Sunday, April 22, 2018

Remember Not to Forget!

Remember Not to Forget!
By Allen Merritt © 2018

Every day should be a good day. In fact, it is after all a good day to have a good day, right? At least, that is what I hear. And, I concur!

However, it’s easy to forget sometimes, especially when you are in the thick of it all and nothing or no one wants to cooperate. Ergo remembering not to forget to be positive in outlook, attitude and mindset is a message worth posting where we can clearly see it and be mindful toward/of it.

It is easy to see apathy running rampant, as well as lack of consideration, care and communication and awareness. I think if people took a moment to consider how busy everyone is and not just their selves; they might see things differently and respond more appropriately in various situations.

For me, I bend over backwards in an attempt to show consideration and communication as needed without bothering people when it isn’t absolutely necessary. Time is valuable for most of us, so one doesn’t want to waste it because in doing so it takes a stab at our positivity. However, something as simple as a response to the question at hand can make all the different in outcome. No response, no outcome.

More often than not, I find people generally do not want to communicate. They want their cake and eat it too; and they expect all others to fall in line with whatever they decide in the moment even if it is last minute. It’s hard to be loyal, committed and part of something when you do not know what is going on until right before it happens. I deal with this every day it seems.

On the other hand, being flexible and going with the flow is a helpful tool in the tool box. But it doesn’t help us maintain positivity when others choose to display themselves in a manner which appears uncaring and disrespectful as a result of not trying to reach out and work with each other in a time of need. It takes two to collaborate.

Moreover, keeping a positive perspective means recognizing such shortcomings for what they are and reminding ourselves to stay in our positive place despite it all. Our job is not to go about picking other people apart, cutting them down to size or making them feel less than their best. Simultaneously, it is also important to self talk ourselves through the process so as not to beat ourselves or anyone else up during such circumstances.

One of my philosophies in life is to feel whatever it is you are going to feel, acknowledge it, address concerns and then let it go as soon as you can. Sometimes this means finding appropriate time and words to address behaviors and clear the air with the least amount of confrontation, especially when you have to work with the same people for a period of time.

This happened to me this week. I have one project trying to do everything at the last minute and make schedule changes at the drop of a hat, while I am committed to a couple of other projects I already set schedules with, right? No problem. I will make some calls and juggle, if I can. With a show of appreciation and concern for the other projects, I attempted to let them know the situation. 

Unfortunately, one of the projects refused to response in a timely and efficient matter, demonstrated no concern for a sense of urgency in light of the circumstances and came across as rude, disrespectful and uninterested. When you are as cranky and tired as I was, you get a bit ornery and perturbed. I had to sleep on it overnight, get some rest and remind myself not to forget to be positive in every respect.

In the end, it is what it is. It is how we respond and initiate action over our activities and interactions. I was fine with whatever direction I would need to go in, I simply wanted to help all parties achieve the best results. Unfortunately, not everyone else agrees with that philosophy. It helps to recognize this so you know where you stand in any given moment.

Ultimately, do your best and remind yourself not to forget the valuable moments that aide in helping everyone feel good.

In thinking of this, I remembered one individual who personifies everything in the realm of being considerate, communicative, helpful and understanding at every corner and every turn. They do their best to stay on top of schedules and address concerns in a timely manner. I decided to take a moment and write her a thank you email recognizing her abilities and sharing how much I appreciated them for it. After all, it is a real talent.

Finally, today is a new day and a day to feel our best. It’s all good. It’ll all work out for the best, but in the meantime, try and reach out and remember to respond effectively to others. It could mean a lot to a successful outcome. It also encourages good human relations.

Have a great week!

Remember to not forget to keep your positive wits about you, because we’re all in this together!


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