Sunday, April 8, 2018

I Lost My Blue Shoe!

I Lost My Blue Shoe!
By Allen Merritt © 2018

Ever feel like you do not fit in or something isn’t quite gelling in your life? Well, here’s a true story I experienced which got me to thinking on it further.


Here it is.

I lost a blue shoe yesterday!

It was a blue tennis shoe and NOT a blue suede shoe.

In my mind, I was backtracking to figure out what happened. How did I lose one out of two shoes?
The first thing I did was double check my bags. I remember stuffing the shoes in my carry bag and tying the straps together so as NOT to lose them. (Now, isn’t that funny!) It wasn’t there. I left the apartment and traced my way back to the car and searched the car. No luck!

I must have lost the shoe in question after leaving the rental car center and walking over to my car. Come to think about it, I might have heard a little thud, but didn’t think much about it. Maybe my shoe is lying somewhere on the side of the road or on a sidewalk.

As a side note, I specifically recall noticing a blue tee shirt lying on the sidewalk as I approached my car and thought how interesting that was. In any case, I lost my shoe, which leaves me with only the left foot shoe. Should I get rid of it or wear two different shoes on my feet?

I recall an old colleague who did that on purpose once with cowboy boots. One was red and one was another color I cannot remember. If he can do it, I suppose I could. I certainly would get looks and maybe start a conversation or two. No matter what, it would be a demonstration of not fitting in or something’s a little off in appearance.

In a similar way, isn’t it strange when your socks keep coming up missing once you wash them and transfer them to the dryer? After a while you end up with mismatched singles! I just want to know whatever happened to the other half AND was that missing half actually the better half of the two originals I initially purchased?

All kidding aside, it is a conundrum and a mystery. But isn’t that the way life is? You start out with all the right elements and tools and end up losing some along the way? Somehow, you do not feel complete without the other half.

Ultimately, you are forced to adapt and adjust. You either have to go procure a new pair of socks (or shoes) to feel like you fit in again or you wear mismatched attire and say, “The hell with it. Who cares? Maybe I’ll start a new trend.”

I guess feeling like you fit in means something to just about everyone. Since we are all human and social animals it makes sense how we need to surround ourselves with like-minded people and be involved, participate and actively engaged in societal norms. But it doesn’t always work out that way, does it?

Just like when socks come up missing, each of us comes to a crossroad where a decision is made on where we’re at, what we’re doing or how we’re going to respond to a situation or circumstance. Maintaining a positive mindset helps us move forward even if we never fit in anywhere.

I am sure many people have heard the saying, “Why fit in when you were made to stand out.” Or, how about the cartoon with a bunch of penguins grouped together but one is wearing a red scarf and sings out, “I gotta be me!”

I am thinking the important take away here is never let it get the best of you. If something isn’t a good fit, recognize and accept it. By the same token, don’t reject, bully or criticize it, especially at your own expense. In other words, do not beat yourself up over it. Just keep plugging away and chugging along anyway.

It may seem like a simple little story, but the message I want to convey is not to let these little things bother you. We have to be who we are and accept ourselves first before others can chime in anyway. And, we cannot please everyone or make them happy. So if you end up feeling like a mismatched oddity, then work with it! Enjoy the day regardless, because no one is walking in your shoes or living your life for you.

The question for me is what will I do with the other shoe? Do I wait for that shoe to drop? Do I turn it into a giant key chain? Do I just throw it in the closet? Or, do I throw it away? Maybe I will set it up my desk as a constant reminder of fulfilling my own purpose and being myself, as well as utilizing my talents to the best of my ability.

With that in mind, make this week a positive experience whether or not the shoe is on the right foot or whether or not the shoe fits.

I guess there is no business like shoe business!

Anyone seen my other blue tennis shoe?

Postscript: After writing this blog I decided to hop in the car and jet over toward the rental car center. Lo and behold I found the other shoe! I am back in business, folks. Those blue shoes were made for dancing and I am going dance the week away!


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