Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Put a Little POP in Your Day!

Put a Little POP in Your Day!
By Allen Merritt © 2018

Tooling around town I ran across another phrase, which made me smile. That is, “Put a Little POP into Your Day!”

This reminded me of those old childhood pranks where a kid would make a phone call to a grocery store and ask questions like, "Do you have Pop in a bottle?" or "Do you have Pop in a can?" Then they would giggle and say something like, 'Well, you better let him out!"

For me, I see this phrase as meaning to step outside the ordinary or don’t get caught up in the mundane. I will be the first to admit how easy it is to settle into the rat race and get lost in the midst of the every day. Where’s the “POP” in that? Not everything has to be exciting, but can’t there be enough “POP” to keep us interested, engaged and wanting to participate?

It is after all our life/lives we’re talking about here.

I mean, even dried out corn has something more to offer and comes to life after it is heated up and pops. All this fluffy and crunchy goodness comes out of that hard piece of corn. Who knew such potential was locked deep inside? Goodness lives at the center of one small kernel. It needed encouragement and prompting before it could come forth and finally be more than it initially appeared to be. Doesn’t that speak to the nature of human potential?

We have a choice to sit there dormant or we can push, strive and reach in and pull out the best achievable result.

When I think of this, I wonder why in the world anyone would want to hurt another human being. Why would they stunt their growth? Why would they shame, bully, insult, assault or attack in any way, shape, form or fashion? What is the purpose for any of that when everyone has the right to be who they are without fail?  Yet, many work industriously to deflate instead of raise up the whole of humanity.

What if individually we chose to work at creating that “POP” and putting it back into the daily grind? Would it really become a disturbance? Would it greatly interfere with anything? I don’ think so. I have never seen encouragement and positive activity cause any real harm. But I have seen where those who are proponents for a self-indulgent agenda fight off those who believe in peace and positivity to the point of exile and even death. It is recorded in history books.

Here is what I think. When our lives are popping out all that goodness, there is more to offer others and more to give, because as one idea proclaims, “…our cup runneth over.” When we add “POP” to our life we have more to share. A handful of corn kernels can turn into a bowl full of popcorn. There is a contagion effect that passes goodness from one person to another. It’s infectious much like laughter. Everyone wants to know what is so funny; they want to be in on the joke. That “POP” creates intrigue and interest. 

Furthermore, I guarantee the CDC would not have to get involved with this kind of shared activity.

So, my goal for the week is to look for ways to add a little “POP” to each day.

Will you do the same?

Enjoy each moment living life on a positive note.


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