Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Pray for Vegas, Pray for All!

Pray for Vegas, Pray for All!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

My phone rang in a text message just before dawn on October 2nd rousing me from my sleep.

The text read, “Hey, you safe?”

I drowsily wrote back, “Yeah. What’s going on?”

I figured for anyone to be contacting me at an early or late hour asking if everything was okay, that something must have happened I wasn’t aware of. Sure enough, this was the case.While I was sleeping and just three miles from me the deadliest mass murder in U.S. history played itself out. I was just outside what appeared to be a war zone by the sounds of it.

I turned on the news and there it was. The sound of the semi-automatic rifle fire was deafening and frightening. 

A lone wolf went on a killing spree just down the street killing and injuring hundreds of innocents.
It never makes sense to me; this senseless killing, especially when it is methodically and strategically thought out…premeditated.

I listened to the news for hours feeling helpless, but not hopeless.  While I am not in any way a medical professional and hundreds were on duty and in action helping tend to the many victims needs I knew I was better off thinking thoughtfully, prayerfully and positively. Sometimes staying out of the way can be best when there are so many professionals trying to repair the damages, especially when there are people with aggravated chaos to organize and navigate around and through.

It goes without saying I have much respect and admiration for all those first responders and people who were able to be there to help. I am grateful to hear so many immediately sent money, aide, gave blood and more; and  to not waste any time going into recovery mode unlike some of the natural disaster situations which are still trying to gain ground in supplying the needs.

In any case, I was called into help organize and run a prayer vigil service for those who needed to come together for emotional support and lend their prayer support. I was able to give in this manner at least. As I passed by the crime scene area I could clearly see the busted out windows on the 32nd floor. Both windows stark reminders of how powerful hate can be in propelling such violence. For me, the day was draining and I can only imagine what it was/is like for those suffering injury and loss as a result of this insidious act.

Following the prayer vigil and driving back to my home I noticed many of the electronic billboards had compassionate and encouraging messages supporting everyone’s efforts and needs. I observed social media postings reaching out and reminding everyone to “Pray for Las Vegas. “

We have been through similar experiences before. As a result, people are responding and that support and love cannot be undermined, ignored or denied. Good will trumps evil despite it all. It does not take away the pain but helps comfort, offer solace, and provide a pathway to healing and recovery.  I can only hope important decision makers will open the eyes of their hearts to see better ways to stop such madness (at least reduce it to the lowest common denominator) and they will stop being a part of the problem by going on the attack and instead, begin to shine a healing light toward solutions. I keep seeing important people devalue human life and need. Many argue to protect their investments or image instead of focusing on what is good, best and right for the people they serve.

It makes me wonder if they believe in anything other than themselves. Do they have a faith? Do they understand the gift of life? Do they have to continue destroying humanity? Where do their values and true morals lie? Must they continue down the road of control and manipulation? Do they know how to heal instead of hurt? Do they even get the idea that we are all in this together?  It’s the same boat. Why sink it?

On a positive note, many people are helping, giving of themselves in the best way they can. This is a light shining in the darkness that no one can extinguish. For that, I am thankful and grateful. Let me be one of those to say thank you.

May we continue to be reminded to shine a positive and healing light in the best way we can each and every day as we move forward living life on a positive note.

Pray for Las Vegas, Houston, Florida, Puerto Rico, Mexico and every other place and person in need.


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