proof is in the pudding I believe we can always turn things around toward more favorable results if we try. One does not have to wallow in misery.

Try it for yourself. Push yourself to see every side of a situation and make the most of your experience as a result.

Have a great week living life more positively.


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