Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Answer: Things that Look Up!

Answer: Things that Look Up!
By Allen Merritt © 2018

Quite some time ago I was greeted by a man who is actually shorter than I am which is something I don’t often experience. In fact, when people mention the word “tall” I generally respond by saying, “everyone is taller than me”. I always find myself looking upward when interacting with people. Very seldom do I literally see someone eye to eye, literally and physically. 

Anyway, the gentleman who greeted me reached out to shake my hand and said something to the effect of, “I always enjoy meeting people like you. It gives me someone to look up to.”

I was entranced. I thought about how profound the statement was.

We all need someone or something to look up to in life.

A popular question to ask is who your hero is. I find it a difficult question to answer, because I do not feel I have a specific hero in mind; no one in particular that I look up to. And, yet it’s a great question. I find inspiration all over the place when I look for it.

If you are a person of faith, your answer might include how you look up to God, the sky or the Cross for inspiration and motivation.

If you are an athlete, you may have a sports figure that inspires and motivates you in some way. That individual becomes a muse, someone to emulate.

Your favorite singer, actor or dancer may provide ample reason to keep pushing forward so as to persevere as an artist.

Maybe your hero is mom, dad, brother, sister, aunt, uncle or grandparent. Or, if a support system is minimal at best, we look within ourselves making us the hero of our life. How about that? I am the hero of my own life. I look to myself for encouragement. 

Okay. That mindset may not be the go to approach. However, finding some aspect in life for which to look up to, be challenged by and glean hope from remains something most people can relate to. In order to believe in ourselves we look to others and stand on their shoulders. 

Think about the following:
  • We look up during good weather.
  • We look up toward the mountains.
  • We look up during full moons and starry nights.
  • When life takes a turn from the negative and swings the other way we say, “Things are looking up!”
  • When someone is going through a tough time we might say, "Chin up" or "Keep your head up." 
  • How about the idea of walking with your head held high?
I associate these with things that make us look up and keep our spirits uplifted. 

I guess one answer to the question of life is, “Things that look up!”

It reminds me of moving forward and upward in life, career and with inter-personal relationships. How about climbing the corporate latter and soaring like an eagle? Anything that refers to lift and upward mobility appears to be supportive of positive movement. Therefore, thinking positively and working hard to rise above, taking the next step and pushing beyond the now seems only right. I like it. I appreciate it. It makes sense to me. 

We all need someone to look up to. 

I would much rather see eye to eye and with a spirit of compromise rather than looking down on someone or talking down to them, because looking up to people means you value them in some way. It also leads to better understanding and demonstrates positivity in motion. Our society sure could use more of that these days.

Who is your hero? Who do you look up to?

Here's to things that make us look up!


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