Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Support Can Be Beautiful!

Support Can Be Beautiful!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

It was a mini disaster.

But no one seemed to care, which is an amazing thing!

You see, I have been working on a musical for the last several weeks. It has been a personal challenge to gear up for it and in learning all the material as it has been many years since I last performed in a stage musical.

First thing I have learned is not everything is like riding a bicycle. Things change and the manner in which productions are pieced together is not quite the same as it once was. Everything is extremely fast paced and the time you have to learn is limited; hardly any time for questions and clarifications. I was laughing a lot due to moving forward at warp speeds. That is positive number one, the ability to laugh with yourself when the pressure is on.

Secondly, I learned to give it my best shot and try not to beat myself up over feeling so far behind the eight ball. That is positive number two, go with the flow and give it your all no matter what. Failure is one step closer to successful outcomes.

Anyway, the show fell behind in the technical aspects and the group as a whole were doing everything they could to compensate and push it forward despite it all. As a result, we never had a chance to do a final and complete run through.

Cut to the chase, it’s now opening night in front of an audience.

The setting is beautiful and weather cooperative. I felt relaxed overall. As the show began things began to be what I referred to as a mini disaster. The music went out during the second number. The fire alarms kept going off every time the smoke machine was active. My wig and hat fell off on stage leaving me scrambling to recover. A prop didn’t show up here, a costumer wasn’t in place to help the lead character change causing the show to stop momentarily awaiting his entrance. Musical numbers seemed to have delayed pick ups. The dummy set to fall from the sky fell alright, but ended up hanging itself in the rafters right in front of the audiences eyes stirring up raucous laughter. On and on it went this way, but we all had a great time getting through that initial performance, which really was what most would call our final dress rehearsal where everything that will go wrong does go wrong. In show business, if that happens during the final dress, it usually means good luck for the opening night and subsequent performances. We were a little off on that one.

But here’s the thing, the audience didn’t care. They cheered, clapped, laughed and shouted out their support because they knew it was the first night and everyone involved in the show was working hard to make everything happen as smoothly as possible. They had a good time anyway.

The audience was amazing, proving how support can be beautiful.

For me, the best part was the self-hanging dummy. And, I had a few minor hiccups, but I showed up at every entrance on time and ready to go; didn’t forget any lines or lyrics, which made me personally feel better about my own personal performance after so many years of being absent from it. The wonderful ability to carry on anyway demonstrates positivity in motion via resilience. It’s a craft!

I think I also learned something about where I am at these days in the fine art of musical theater. And that is that I am simply comic relief. I am a character actor first and foremost, easily forgettable. The amazing singing talent on that stage I cannot measure up to, but am proud to have a chance to be a part of such inspiring talent and be allowed the opportunity to try.

I left that performance feeling good about myself!

I know where I stand and where I fit in and am just so happy to be associated with it no matter how good, bad or ugly my performance is. I walk away with a sense of accomplishment and chin held high.

Now, it isn’t over. We still have just less than three weeks of a run to do. I am going to milk each moment as something to remember and take all of it home with me knowing it will last far into the future of my memories. I forge out into this fray every night knowing that my cast and crew are my support system along with each new audience that dares to open themselves up to our vulnerabilities. And it feels good to have that support. We all need it every day. And when we have it, it is beautiful. 

There is always something positive to discover about every situation and experience.  

Remember that!

Time to head out there and find some positive perspective.



Sunday, May 27, 2018

A Tunnel of Light!

A Tunnel of Light!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

The past couples of weeks have been a handful, let me tell you!

It’s a time for which I made every effort to keep my wits about me, not get frustrated, go with the flow, work hard at maintaining some good sense of character and integrity while attempting to remember and accomplish everything I need to do within the confines of the job.

It’s a practice in living positively and simultaneously recognizing the human element within. Importantly, I am aware of my imperfections, but I attempt not to let them get the best of me or allow myself to beat myself (or anybody else) up too much.

You see, when you are rehearsing, it is never perfect right up to the end. That is how it is with artistry and creativity. It never feels a hundred percent there because you are aiming to make it better and better even when things are changing minute by minute.

Sometimes you laugh at yourself and the circumstances. Other times you roll your eyes and fret a minute. Then you get over and move on, because you have to. The show must go on, as they say.

At some point though, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The light begins to glimmer and glow as you get down to the wire and start filtering in an audience and the performance must take over and proceed. There comes a time when we have no choice but to allow it to happen. A point of no return, good, bad or ugly.

Embrace it!

Such is life.

I share this as an example of positivity in motion. It’s hard work.

There are rewards and perks along the way. Recognize them and make them a memory.

Examples include relationships with people. Flub ups that allow us to release some part of ourselves and give permission to laugh. Then there is finding opportunities to have conversations which allow us to find common ground. Kind words and compliments which make us smile and reflect on what we are doing and how others may perceive us no matter how we see ourselves. Oh, and discovering how well we are listening and/or paying attention to what is being said and going on around us.

At one point this week I realized I had what I referred to as a “sucky” performance night during final rehearsals. One person advised me I was doing a great job and to stay positive. I appreciated that and followed it up with a comment about finding solutions to the stumbling blocks I was experiencing.

You see, sometimes others actually do see the good in us. Also, we are not alone in the game. 

The biggest reminder as we journey moment to moment is to simply bring your “A” game and do your best. If anything, we gave it a good go! In that, there is accomplishment in and of itself and hopefully, some humor to reflect back on later down the road. After all, we should remember we are creating memories every day. Might as well make the most of them and feel good about everything.

The best part of this story is from last night’s final work through of the project. It was around midnight when we called it a night. There on the dark stage I approached the director with a question to clarify a costuming issue. He made a point to reach out and shake my hand and tell me how much he appreciated me, respected my calmness in the heat of all the storms we have walked through over the last nine weeks, recognizing I had every right to get heated from time to time (but didn’t) and how grateful he was of how much professionalism I brought to the table. He wanted me to know it was a pleasure working with me throughout the process.

You see, there is a light at the end of every tunnel.

You are never in it alone. The experiences are shared.

So if you are doing your best and not over-reacting to situations, flying off the handle and forgetting yourself in the process; if you are always searching for the good, seeing it and offering it, then positive outcomes do reveal themselves accordingly.

Hang in there!

Be positive.

Have a great week living out your day one positive note at a time.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Relish the Moment!

Relish the Moment!
By Allen Merritt © 2018

Sometimes it is fun to consider new ideas and think about oddball things. This even happens in the occasional interview. A potential employer decides to ask the candidate something like, “If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be and why?” I have personally experienced this question in an interview. Talk about being thrown a curve ball. What are you going to say that makes sense to the job opportunity or position?

While pondering this, I recall one of my favorite fun things to consider is what type of condiment your personality best represents. My answer for that one is mustard, because it’s bright, sunny and tangy. I don’t think there are any wrong answers. It is relative to you, how you feel and what you think, not necessary what others think.

Which leads me to today’s topic. Relish!  I want to discuss relish. Not the relish you would put on your hot-dog, but the relish you experience when you truly enjoy something. You know, as in relishing the moment.

Recently, I had an experience which reminded me to be present, sit in the moment and simply enjoy it.

In fact, I got a chance to observe a camera test in action, which I’ve never had the privilege of before. Most projects I get called in for are done so at the last minute and they throw you out there and ask you to “just do it,” whatever “it” is!

Anyway, while standing there waiting patiently for my turn to meet with the project director I found myself recalling an interview from the 2018 winter Olympics where an athlete told a reporter how they knew they were good at their sport, but were not focused on necessarily winning an individual medal, because just getting to the Olympics was a win in and of itself. All they wanted was to compete cleanly with their head held high and to take in every second, enjoy it and relish it for all its worth. This person did not want to miss anything and wanted to be a part of it for as long as it lasted, because it only happens every so often and this may be their only shot at it. Now, that’s what I call relish!

I remembered this as I stood there watching the hustle and bustle I was lucky enough to be witnessing. I was excited to be there and participate in some small way.

Afterwards, I was advised I would be needed for the job, which would be slightly featured. Then I was scheduled for the next appointment and first shoot date. I walked away smiling inside. This was a simple moment and one to take in, relish and enjoy.

Blessings recognized and appreciated are a powerful demonstration of positivity in motion. I believe this helps initiate more positive moments for which we all need.

I also think one positive step leads to another.

In fact, throughout the beginning of this little job I was in the middle of trying my hand at another possible creative opportunity and applied the same principle of relishing the moment. I simply held onto to the idea I was going to have a good time, do what I do with gusto and see what happens. In the end, I was selected for the project. So the lesson learned was to recognize how wonderful and interesting life is and can be, sit in that moment, relish it, take it in and enjoy every juicy little tidbit to its fullest realization. If not, it’ll just pass you by.

There is no doubt, life is interesting. Take advantage of it. As one thing leads to another, appreciate the blessings. Milk them for all they are worth.

And the next time you find yourself choosing from an array of condiments and you see the relish, remember to take it literally.

Enjoy another week living on a positive note.


Sunday, May 20, 2018

One Coyote, Two Coyote, Three Coyote, Four!

One Coyote, Two Coyote, Three Coyote, Four!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

I have been really busy lately preparing for a stage production and handling my daily activities and scheduling work opportunities. My days are a little off track from what I am used to as far as when I go to bed and when I rise. But it’s all good.

You see, I have decided to challenge myself by doing things I have not done in a long time. I think that is healthy. More importantly, I see these challenges as an opportunity to rekindle some of my creative spirit. Evidently, this is true as a result of an experience I encountered this week. Moreover, I am celebrating every moment, because these bits of time are passing by and before I know it this project will be over and I will need to figure out what to do with myself again.

I am trying to open myself up more and allow any/all positive forces to flourish within me, as well as emanate from me. By doing so I feel I am experiencing the best of the best and returning the same back into the fold, so to speak.

Since time passes by so quickly and I am hearing more and more people make the case for life being short, it makes sense to be happy, joyous and make the most of what I am given to maintain living life on a positive note. Knowing this makes me feel good!

Now, stay with me here, I have a little story to share.

After a long night of rehearsing in the great outdoor theater space under the stars with crickets, donkeys and rabbits galore, I headed home traveling a dark highway. Along the way I spotted a lone coyote crossing the road and slowed down to make sure it got all the way across the road. Just a few miles later I spotted two more coyotes hanging out together. They were just getting across the road as well. Again I slowed down.

What are the chances of spotting three coyotes in one night? Wow! 

As I thought on it, the character I am portraying has a secret identity as a werewolf and I thought there must be some symbolism in crossing paths with these coyotes. Maybe they represent my characters spirit animal. Better yet, maybe they are learning me a lesson! What might it mean, I wondered?

I discovered coyotes represent the magic of all life and creation.¹ Furthermore, coyotes are adaptable, playful, jokesters, paradoxical in nature and are very resourceful and possess a keen sense of awareness toward finding ways to get things done.

Coyotes embody the idea of finding ones way when lost and open up doors aiming straight toward positive change.

Isn’t that similar to life in general? Nothing seems to be straightforward anymore. To take care of business these days, a person has to take advantage of all available resources and must look for new ways to adjust and adapt or create in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This demonstrates to me the awesomeness of positivity in motion and how powerful it can be when utilized to its fullest potential. More importantly, the symbolism behind coming across three coyotes suggests not taking everything in life so seriously, to chill out, lighten up and pursue new perspectives toward enlightenment. Accordingly, they can also characterize weakness and deception. The choice is ours. Which will it be?

In a nutshell, coyote symbolism teaches us to reach for the positive in the following ways.

Maintain a sense of humor
Learn to laugh
Be resourceful and adaptable
Enjoy unexpected surprises
Be flexible
Never fear the path less traveled
Be quick and smart on your feet
Practice your bliss
Focus on personal self-transformation
Look within yourself
Be true to yourself
Don’t wear a mask
Open up to connecting to the whole


All of these ideas represent positivity. The key is finding balance with what we deal with on a daily basis, which includes negativity. Now, I consider myself a compromised Virgo. While perfectionism is in my genes, I have had to learn to let that go a bit and not struggle with it. I always need reminders to be simplified, have fun, and bring on my silly and the like. These coyotes reminded me of these things. They also clarify the need to not fear my own vulnerabilities.²

In short, I guess my coyote experience gives light toward being open to more possibilities and giving myself permission to live a little, walk openly and relax into each moment more comfortably. Coyotes appear to mirror our humanity.

It’s kind of incredible, right?

Positive energy and lessons served up by crossing paths with three coyotes. 

Will there be another? 

We’ll see!

Hope this helps you find more positive energy this week.

Cheers! (Viewed on 5/14/2018)²

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

At the End Await Two Rainbows!

At the End Await Two Rainbows!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

I was off and running yesterday.

Up at 5:00 a.m., I hit the road, rubber to the pavement, rolling down that endless black ribbon called the freeway. 

Yay! Right?

I headed out to make an early morning appointment and wanted to avoid traffic as much as possible. I felt good about going (I had thought about cancelling or at least being open to the idea that it was okay not to make the journey) and believed I would accomplish something by doing so even if it was for only stopping at the post office and bank along the way. 

As it turns out, I am glad I didn’t talk myself out of it.

A deciding factor was based on whether a check had cleared the bank and the bill payments were posted on time as to whether or not I would be able to go or if I would take public transportation or end up driving. I knew it was cutting it close. It was down to the wire, but I chose not to worry about it.

You know how it is. You toss back and forth the options on what are the best ways to handle the challenge. Ultimately, as I was prepared to do whatever the universe would allow everything fell into place to make the drive. So I did! Hip Hip Hooray!

Anyway, I got to the address, parked and popped inside the building for my meeting. Nothing unusual was taking place outside. However, as soon as I finished my meeting and headed back outside it was raining. It was raining a lot! It was as if it came out of nowhere.

It rained on my way out and continued as I traveled all the way back home.

Now, this is a simple little story about my day. I was making effort to complete my tasks. I made my positive affirmations along the way to maintain equilibrium, especially when crazy drivers make silly decisions on the road. As it turned out, everything was simple and sweet on this particular journey, which demonstrates that when you feel confident, positive, upbeat, are determined, persistence and freely go with the flow and trust in the universe and powers that be to appropriately provide, then the day is good. In fact, it’s all good.

I couldn’t help but think how important it is to share this. Not every day is smooth. Not every journey is without an obstacle or two, but it is how we respond and our willingness to continue with an open mind, heart and spirit that plays a role in positive living.

Of course, it takes initiative. We have to remind ourselves to take that positive stance. And, we have to look for those motivating signs along the way. We have to focus on the good and stand strong.

For me, as I look back on it, I realized how smoothly everything transpired without my doing anything. The checks cleared, the bill pays were posted, and everything was in place to rent the car. I made the trip, completed the appointment, ran my errands and headed back home. After all my considerations and preparedness to take whichever path I needed to take depending on what would happen, the best option came available just in time without my doing anything but being open to possibilities. 

This is positivity in motion!

In the end, I understood how difficult it would have been (not to mention inconvenient) for me to have taken public transportation due to the rain. I might have been one soaked puppy and one irritable human being taking twice as much time to get around and accomplish the same tasks. Knowing this makes me extremely grateful for how it all worked out.

Happily, being open to the possibilities and maintaining a positive mindset made for a better day. Not only that, as I reached the outskirts of home I spotted a beautiful rainbow. It was one I could see from end to end. I took time to stop and snap a picture of it. Not fifteen minutes later I spotted a second rainbow. Wow! I was smiling inside to see two in one day. Rainbows are a great sign of hope and promise. This was the way to chase rainbows. All I needed was to find that pot of gold…and a Leprechaun!

My thoughts are to maintain a positive mindset as much as possible, enjoy the moment, look for gem-like opportunities to smile and make a memory happen. Be open and allow that which is meant to be simply happen. Just go with it!

I hope my story will inspire you to make the most of every little tidbit.

Have a great week living live more positively!


Sunday, May 13, 2018

Go For the Pause!

Go For the Pause!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

I started a new book today.

I only read a couple of pages, but I found myself stopping long enough to take those words in and think about things. I felt close to the material as the author was speaking of the time he spends at the coffee shop, which I relate to as I have found myself there many a time. Not only that, I usually find things there which catch my attention, inspire, motivate and pull out the creative within.

For me, the result often is writing up some material focused on inspiring the positive in everyone. I cannot tell you how many times I find something to write about along this vein and in this venue.

I suppose if you routinely put yourself in a certain place flooded with a cast of characters and a passing parade running in and out of your field of vision long enough, you’re bound to get caught up in the energy (good, bad or ugly), see situations unfold and hear tidbits of stories and phrases which provide opportunity to take pause, if you will, to consider, ponder, think, contemplate and meditate on the where, what, when, why and how of it all.

These moments are a diversion from the norm and/or a distraction from the regularity or life, which goes to show you how some distractions are good for us. I am never at a loss for material in this world; even if it is a repeat event or a do over.

Anyway, it generated the idea of going for the pause, meaning take a moment and place yourself outside of the bubble you live in.

A simple break does wonders for catching your breath and conjuring up some good positivity to continue on with.

How many times have you been so concentrated on something and somehow you aren’t quite getting there with it?

Walk away for a moment and then come back to it.

Go for the pause!

Frustrated, befuddled or flabbergasted?

Go for the pause!

Feeling overwhelmed, over stimulated, strung out and unable to focus?

Go for the pause!

Simply stop.

The mere effort of halting and stepping away does wonders for recharging the spirit, the brain and the body, not to mention the soul and spirit.

Although it may seem like poor timing to stop what you’re doing, under the right conditions it most likely will prove helpful in moving forward and encourage enhanced well being.

Remember, not everything we do requires immediate attention toward accomplishment. Unless it’s an emergency situation, there is probably enough time to get there.

If you want to be your best, do your best and find peace of mind along with a better chance of success, go for the pause when you feel it.

While it may seem like a given people often need a reminder to take a break, eat lunch or touch base with someone or self.

Just go for it!

Go outside and get some sunshine and fresh air for a minute. That’s why there are breaks built into your work day.

Yes, go for the pause.

Go off somewhere by yourself and read a couple pages of a book you like or journal your thoughts and feelings.

The pause is yours to take.

Remember when your parents offered you a time out (even if it was because you were in trouble!)? That time out offered life enriching benefits to stop and reconsider. It may provide a new idea or send you off in a different direction.

Going for the pause is an exercise in faith, if you will, toward better believing and achieving. I suggest you try it if you haven’t already. Better yet, schedule some time to go to this place called PAUSE. You can even get there by spontaneity!

In any case, improving your positive stance (as often as not) takes effort and a decision to do so. Make a better day for yourself and others by remembering to step aside from time to time.

Go for the pause!

With that in mind, enjoy the week. Here’s do living life on a positive note.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Proof Positive

Proof Positive
By Allen Merritt © 2018

There is no doubt in my mind how positivity enhances the way we look at living, loving and learning. Channeling a positive attitude and outlook has a direct impact on health and overall well-being. Just as misery loves company, positive responses generate positive results much like smiling at someone usually produces another smile. It's like looking in the mirror and seeing yourself. 

For me, I have always had an interest in human behavior and individual differences as they relate to why people treat each other the way they do. This was a direct result of watching adults hurt one another in a number of ways from the physical to the mental.

As a component to what I love to do I wanted to get involved in what I initially referred to as motivational therapy. I wanted to inspire, encourage and motivate others to reach out and grasp the best of the best in themselves.

Personally, I grew up an only child, a loner, an introvert riddled with shyness and uncertainty. Somehow, I found ways to survive and overcome numerous circumstances. And I wondered how and why someone like me could and would do that while others could not.

I felt resilience was something that could be nurtured, built and utilized as a means to overcome. I believed I was a master of my fate and held the ability and power to improve and change my circumstances.

Anyway, when I returned to college I found no such program to support my curiosity and chose psychology as the closest I could get to what I was interested in. There I learned how most proponents concurred that resilience was an innate trait. You either had it or you didn’t. I did not support that philosophy and still do not to this day.

Interestingly, as I rounded out my years of study to get an undergrad degree in psychology I discovered there was a new arm in the field making headway and supporting more of my ideals. That field of study is known as Positive Psychology and it has come a long way since I initially entered the classroom.

My point in sharing this is to shine light on how positivity aides us in making each day a better day, if we choose to let it. It is a mindset and strategy which allows individuals to move forward in any given situation. I am a living testament to this. I am proof positive how using a positive and considerate approach produces better outcomes overall.

But it is not just me AND it is not about me. It’s about the whole of humanity.

These ideals about our being able to heal, respond appropriately, improve circumstances, rise above a situation and achieve better outcomes have been encircling us for years. For example, Norman Vincent Peale wrote about such things long ago and they still apply today. Look at some of his book titles.
  • You Can if You Think You Can
  • Enthusiasm Makes the Difference
  • The Amazing Results of Positive Thinking
  • Stay Alive All Your Life
  • The Power of Positive Thinking
  • A Guide to Confident Living

What a great contribution this man gave us by tuning us into something of value to our existence. He simply reminded us not to forget that side of ourselves. His body of work is proof positive that positivity exists and is a proponent of a healthy lifestyle.

I believe in feeling good.

I think positivity is a primary factor in promoting that good feeling.

All we have to do is accept it and embrace it.

Will you do that?

Have a great week finding that positive sweet spot.


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Cartoons and Crazy Characters!

Cartoons and Crazy Characters!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

I was driving around this week and spotted the characters Deadpool and Darth Vader walking along with each other heading toward an area where they might be able to make some tips posing for pictures. 

These two actors were fully decked out except for they were carrying their head pieces/masks in their arms. They were just two people walking along in a normal world looking slightly out of place. Yet, when you see them it makes sense. They're entertainers. They're here to intrigue us, knock us out of our funk, wake us up from the daily grind and make us smile.

Naturally, it caught my attention and made me smile, which is a good thing, considering all the crazy characters running around out there in the real world causing damage.

I have personally done a lot of costumed character work from Bugs Bunny to Daffy Duck, as well as a chicken, a blob of toothpaste and a slew of Care bears. It’s hard work making eyes light up with excitement!

Cartoons and cartoon characters are meant to highlight the absurd in life. They make light of our silly side. More importantly they are commonly known to be over the top, blown out of proportion and a colorful mix of our crazy ideas and experiences. In other words, they are for the purposes of having fun with ourselves. They are not to be taken literally! 

As a result of seeing these two gentlemen, I began to wonder about the negative impacts and the reality of those individuals in the news demonstrating their dark sides. How should everyone else keep their chins up in light of such events which are documented daily? It’s hard NOT to want to say or do something.

Moreover, it's challenging to find a sense of humor in the heat of the moment, but this is where focusing on positivity aides us in better well being.

These days, some shenanigans are so far out there you can't help but smile, laugh, shake your head and roll your eyes. However, there are many incidents which strike a chord internally and cause one to want to lash out. The oddball things that people do are easy to handle. The extreme and truly hurtful and damaging incidents are harder to contend with, especially when the consequences of such actions take away or demean life.

For example, I read a news story of a man regularly defecating on a football field where he was a superintendent. My immediate reaction was, "Wow! That is crazy. Why would he even do that?"

On the other hand, there was another story of a man calling 9-1-1 a week or so after he shot someone in the head and threw his body in the bathtub. He notified emergency services because the stench was so bad he couldn't stand it anymore. Another crazy situation!

These sorts of crazy characters shed light on the world we live in. They demonstrate good reason to stay alert, aware and focus on living each day with a positive spirit. The more we spread a little light, love, good manners and work toward not hurting ourselves and other people the better chance we have of understanding a more peaceful existence. At least that is what I get out of some of what I see.

It’s bad enough these crazy things happen. Why exacerbate the result by adding fuel to the fire?

In any case, spotting Deadpool and Darth vader reminded me that some characters are here to make us smile and others are not. Despite it all, maintaining composure, integrity and good character remains key in handling difficult situations where we may want to initially return the favor with unkind words or actions.

I suppose the best any of us can do is to acknowledge these events as they happen, do the best we can and stay to true to ourselves while remembering were all in this world together. 

Therefore, living positively and with good intentions only helps encourage everyone around us to do more of the same.

I think that is a good thing!

Enjoy the upcoming week living life on a positive note and with a  sense of greater appreciation.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Proof is in the Pudding!

Proof  is in the Pudding!
By Allen Merritt © 2018

I have repeatedly heard the saying, “There are two sides to every story.” However, I would take it a step further and declare there are several sides to a narrative and change the phrase to say, “There are many sides to every story.”

I say this in an effort to bring awareness to the power of perspective and perception. Depending on your vantage point determines how you view and think about things. Therefore, the power of positivity sits within each person waiting to be brought forth.

How do I know this?

The proof is in the pudding.

I know, I know! What does that mean? That’s a cliché. It’s a figure of speech!

Well, there is a reason clichés exist. They point to some element of truth. In other words, the real test to see if something is accurate is by putting it to the test. And, when you look at things from a different angle or point of view, you begin to initiate such a test.

Furthermore, the power of positivity holds great benefits for those who take advantage of it and utilize it toward living that happy and peaceful existence most human beings endeavor to pursue. And, despite anything and everything that comes along in the way of obstacles, hurdles or challenges, positivity is a mechanism for which to navigate onward.

Changing perspective and learning about perception increases awareness of it and provides a clearer vision toward seeing things in a different light.

There are many ways to interpret and perceive. The question is how you will perceive it to your better advantage.

Questions that test the mindset include, “Is the glass half full or empty?” or “What is the sound of one hand clapping?” But every day perception and interpretation goes further than that. For example, if I ask you to tell me what the first thing you think of when you see the word, “LAP” (or what your definition of the word is), what would your answer be?

What is a lap? What are the possibilities? Think on it, research it, and learn more about it and you realize there are several options.
  • Lap is the space between waist and knee while sitting down which provides access for someone to sit on your thighs. “Come sit on my lap.”
  • Lap is a specific measure of distance in a race whether that is swimming a lap in a pool or running a lap around the track/field.
  • Lap is an action an animal might take as a means to drink water.
  • Ever heard of living in the “lap” of luxury?
  • What about the “lap” of a coat or skirt?
  • Did you know a hollow place among the hills is also known as a “lap?”

Alright, there are several examples of how to look at the word “lap.” We have looked at it from various points of view and learn there are many meanings and ways of seeing it. Who knew there were that many interpretations and meanings to consider? 

We’ve tested our perspective. How does that change our understanding of it?

If we can see a difference in something as little as the word “lap,” then it seems more than appropriate to say if we really want to see the good in something, we must find the positive angle. We can look for it, find it and apply it to a more than satisfactory resolution.

Again, the proof is in the pudding. You have to try it on for size.

I would encourage you to test your awareness and broaden your positive horizons by seeking out positive outcomes. Think positively. Expect positive results. Envision positive outcomes. Live positively.

Success and happiness comes in many formats if not one way, then another. It’s an ongoing learning process. Because the proof is in the pudding I believe we can always turn things around toward more favorable results if we try. One does not have to wallow in misery.

Try it for yourself. Push yourself to see every side of a situation and make the most of your experience as a result.

Have a great week living life more positively.
