Sunday, May 13, 2018

Go For the Pause!

Go For the Pause!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

I started a new book today.

I only read a couple of pages, but I found myself stopping long enough to take those words in and think about things. I felt close to the material as the author was speaking of the time he spends at the coffee shop, which I relate to as I have found myself there many a time. Not only that, I usually find things there which catch my attention, inspire, motivate and pull out the creative within.

For me, the result often is writing up some material focused on inspiring the positive in everyone. I cannot tell you how many times I find something to write about along this vein and in this venue.

I suppose if you routinely put yourself in a certain place flooded with a cast of characters and a passing parade running in and out of your field of vision long enough, you’re bound to get caught up in the energy (good, bad or ugly), see situations unfold and hear tidbits of stories and phrases which provide opportunity to take pause, if you will, to consider, ponder, think, contemplate and meditate on the where, what, when, why and how of it all.

These moments are a diversion from the norm and/or a distraction from the regularity or life, which goes to show you how some distractions are good for us. I am never at a loss for material in this world; even if it is a repeat event or a do over.

Anyway, it generated the idea of going for the pause, meaning take a moment and place yourself outside of the bubble you live in.

A simple break does wonders for catching your breath and conjuring up some good positivity to continue on with.

How many times have you been so concentrated on something and somehow you aren’t quite getting there with it?

Walk away for a moment and then come back to it.

Go for the pause!

Frustrated, befuddled or flabbergasted?

Go for the pause!

Feeling overwhelmed, over stimulated, strung out and unable to focus?

Go for the pause!

Simply stop.

The mere effort of halting and stepping away does wonders for recharging the spirit, the brain and the body, not to mention the soul and spirit.

Although it may seem like poor timing to stop what you’re doing, under the right conditions it most likely will prove helpful in moving forward and encourage enhanced well being.

Remember, not everything we do requires immediate attention toward accomplishment. Unless it’s an emergency situation, there is probably enough time to get there.

If you want to be your best, do your best and find peace of mind along with a better chance of success, go for the pause when you feel it.

While it may seem like a given people often need a reminder to take a break, eat lunch or touch base with someone or self.

Just go for it!

Go outside and get some sunshine and fresh air for a minute. That’s why there are breaks built into your work day.

Yes, go for the pause.

Go off somewhere by yourself and read a couple pages of a book you like or journal your thoughts and feelings.

The pause is yours to take.

Remember when your parents offered you a time out (even if it was because you were in trouble!)? That time out offered life enriching benefits to stop and reconsider. It may provide a new idea or send you off in a different direction.

Going for the pause is an exercise in faith, if you will, toward better believing and achieving. I suggest you try it if you haven’t already. Better yet, schedule some time to go to this place called PAUSE. You can even get there by spontaneity!

In any case, improving your positive stance (as often as not) takes effort and a decision to do so. Make a better day for yourself and others by remembering to step aside from time to time.

Go for the pause!

With that in mind, enjoy the week. Here’s do living life on a positive note.


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