Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Cheer Up!

The Cheer Up!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

I was thinking on the idea of cheering up.

Not me personally, but the idea of it.

You know, as in to help yourself feel better when you are feeling down.

People tend to say it all the time, “Hey, Cheer up!” or “Oh, Just Cheer up already!”

No matter how positive a person you are all it takes is hearing sad news, a bad report or something that strikes you odd to experience some kind of reaction or response. There is no doubt that we, as human beings, go through this on occasion. This proves we are human. This demonstrates everyone has emotions, which is good! Without them there would be no social aspect to living where one person helps another; there wouldn’t be any support system to speak of.

You’re on your own!

Truly, in many ways, everyone is on their own. But we have our circles. On occasion we can reach out and receive a little good cheer when we need it. That’s a positive! Otherwise, we have to generate our own good cheer and positive energy to see us through.

Anyway, in considering the idea of the cheer up or good cheer, my funny bone got in the way and starting relating cheering up to that of a cheerleader shouting out at a pep rally.

Ready? Okay!
Give me a “C”.
Give me an “H”
Give me an “E-E-R!”

I can picture then jumping up and down with smiling faces screaming at the top of their voices to get the spirit going.

As humorous as that may first appear, this is what we have to do for ourselves. We must become our own best cheerleaders. We need to self-energize, pump ourselves up and give positive self talk and pats on the back for everything we do. That’s right! We have to administer to ourselves the Cheer Up! Now, you don’t have to put on the cheer-leading outfit or do the tumbling routine, but you do have to give yourself a boost now and again, so in effect, this is much like cheer-leading.

It also means you have to recognize when it is time to stand up and prepare for the Cheer Up. Recognize the signs of when you begin to droop and drag. Put out the arsenal of positive weaponry and put it to use. I think some of this comes naturally, but this reminder hopefully will put things back in the fore front of our minds as we enter a new week of keeping up with the positives.

Instead of looking for an escape route, we must look to move past and/or through it. Here are some mantra statements many folks are familiar with that get things started in the cheering up process.

Give yourself permission by reiterating that, “It’s okay!”
Remember there is more than one way through it so, “Try again!”
“Give this another chance.”
“It’s going to get better.”
“You’re doing well!”
“Chin up!”
“Practice makes perfect!”
“The sun will come out tomorrow!”

These are not just random sayings to offer because you don’t know what else to say (to yourself or others), they actually have substance behind them. In other words, they have effect through their meaning. Even if you think cliches are not worthwhile, it shouldn’t stop you from trying them and/or making up your own statements that mean something to you. It doesn’t matter how cheesy they are.

With that in mind, whether it is you or someone you know offer them a some good cheer this week when you observe something is out of place or the doldrums are lurking around. Shoot! You don’t even need to feel down to receive good cheer! Get that spirit going. Rev it up! 

So pull out your imaginary pom-poms and enjoy living life on a positive note.

Cheers and Cheer Up!

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