Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Are You Happy?!

Are You Happy?!
© By Allen Merritt (2017)

This thought came to mind today: Are you happy?

Don’t ask me where it came from. Half the time things come to me out of nowhere or so it seems. Maybe that is the magic of creativity or part of the introspective process of awareness and spirituality. Most likely it is a bit of everything. When I have ideas and thoughts I usually refer to them as projectiles which fly out of me like a demon. They just appear. Anyway, it seems a reasonable question to come around and ask yourself from time to time. Living creatively and staying positive amidst life’s circus of events takes a great deal of effort and remains a constant challenge. Stopping for a moment and checking in with yourself seems appropriate.

I seem to remember my mother asking that question from time to time. I guess it was her way of assessing where people’s heads were at, where a relationship might be going and much more. When I think about it, it is not a question I hear very often. Not many people seem to be asking that question of themselves or of others. I guess that makes sense in a bizarre sort of way when you consider that most people do not really want to know how other people are (unless they are in the well-being/healthcare world).

In fact, as I think on it further, I remember having a conversation recently with someone (I think from the Philippines) about the cultural differences between East and West when it comes to asking someone how they are doing. In their culture it was expected that if you asked that question you were going to get the answer. It was assumed that you really wanted to know. However, in the West (our country at least) when you ask people questions like, “How are you?” or “How are you doing?” it is done so out of courteous expectation and not because people want to know. They usually do not want to hear it nor feel like they have time to waste on learning more about you in that way. Thus, the reply is often just as erroneous as the question. “Fine, thank you.” Any other response is shrugged off and the subject is changed. I would dare say that people think it is rude if you actually try to answer truthfully. “I ain’t got time for dat!”

In a society such as our which seems to prey on and profit from demeaning, belittling, ignoring and degrading others for the sake of self promotion and self indulgence, it makes sense to check in with ones self by asking every so often, “Are you happy?” In other words, "How are you doing?"

By doing so, you give yourself a chance to tune into your truth, your feelings, where you think you’re at in perspectives and more. The question helps keep us grounded and rooted in what really matters thus keeping the idea of positivity alive. Why? Because life is too short as everyone keeps reminding us.

So, if life is really that short even on days that drag on and make it seem so very long, then why not ask this one very important question? Why waste a moment on anything which fails to promote your personal well being and steals away your peace and joy? Find your happiness and pursue it as the constitution of this country says you can. Take time to make time to reflect on all that works in your best interest and how to remain steadfast in those arms while helping others do the same.

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know it, then your life will surely show it.
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.

Are you happy?

May your week be filled with as much happiness as you can muster. And I hope you like mustard!


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