Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Infusion versus Confusion!

Infusion versus Confusion!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

I was sipping a cup of Joe and starring out the glass windows of the coffee house. I see the word “INFUSIONS” prominently displayed on the glass before me. Nothing unusual about that except I was reading it backwards and quickly took note of that. I naturally read the word even though it was facing the other direction AND I read it right to left instead of left to right. It was as if my brain recognized the word was backwards and corrected it automatically so I could interpret what I was seeing accurately. Otherwise, I would have read the word “SNOISUFNI,” which is nothing more than Greek to me!

In any case, my mind understood I was looking at the word from the backside of things and interpreted it correctly. Isn’t that fascinating?  Now, some might say this is typical of me, always doing things backwards or as my mother would say, “half ass” backwards, but I believe there is more than one way through, so whether you read it left to right, right to left, fill in the missing pieces or have to unscramble letters, eventually you see the truth. 

I remember experiments in psychology classes having to do with chunking information (how we remember things easier in chunks) and how we can fill in the blanks to interpret the verbiage correctly even though letters are missing. An example would be how we best remember phone numbers, which is in chunks. First there is the area code, which serves as one chunk and then follows two more separate chunks. Instead of learning 10 numbers in their exact order, we learn three chunks thus making it easier to remember once learned. Our brains have incredible power to recognize the full picture. Stare at a Magic Eye photo long enough and you will see what I mean.

It’s sort of like learning to drive on the opposite side of the road in another part of the world. Ever done that? It’s a bit weird at first, yet titillating at the same time. But I digress; back to the word of the day – “Infusions”.

Upon seeing the word Infusions, the next thought that popped into mind was the word “Confusions.” Of course the words are phonetically similar, but each holds a different connotation toward living a happy-go-lucky lifestyle.

It brings to mind the choices we have and the decisions we make as we decide how to move forward, as well as what kind of response system we will initiate. I felt it was a good moment to explore the terms infusions versus confusions as it pertains to promoting positivity.

In pondering the term “Infusion” I quickly think of synchronization; how two or more things naturally come together and blend. Think of infused herbal teas or infused fruit flavored water. The blending of elements creates something new.

When it comes to “Confusion,” I imagine discombobulating, out of whack and lack of comprehension. 

What happens when both words are used simultaneously? I see this as purposefully confusing oneself or putting oneself in a state of utter confusion, which keeps us in a state of uncertainty. For example, oil and water tend not to infuse or blend. In fact, they separate.

Infusion can either blend the best of the best or add the unfavorable to the favorable. It can also exacerbate circumstances by compounding the confusing elements that much more.

So I am thinking infusion can supersede the idea of confusion in that it instills within us the innate ability to entrain something into our daily navigation either positive or negative.

So choosing carefully what we want to infuse into our lives matters to the ultimate outcome and viewpoint (perspective).

When I think of this, it makes perfect sense why we should consider our surroundings and who we include in our life’s journey. If you let happier people into your inner circle it results in pleasant experiences, but insert the miserable, you get a miserable result.

One of the books I have been reading speaks to our idea of happiness; what it is, what it does and how it is perceived. One of the principles mentioned is that nothing or no one can make us happy, but everything and everyone in the world can encourage happiness. 

It may never be perfect in the literal sense, so work it out. 

Infuse each day with a daily dose of what makes you smile. That is where you will discover many results of positivity in motion.

Stop the confusion by infusing the right elements for you. 

Hit the gas and move forward by infusing your life with those who engage, participate, encourage, nurture and support. It will make all the difference!

Have a great week living life on a positive note.


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