Sunday, June 24, 2018


By Allen Merritt ©2018

While I am not much on watching the news anymore, I do catch headlines all the time. It’s hard not to if you are in any way surfing online. Just getting to my emails I have to go through a homepage of current news items. It’s impossible not to notice things.

However, I try not to get super caught up in it anymore for obvious reasons – it does not play into my ideology of positive well being to watch people tear each other apart, hurt one another and create destructive situations that do nothing but cause further harm. None of it supports a stronger country or repairs the damage being created on a daily basis. It seems we are quickly becoming the example of how not to do things.

All any of us can do is hope for the best, pray for better outcomes and if we actually have the ability to do something to help, then to do it.

This past week brought up a lot of continued nonsense when someone wore a jacket that read, “I don’t really care, do u?” as they were heading out to make an appearance regarding detained immigrants. The uproar was tremendous and I have to admit, rightly so.

If you are heading into a volatile or sensitive area where the idea of care and caring come into play, making a statement (intentional or otherwise) that you do not care and others shouldn’t either is not the best or smoothest move. People are hurting. People are upset. A dose of some kind of care can only help improve things not worsen them.

I cannot comment on the reason why this happened or even if it was truly done on purpose. But what I will say is it simply shouldn’t of and didn’t have to happen. Human beings should care about other human beings end of story. That is not to say there aren’t people making bad choices and inflicting harm on others that should not be dealt with and handled in an appropriate manner, but that’s just must be handled in an appropriate manner.

I think this way sometimes of activists who stand in the way of representing their own cause positively. They get so caught up in their anger and hate, they only stir up more anger and hate.

How is any of this creating a positive affect?

We are obviously a country divided and cannot even agree to disagree. Conflict resolution doesn’t exist anymore. Operating with a filter to show good faith and good manners doesn’t exist anymore. But shouldn’t it? How else are we ever going to make things better? I believe it is something to think about, especially since we are not all like minded in ideology.

But we’re living on the same planet, breathing the same air, eating food and trying to live our lives to the best of our ability, aren’t we?

Here’s the thing. While I do not agree with many things being said, done or happening in our country or even in our world, I do not wish ill will on anyone. We are all created equally in the image of a higher being beyond our wildest imaginations. Therefore, we owe it to ourselves to try harder to be better. In that, we find a more positive stance for which to move forward and live by. In that, we have positive health and well being. In that, we can slowly make our way to the table and make things right and anew. That is, if we care!

The current press secretary was invited to leave a restaurant this week. Now, I do not care for the position they’re in or the way they have handled many things since taking on the job, but I do have respect for the fact they gathered themselves up without incident and chose to quietly leave the business and remain considerate and polite despite the situation. In that, there seemed to be a sense of care. 

So should we care or not?

Should we care about each other no matter gender, race, orientation, religion, culture or anything else?

Should we care about people being detained and separated and how the immigration process is handled?

Should we care about what it means further down the line considering how history keeps repeating itself and words like dictatorship and genocide are being tossed around like hot potatoes?

I think the message is clear.

Instead of projecting an image of apathy and carelessness by making statements like, “I don’t really care, do u?” We definitely ought to be thinking twice and showing a sense of care and initiative to help by saying, “I care and you should too!”

Then the question becomes more about how to demonstrate our sense of care.

Let’s stay on the positive track and find more ways to rise above the chaos.

Here’s to living life more positively for all of our well-beings.


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