Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Trying too Hard!

Trying too Hard!
© By Allen Merritt (2017)

Have you ever felt like something was standing in your way of finishing a task or in accomplishing a goal? Maybe you have experienced something as small as trying to remember where you last left your keys, wallet or even those glasses only to discover a little later the item was right where you would have expected it to be, right under your nose OR sitting up on top of your head (silly goose!).

If it were a snake it would have bit you, as my mother used to say.

Sometimes I think what stands in the way of finding or doing something is our ‘self.’

This may be the most common negative experience.

I can remember many a time when I put my wallet, keys or glasses in a different place then I normally would. Whenever this happens I have trouble finding them because I did not recall changing the routine. Then I get all worked up, running around like a chicken with my head cut off, backtracking trying to remember what I did or where I last saw the item. Usually, this is at an inconvenient time, because when it is time to go (somewhere), it is time to go! There is a sense of urgency in finding whatever it is I need (car keys-YES!) and I end up saying to myself, “I do not need this to be happening now.”

Some people are extremely organized. Others require zero structure, they simply abound freely and do whatever whenever. I think of myself as a person who has learned to compromise and live within the boundaries or organized chaos. That does not make it any easier to keep myself in a positive place at all times. Going with the flow isn’t easy folks!

In any case, the point I want to share today has to do with the idea of trying too hard in the midst of it all. I find that when I am having an uncertain or adrenaline heightened experience I have to slow down, take a breath or a break. Walk away for a minute. If I am working too hard to resolve or make something happen, it comes across as just that; 'trying too hard'. 

Positivity steps in when we relax, let go and allow the stream of consciousness to flow like a breath of fresh air. Suddenly, I remember where I last left the item and go right to it. Suddenly I solve the problem. Suddenly I figure out how to creatively advance the project and make it all work.Out of nowhere everything comes together as if I weren't even trying. Isn't that amazing?

Maybe it isn’t about “making” it work anyhow. I mean, forcing something to happen when it simply doesn’t want to work does nothing but create more chaos and negativity, right? Can we call this the 'fitting a round peg into a square whole theory'?

For me, I do try too hard from time to time. The result is like taking the long way home. It takes forever! Not to say that the scenic route isn’t beneficial once in a while, but doesn’t it feel good when you get it down pat and can efficiently and effectively complete what you are looking to achieve in the least amount of time without sacrificing quality? This is positivity, which leads to productivity!

So here’s my challenge for this week. If you find yourself in a position where you’re moving along too fast to figure it all out; you are scurrying around trying to remember where you placed something or you simply cannot figure out the best solution to accomplishing a task to meet a deadline or even if it feels like you are definitively trying too hard to make something work, stop a minute. Isn’t that why we need breaks at work? We need to free our brains and mindsets long enough to let them do their jobs. We let too many things grab our attention and clutter our space. And as I previously mentioned, we do this to ourselves as often as not. We stand in our own way and roadblock the issue.

Let this be the week we step out of our way and allow what will be ‘to be.’

May it be a productive week living on a positive note.

Have a Good One!


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