Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Bus 108 to Paradise!

Bus 108 to Paradise!
By Allen Merritt ©2017

I live in Paradise.

Actually, I think I live on the cusp of Paradise, because I drive through it every day. Each time I travel south on Paradise I see the sign advising me I am entering Paradise. It’s like 100 feet away, give or take. Somehow, that always makes me feel good. I mean, not many people can actually say they live in a place called Paradise. Of course, that depends on how one would define it. Living so close to this version of Paradise is not quite what I imagine Paradise to be, but it certainly inspires me to ponder more on the possibilities.

I remember reading a book by author Leo Buscaglia called Bus 9 to Paradise whereby he explores a passion filled life as living in paradise. He used to teach a class known as Love 1a at USC, as I recall. I loved his books as I am an avid reader of anything promoting the good in life. Much of his focus was on wrapping your mind around love and integrating it as a way of life. I guess one could say it is a state of mind, as well as being.

For me, I find myself taking Bus 108 through Paradise on the way to the airport. While the bus number may differ, the ideology of finding love for ourselves and others has not. I believe one of the best approaches we can have towards maintaining a positive approach to living, loving and learning (also a Buscaglia title) is discovering how to navigate, manage and find our special love source(s) and creating it, duplicating it and applying it to daily experiences. I am thinking with love at our core we can maintain a positive sense of well being through just about anything. And, why not? If we can spend hours at the gym strengthening our core to be stronger human beings, then why not use the same approach to nurturing love in our lives?

I will be the first to admit how challenging it can be, especially when others are not so in tune with the idea. We live in a world where it is normal to devalue others, stomp all over them and use them as doormats to fulfill our personal needs. As often as not, I feel we forget how we impact people around us positively and/or negatively. Sometimes, we treat others poorly and it is unintentional. Other times…well! But it helps to know there are plenty of good people in the world shaping our positive experiences. We simply must remind ourselves of the what, where, when, how and why we are behaving or doing the things we do; or for that matter what we don’t do.

Love comes in all shapes, sizes and formats. It does not necessarily mean something “sexual”. One can love many things and find enjoyment and pleasure in them without it becoming about that. Understanding this is what Leo spent a lifetime doing. I dare say he did more to shine a light on all areas of love unconditional and otherwise so that those willing to receive it could and would open up and allow themselves to do so OR be so.

Ultimately, my thought on embracing the love gene is about stabilizing the state of our well being. It is something we constantly have to work toward.

If love is a many splendored thing, then why not incorporate as much of it as we can into our daily routine? Is there anyone who does not want to experience love of life? Is there anyone who does not dream of living in Paradise? If we can embrace such ideology and apply it accordingly, then we all can live in a state of Paradise and not just on the cusp of it. (Reminds me of that song "Almost Paradise.")

Loving more doesn’t really cost anything. Therefore, if we want more peace and contentment, then discovering the love in and of life should generate more positive ions toward enhancing, enriching and improving our overall well being.

Don’t miss the bus!
Hop on!


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