Wednesday, October 25, 2017

When You Least Expect It!

When You Least Expect It!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

Today I feel the need to share.

Not long ago I had an incredible set of experiences filled with unexpected beautiful and interesting (if not quirky) tidbits while I was on a two day work related trip. I found myself amazed at how life played itself out, which I realize it always does one way or another.

When our hearts, minds, souls and spirits are open to whatever is offered up to us, one can see more peaceful moments in life for which to embrace and accept as part of who we are. I think as a part of our innate human nature we all have the ability (and power) to constantly move forward even when it seems we are standing in place.

As a precursor to this couple of days, I would like to mention that a couple weeks prior I intentionally took four days off to rejuvenate my spirit after losing a family member and finding myself surrounded by a feeling of sadness, which is only normal. Unfortunately, the trip did not result in rest and relaxation as I found myself responding to daily situations to help or serve others and running here and there all over the place to meet those needs. Even though I got a little beach time in, the trip was not what I wanted or expected it to be. However, it did seem to be what it was supposed to be and I found blessings in those moments, but I understood some of my immediate needs were not met. It wasn’t what I expected or hoped for.

Fast forward to the current trip, I flew into beautiful weather, which produced an instantaneous calmness in me. I got off the plane and boarded a bus and observed the driver happily reading and studying a manuscript written in Arabic, which I found interesting as I do not see this often. I realized I was in a city of diversity which allows anyone from anywhere to be who they are, which does not necessarily reflect on the state of global atrocities.  I felt a sense of peace.

I was whisked away to a friend’s house for a night of sitting on the patio near the ocean and simply enjoying the company and conversation of nothing in particular while having a glass of wine and grilling dinner. 

Afterward, once back at the hotel I realized my phone was missing. I lived without the phone for an entire twelve hours, which I guess for any of us, is a real feat these days. I discovered a blessing in that.

My hotel room had a wonderful view of the bay and the blue sky and fresh air was lovely and soothing. The sunshine and sunsets were captivating.

The next day I had a long 4 hour lunch break and off we went for a drive as would happen the second day as well. I found myself enjoying elements and areas of the city I had not seen before almost like I was on vacation. I was completely peaceful and calm. I felt in my true element, if you will. And, on the first day having this break I was driven back to my friend’s house where I found the missing phone, another little blessing.

The last evening was dinner overlooking the water and good conversation filled laughter and a long walk along the bay.

The final day found me back at the airport on a flight with only 38 people aboard; plenty of legroom and several rows to spread out and chill. The view from the window of the plane was like watching a movie. It moved from one incredible scene to another from a golden hue on the ocean as the sun settled for the day to a puffy bunch of clouds below which looked more like Antarctica terrain than clouds. It was a quick trip home to meet up with out of town guests for a quick dinner before they left, yet another blessing.

Long story short, the rest and relaxation I was looking for on the previous excursion did not present itself until this trip.

Everything I experienced in only a couple of days was completely unexpected and enjoyable even though I was technically on a business outing. I found myself constantly amazed and thankful.

Sometimes the most positive experiences we have are when we least expect them, but the important part of these moments are when we recognize them.

My hope in sharing this story is that each one of us look for the best in every opportunity to see the positive aspects of each moment, because they come when we least expect them and not always as we would plan them.

Have a stupendous week living life on a positive note.

Cheers and Enjoy!

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