Sunday, April 15, 2018

Keeping Things on the Up And Up!

Keeping Things on the Up and Up!
By Allen Merritt © 2018

In order to keep things going in a positive direction and maintain a positive mindset, one must make choices, decisions and take appropriate actions to do so.

Keeping things on the up and up requires great effort in today’s world!

I have to admit with each passing day it seems harder to keep things together. Life appears more challenging than ever. Of course, there are several reasons for this considering the climate of our world, our country and our communities However,  I would not hesitate to conclude that much our experience(s) has to do with what people are thinking coupled with a lack of good judgment, as well as a certain degree of apathy and selfishness, but not always. It’s an interesting dichotomy.

In fact, every time I leave the house I witness and/or experience all kinds of things from crazy to humbling to funny and wonderful. A vast array of interactions, blatant interruptions from one spectrum to the other come into play once I step foot outside my front door.

For example, last Sunday after dropping off a friend back at their hotel and heading home I almost got hit by a car running a red light. Fortunately, I noticed it in my peripheral and pulled as far over as I could and stopped. The driver simply smiled and moved on as if it was normal to run against the light and endanger other drivers who clearly have the right of way. I notice people do not have the patience to even wait their turn at the red light and often go against the light anyway. This is one example of what it means to keep things on the up and up. If we follow the rules of the road everyone benefits and feels safe. If not, accidents may happen. It pays to be alert.

In any case, if the totality of our behavior included a strong dose of consideration of the cause and effect such choices have on ourselves and others, our experiences would already be pointing us toward more positive outcomes, don’t you think?

How does one keep things on the up and up?

I do not think there is a magic answer for that question. People will be who they are, do what they want to do and say or not say things that cause a multitude of reactions many of which drudge up the negative.

When I ponder the question further, I find myself thinking how I am responsible for my own actions. Keeping things on the up and up on a personal note revolves around my own outlook, choices and decisions as a response to the environmental events I find myself running into or witnessing.

For the most part, the idea refers to feeling good and improving situations. Things are on the rise as opposed to falling apart. More specifically, it maintains a sense of honor and trust between all parties. There is a spirit of compromise, agreeing to disagree, following a partnership protocol that benefits the whole.

If this is not happening, if may feel like it’s you against the world, things are falling apart, no one cares, there are no reasonable guidelines, no manners and no common ground between people. I suppose it is relative to personal upbringing and experiences.

However, in the larger, overall objective picture, there are many good things going on out there, good people doing good things and helping one another out. So what is the answer for keeping things on the up and up in a society filled with many variables attempting to deter one from reaching their goals and obtaining positive results?

Here are some thoughts to consider.

Pay closer attention. Anticipate others may not be considerate.
Stay alert. Watch what is going on around you and who is in your field of vision.
Maintain a sense of humor.
Keep anger in check and replace it with a sense of gratitude.
Look for the goodness and beauty at every turn possible.
Remind yourself to be positive.
Do the best you can with every passing moment.

These ideas may seem common place and repetitious, but they do help keep things on the up and up, if you will. At least it is something to think about!

May life be kind to you this week as you aim toward positivity!


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